國立陽明交通大學教育研究所 Chair Professor Sunny S. J. Lin

Chair Professor Sunny S. J. Lin

Dr. Sunny S. J. Lin

Chair Professor

Office | HA203

Phone | 03-5712121*31714 or 58066



Sunny S. J. Lin is a Chair Professor in the Institute of Education/the Center of Teacher Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. A recipient of distinguished Teaching Award as well as Excellent Teacher Award, Lin offers courses on Learning Psychology & Cognitive Issues in Learning. In 2019 and 2004, Lin received Outstanding Research Award from MOST (Ministry of Science & Technology, grants from 2005 to 2007), leading her research team to explore cognitive function & technique to support quality digital collaborative learning & alternative assessment, mainly contributing to the fields of science of learning & science of teaching. Since 2008, her research has moved to cross-disciplinary studies, setting up panel databases on adolescents Internet use (Netyouth: https://netyouth.nycu.edu.tw/xoops2/) & working with psychiatrists to analyze the association of adolescent Problematic Internet Use & physical/mental wellbeing issues (e.g., depression, quality of life), contributing to family who have concerns on behavioral addiction. Recently, her research explores learners’ physical responses on the process of text-illustration reading in multimedia learning using eye-tracking technique & design adaptive scaffolds. Lin’s publications include more than seventy journal papers, one-hundred conference papers & a book, in which more than twenty publications have been highly cited in more than a decade. She has been a guest editor in a SSCI journal & invited to give keynote speeches in international conferences. Lin has served in the reviewer panel & then the chair of Information Education Division in Department of International Cooperation & Science Education, MOST. She also participated in the MOE (Ministry of Education) project, co-planning a national assessment framework on Promoting Civic Digital Literacy for high school graduates.


  • Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, University of Southern California
  • M.A. in education, National Cheng Chi University


  • Chair Professor, NYCU(2020~)
  • Program Chair, Information Education Division of MOST(2013-2015)
  • Distinguished Professor, NCTU(2010 ~)
  • Professor, NCTU(2003 ~)
  • Associate Professor, NCTU
  • Research Coordinator, Center of Educational Research, Tam-Kang University
  • Lecturer, Tam-Kang University
  • Associate Professor, Tam-Kang University
  • Advisor, Pre-service English Teachers, NCTU


  • Network Collaborative Learning
  • Alternative Assessment
  • Behavior & Health of Adolescents Internet Use
  • Digital Learning Motivation
  • Eye Movement in Multimedia reading & problem solving


Yi-Chiao Wu, Li-Wen Chiu, Chun-Chih Lai, Bing-Fei Wu& Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023). Recognizing, fast and slow: Complex emotion recognition with facial expression detection and remote physiological measurement. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 1-14. (SCI).
Jo-Chi Hsiao, Chao-Yang Cheng& Sunny S.J. Lin* (2023). When the school door closes, do teachers open a window? Using diary method to investigate teachers ’ online teaching practices and momentary experiences in crisis. Computers & Education, 104678. (SSCI).
Shan-Mei Chang& Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023). Developing Personas of Gamers with Problematic Gaming Behavior among College Students Based on Qualitative Data of Gaming Motives and Push–Pull–Mooring. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 798. (SSCI).
Ssu-Kuang Chen, Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang, Chiu Pin Lin, & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022,Jul). Dispositions of 21st-Century Skills in STEM Programs and Their Changes over Time. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Published online. (SSCI).
Hsiao, J. C., Chen, S.-K., Chen, W., & Lin, S.S.J.* (2022, Mar). Developing a plugged-in class observation protocol in high-school blended STEM classes: Student engagement, teacher behaviors and Student-teacher interaction patterns. Computers & Education, 178,104403. (SSCI).
Jo-Chi Hsiao, & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022, Mar). How Energy Maintains Social Sustainability of Teachers’ Learning Communities: New Insights from a Blended Professional Learning Network. Sustainability, 14(6), 3636. (SSCI).
Ssu Kuang Chen, Yih-Lan Liu,& Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022, Jan). Do grades make me big? School effects of math ability and math rades on math self-concept. Educational Psychology. 42(5), 567-586. (SSCI)
Shan-mei Chang & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2019, Jul). Online gaming motive profiles in late adolescence and the related longitudinal development of stress, depression, and problematic internet use. Computers & Education , 135, 123-137. (SSCI).
Lin, S. S. J.*, & Hsieh, M. Y. (2019). Differences between EFL Beginners and Intermediate Level Readers When Reading Onscreen Narrative Text with Pictures: A Study of Eye Movements as a Guide to Personalization. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(4-5), 299-312. (SSCI).
Pei‐Chun Liao, Ssu‐Kuang Chen & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2018, Dec). Latent profiles of stress and their relationships with depression and problematic Internet use among college freshmen. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(6), 621-630. (SSCI).
Shan-Mei Chang, Ming-Yi Hsieh & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2018, Mar). The mediation effects of gaming motives between game involvement and problematic Internet use: Escapism, advancement and socializing. Computers & Education. 122, 43-53. (SSCI)
Lin, J. H., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2018). Integrating eye trackers with handwriting tablets to discover difficulties of solving geometry problems. British Journal of Educational Technology. 49(1),17-29. (SSCI).
Chen, S.-K., Lo, M.-T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2017, Oct). Impulsivity as a precedent factor for problematic Internet use: How can we be sure? . International Journal of Psychology, 52(5), 389-397. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Lo, M.-T.; Chen, S.-K.; Lin, S. S. J.* (2017, Jul). Groups holding multiple achievement goals in the math classroom: Profile stability and cognitive and affective outcomes. Learning and Individual Differences, 57, 65-76. (SSCI).
Chen, Ssu-Kuang, Wang, Lawrence Y., Liao, Pei-Chun,& Lin, S.S.J.* (2017). Social Internet use and social stress: A perspective of reduction or stimulation of interpersonal relationships. 中華心理學刊, 59(22),89-104. (TSSCI).
Cheng, C.-Y., Chen, S. Y., & Lin, S. S. J. (2017). Episodic and individual effects of elementary students’ optimal experience: A HLM study. The Journal of Educational Research. 110(6), 653-664. (SSCI).
Sun, J. C.-Y., Yu, S.-J., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tseng, S.-S (2016). The mediating effect of anti-phishing self-efficacy between college students’ Internet self-efficacy and anti-phishing behavior and gender difference. Computers in Human Behavior, 59, 249-257. (SSCI)
Lin, C.-H., Lee, Y.-H., Wang, D.-Y. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2016, Oct). Reading subtitles and taking enotes for learning science in a multimedia environment: Cognitive load perspectives of EFL students. Educational Technology & Society , 19 (4), 47–58. (SSCI). MOST 102-2511-S-009-005-MY3.
Chen, S.-K. & Lin, S. S. J. (2016, Jan). A latent growth curve analysis of initial depression level and changing rate as predictors of problematic Internet use among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 54,380-387. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Hsu, W.-Y., Chang, S.-M., Chiu, N.-Y., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tseng, I.-S. (2015, Oct). Examining Application of the DC-IA-A Diagnostic Criteria for Internet Addiction Disorder in At-Risk College Students. Psychopathology. 48(6):408-416. (SCIE). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Huang, Y.-L., Cheng, C.-Y., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2015, Sep). CIM: Capability-Innovation-Motive Teaching Model for System Engineering Education –"Embedded Operating Systems" as an Example. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 5(3),151 -161. MOST 102-2511-S-009-010-MY3.
Hsu, W.-Y., Lin, S. S. J.*, Chang, S.-M., Tseng, I.-S.,& Chiu, N.-Y. (2015). Examining the diagnostic criteria for Internet addiction: Expert validation. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 114(6),504-508. (SCIE)
Pei-Lan Lei, Chuen-Tsai Sun, Sunny S.J. Lin* &Tsung-Kuan Huang (2015, Jul). Effect of metacognitive strategies and verbal-imagery cognitive style on biology based video search and learning performance. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. (SSCI)
Wang, S.-L., Hsu, H.-Y., Lin, S. J., & Hwang, G.-J. (2014, Oct). The Role of Group Interaction in Collective Efficacy and CSCL Performance. Educational Technology & Society, 17 (4), 242–254. NSC 99-2511-S-011-009-MY3. (SSCI).
Lee, Y.-H., Cheng, C.-Y., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Jun). A latent profile analysis of self-control and self-esteem and the grouping effect on adolescent quality of life across two consecutive years. Social Indicators Research. 117(2), 523–539. (SSCI)
Chang, S.-M. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Apr). Team knowledge with motivation in a successful MMORPG game team: A case study. Computers & Education, 73, 129-140. (SSCI).
Chen, S.-K. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Apr). The latent profiles of life domain importance and satisfaction in a quality of life scale. Social Indicator Research. 116, 429-445. (SSCI).
Lin, C.-H. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Feb). Tracking eye movements when solving geometry problems with handwriting devices. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 7(1):2, 1-15. (SCIE).
John Jr-Hung Lin & Sunny S. J. Lin*. (2014). Cognitive load for configuration comprehension in computer-supported geometry problem solving: an eye movement perspective. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12(3), 605–627. (SSCI)
Chiang, Y.-T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014). The measurement structure, stability and mediating effects of achievement goals in math with middle school student data. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58 (5), 513-527. (SSCI). NSC 99-2631-S-009-001.
Chen, S.-K., Yeh, Y. C., Hwang, F.-M., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2013). The relationship between academic self-concept and achievement: A multicohort- multioccasion study. Learning and Individual Differences, 23(1), 172-178. NSC 97-2631-S-009-001. (SSCI)
Lei, P.-L., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Sun, C.-T. (2013). Effect of reading ability and Internet experience on keyword-based image search. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 151-162. (SSCI)
Lei, P.-L., Lin, S. S. J.*, Wang, D. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2013). The design of social agents that introduce self-reflection in a simulation environment: A preliminary test. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 16 (3), 152–166. (SSCI)
Lin, C.-H., Chen, S.-K., Chang, S.-M., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2013). Cross-lagged relationships between problematic Internet use and lifestyle changes. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2615-2621. (SSCI). Nstc 97-2631-S-009-001.
Chen, S.-K., Hwang, F.-M., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2013). Satisfaction ratings of QOLPAV: Psychometric properties based on the graded response model. Social Indicators Research, 110, 367-383. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Yeh, Y.-C., Lin, S. S. J.*, Tseng, I. S., & Hwang, F.-M (2012, Oct). The questionnaire of Lifestyle Change in Regard to Problematic Internet Use: Factor structure and concurrent and cross-year predictive utilities. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(4), 315-324. (SSCI). NSC 99-2631-S009-001.
Chen, S. K., Hwang, F. M., Yeh, Y. C., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2012). Cognitive ability, academic achievement and academic self-concept: Extending the internal/external frame of reference model. British Journal of Educational Psychology., 82(2), 308-326. (SSCI). NSC 97-2601-S-009-001.
Chiang, Y.-T., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Liu, E.Z.F. (2012). The effects of online discussion forum aggressive messages and cognitive distortion on users ’ negative affect and aggression. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2), 238-245. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Chiang, Y. T., Lin, S. S. J., Cheng, C. Y., & Liu, E. Z. F. (2011). Exploring online game players ’ flow experiences and positive affect. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(1) ,106-114. (SSCI). NSC 96-2520-S-009-006-MY3.
Chiang, Y. T., Yeh, Y. C., Lin, S. S. J., Hwang, F. M. (2011). Factor structure and predictive utility of the 2×2 achievement goal model in a sample of Taiwan students. Learning and Individual Differences., 21, 432-437. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Chiang, Y.-T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2010). Early adolescent players’ playfulness and psychological needs in online games. Social Behaviors and Personality, 38(5), 627-636. (SSCI). Nstc 98-2631-S-009-001.
Lei, P.-L., Kao, G. Y. M., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. T. (2009). Impacts of geographical knowledge, spatial ability and environmental cognition on image searches supported by GIS software. Computers in Human Behaviors, 25(6), 2070-2099. (SSCI). Nsc 98-2631-S-009-001.
Kao, G. Y. M., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. T. (2008). Beyond Sharing: Engaging students in cooperative and competitive active learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 82–96. (SSCI). Nsc 97-2631-S-009-001.
Kao, G. Y. M., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. T. (2008). Breaking concept boundaries to enhance creative potential: Using integrated concept maps for conceptual self-awareness. Computers and Education, 51(4), 1718-1728. (SSCI). Nsc 97-2631-S-009-001.
Liu, E. Z. F. &Lin, S. S. J.* (2007). Relationship between peer feedback, cognitive and metacognitive. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38 (6), 1122-1125. (SSCI).
Wang, S. L. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2007). The application of social cognitive theory to Web-based learning through NetPorts. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4), 600-612. (SSCI).
Wang, D. Y., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. –T. (2007). DIANA:A computer-supported heterogeneous grouping system for teachers to conduct successful small learning groups. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(4), 1997-2010. (SSCI).
Wang, S. L., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2007). The effects of group composition of self-efficacy and collective efficacy on computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(5), 2256-2268. (SSCI).
Dai-Yi Wang, Sunny S. J. Lin*& Chuen-Tsai Sun (2006). Computer-Supported group composing system: Help teachers to form balanced teams and avoid rare dream teams. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 5(1), 55-60. (SCI).
Lin, S. S. J.* & Liu, E. Z. F. (2004). Effectively accumulating students’ thinking styles via the World Wide Web: Experiences of construction and application. International Journal of Instructional Media, 30(1), 61-66. Nsc 93-2520-S-009-006.
Sun, C. –T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2004). CORAL-View: A network based design environment for collaborative learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 31(2), 151-166. Nsc 93-2520-S-009-006.
Tsai, C.-C. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2003). Internet addiction of adolescents in Taiwan: An interview study. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 6(6), 649-652. (SSCI). Nsc 90-2511-S-009-006.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Liu, E. Z. F. & Yuan, S. –M. (2002). Student attitudes toward networked peer assessment: Case studies of undergraduate students and senior high school students. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(2), 241-254.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2002). Alternatives to instructor assessment: A case study of comparing self and peer assessment with instructor assessment under networked innovative assessment procedures. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(4), 1-10. Nsc 89-2520-S-009-016.
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2002). Developing science activities through a networked peer assessment system. Computers and Education, 38, 241-252. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-001.
Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tsai, C. –C. (2002). Sensation seeking and internet dependence of Taiwanese high school adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 18, 411-426. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-010.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Sun, C. T. & Kao, G. (2002). Designing a networked-sharing construction environment. British Journal of Educational Technology , 33(4), 489-492. (SSCI).
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tsai, M.–J. (2001). Developing an Internet attitude scale for high school students. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 4(3), 373-376. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2511-S-009-007-N.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Liu, E. Z. F. & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Web-based peer assessment: feedback for students with various thinking-styles. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(4), 420-432. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-001.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Liu, E. Z. F. & Yuan, S. -M. (2001). Web-based peer assessment: Does attitude influence achievement? IEEE Transactions on Education, 44(2), 211. (EI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-001.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S.–M. (2001). A World Wide Web Bulletin Board System designed for collaborative learning: Detailed view on system implementation. Journal of Internet Technology, 2(2), 129-135. (其它). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Design of a networked portfolio system. British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4), 492-494.. (SSCI). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.*, Chiu, C. H. & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Web-based peer review: The learner as both adapter and reviewer. IEEE Transactions on Education, 44(3), 246-251. (EI). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.*, Wang, W. R. & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Albatross III: A WWW-based course support system. International Journal of Instructional Media, 28(4), 363-374. (其它).
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Students’ use of a web-based concept map testing and strategies for learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(1), 72-84. (SSCI).
Tsai, C. –C., Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2001, –). A networked peer assessment system based on a Vee heuristic. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 38(3), 220-230. (SSCI). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007.
Tsai, C.-C., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2001). Analysis of attitudes toward computer networks and Internet addiction of Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 4(3), 373-376. (SSCI). Nsc 90-2511-S-009-006.
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2000). Taiwanese high school science students’ views of using a WWW-based concept map testing system. International Journal of Instructional Media, 27(4), 363-368.



  • Best College Advisor Award, NCTU(2000)


  • Outstanding Research Award, MOST(2019)
  • Outstanding Research Award, NSC(2004)
  • Grade A Researcher Award, NSC(2003)
  • Grade A Researcher Award, NSC(2002)
  • Grade A Researcher Award, NSC(2001)
  • Grade A Researcher Award, NSC(2000)
  • Grade A Researcher Award, NSC(1999)
  • Grade A Researcher Award, NSC(1996)