Dr. Ken-Zen Chen
Associate Professor
Dr. Ken-Zen Chen is an Associate Professor in the Institute of Education at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan starting September, 2015. Prior to joining NYCU, Dr. Chen was an instructional Design Consultant/Research & Retention Analyst at eCampus Center, Boise State University, Idaho, U.S.A. Dr. Chen specialized in retention research & provided instructional design consultation to support the design & delivery of online courses & programs at Boise State. In line with the state government’s mission of Complete College Idaho 2020, he assisted with learning analytics to improve online student success as well as to provide faculty support with research collaborations for online scholarship of teaching & learning.
Dr. Chen completed his Ph.D. in math, science & technology education in 2012, & M.S. in applied statistics in 2010 from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(UIUC); he also received a M.A in curriculum & instruction & a B.Ed. from National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). With his experience in instructional design tools, Dr. Chen was formerly employed as a technical consultant at College of Education Online at UIUC & a network administrator at Department of Education, NTNU, in which he offered technical consulting, designed/created online environments, & managed online learning communities. Dr. Chen has broad research interests & backgrounds in the areas of educational technology, learning sciences, big-data analytics in education, & curriculum & instruction. Starting 2016, Dr. Chen collaborates with Dr. Barbara Oakley to transform her famous “Learning How To Learn” MOOC to be a series of culturally responsive MOOCs for Chinese-speaking learners and won a great success. Currently, the “landing” LHTL is on boarding in five MOOC platforms and one Podcast platform. Dr. Chen uses these MOOCs as research sites to generate a sustainable model for MOOC development. In addition, Dr. Chen works with College of Science faculty to develop and study a fully-online and self-directed learning undergraduate program.
- Ph.D. in Math, Science, & Technology Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2012.12)
- M.S. in Applied Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2010.12)
- Ph.D. Candidate in Curriculum & Instruction, National Taiwan Normal University(2003-2012)
- M.A. in Education, National Taiwan Normal University(2003)
- B.A. in Education, National Taiwan Normal University(2001)
- Assistant Professor, Institute of Education, College of Humanities and Social Sciences,
National Chiao Tung University (2015.08-2021.07) - Instructional Design Consultant / Research & Retention Analyst, eCampus Center,
Boise State University (2013.01-2015.08) - Adjunct Instructor, Dept. of World Languages, Boise State University(2013.5-2015.12)
- Teacher, Mei-Yuan Elementary School, Miao-Li County, Taiwan(2011.07-2011.12)
- Technology Consultant, College of Education Online, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign(2008.01-2013.06)
- Full-time Research Associate, Center for Research on Educational Evaluation & Development, National Taiwan Normal University(2006.12-2007.07)
- Adjunct Lecturer,National Taiwan Normal University(2005.7-2005.8)
- Adjunct Lecturer,Taipei Municipal Teachers College(2004.9-2005.1)
- Adjunct Lecturer,National Hsin-Chu Teachers College(2004.2-2004.6)
- Adjunct Teacher, Taipei County San-Min High School(2003)
- Qualitative Inquiry Methods (Grad.)
- The NYCU e-Learning Designers’ Academy (Grad.)
- Theories of Networked/Online Learning(Grad.)
- Educational Research Methods(Grad.)
- Introductory Statistics(Grad.)
- Research in Digital Divide(Grad.)
- Application of Learning Analytics in the Learning Management Systems(Grad.)
- Philosophy of Education(Under.)
- Sociology of Education(Under.)
- Differentiated Instruction(Under.)
- Learning How to Learn: Strategies for Reading and Learning(Under.)
中文期刊論文 |
蔡曉楓、陳鏗任✉、黃尹歆、翁秋蘭、鄭章華(2023)。國中校訂課程下自主學習準備度的中介效果:閱讀策略的後設認知覺知、學業成就。教育學報(TSSCI), 51(2), 143-166. https://hkier.cuhk.edu.hk/en/publications/ej-v51n2-143-166 李元鴻、陸賢豐✉、陳鏗任(2023)。國小高年級學生本土語文核心素養量表之發展。教育學刊(TSSCI),60,51-93。 陳鏗任、林炳洲、王子華(2021)。馬來西亞高等校院的停課不停學—大學生在COVID-19行動管制令下的結構與行動。當代教育研究(TSSCI),29(3),35-80。 蔡明學、陳鏗任、謝進昌(2017)。世界各國教育資料標準制訂與借鏡:論述臺灣國民中小學學生學籍交換規格標準4.0版之建構歷程與內容。比較教育,82,97-127。https://doi.org/10.3966/160957582017050082004 陳鏗任(2016a)。數位科技時代中美國遠距大學生的學業操守問題與因應。教育實踐與研究(TSSCI),29,199-232。 陳鏗任(2015a)。學習力研究的多元理解。教育研究月刊,253,64-80。https://doi.org/10.3966/16806360201505253005 陳鏗任(2014c)。大學院校應用學習分析之概況。教育資料與圖書館學(TSSCI),51(4),597-636。https://doi.org/10.6120/JoEMLS.2014.514/0612.RV.CM 陳鏗任、蔡曉楓(2012)。以科學探究精神開展通識教育:Schwab在芝加哥大學的超越與實踐。教育研究集刊(TSSCI),58(2),71-108。https://doi.org/10.3966/10288708201206003 吳建華、陳鏗任(2011)。經濟全球化下臺灣海外學校的挑戰與因應:以東莞臺商子弟學校為個案。教育研究與發展 ,7(3),181-214。 李咏吟、趙曉美、李孟文、蔡曉楓、陳鏗任(2008)。資源班數學教師合作式省思專業成長團體研究。中等教育,59(1),8-27。 趙美聲、陳鏗任、王玉蘭(2007)。數位學習準備度指標之發展。訓練與發展,64,1-20。 陳鏗任(2006a)。教育學國際學術期刊簡介(II)--課程領域期刊。人文與社會科學簡訊,7(2),62-67。 陳鏗任、吳建華(2006)。是故鄉,還是異鄉?從東莞台校學生的學習經驗看台商子女的身份認同意象。師大學報教育類(TSSCI),51(2),173-194。https://doi.org/10.3966/2073753X2006105102008 陳鏗任(2005b)。教育學門中二種課程領域SSCI期刊評介。教育資料與研究,65,108-125。 陳鏗任(2005a)。因果關係之哲學與統計分析在教育研究之意義。教育資料與研究,62,68-84。 陳鏗任、單文經(2004b)。香港中小學公民教育類教科書內容的特色。教育研究月刊,120,80-93。 陳鏗任(2003a)。香港語言教育政策及問題評析。中等教育,54(6),48-63。 單文經、陳鏗任、洪泉湖(2002)。香港公民教育的歷史發展與重要問題。中等教育,53(5),58-76。 |
英文期刊論文 |
Chang, C.-F., Annisa, N., &Chen, K.-Z.✉ (2024).Pre-service teacher professional education program (PPG) and Indonesian science teachers' TPACK development: A career-path comparative study. Education and Information Technologies (SSCI). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10639-024-13160-6 Chen, K.-Z. ✉, Lo, Shih-Yu, & Lin, Yi-Hsuan (2024). Embracing the New Normal or Clinging to the Past? Digital Anxiety Among Elementary School Teachers in Post-COVID Taiwan. TechTrends. (ESCI) https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-024-01008-2 Chen, K.-Z., Wang, Kim, & Seidle, Russell✉ (2024). Navigating digital transformation: The Role of Management Innovation in Achieving Digital maturity. The Learning Organization, 31, (ESCI, Scopus), http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/TLO-04-2023-0060 Chen, K.-Z. ✉ , Lin, Chiung-Yuan, Wang, Yu-Hsin, & Chen, Sau-Gee (2024). Safely maintaining distance while singing together: Developing synchronous and asynchronous solutions for an amateur choir under the time of social distancing. Journal of Music, Technology & Education (ESCI, Scopus), 15(2&3), 183-200. https://doi.org/10.1386/jmte_00053_1 Chen, Ken-Zen✉, & Laway, Sinko (2023). One-person armies: The border-crossing Taiwanese native-language teachers in technology-rich classrooms. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI), https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2144894 (獲113年度原住民族專門人才獎勵,案號113B-B-003) Chen, Ken-Zen✉, Tseng, Ching-Yu, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2022). Renaissance of Field Placement in Taiwan's Teacher Education: Designing Two-stage Professional Development in an Overseas Practicum for Preservice Teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching (SSCI), https://doi.org/10.1080/02607476.2022.2053358 Chen, Ken-Zen✉, Lin, Yi-Hsuan (2022). Feasibility of preschool's parent-teacher communication using a mobile app: An action research in a remote fishing village. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1977963 Chen, Kzn-Zen, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2021). Negotiating, (Re)forming, and Creating Identity: An Observation of Students at a Taiwanese Overseas School in China. Education Journal (TSSCI), 49(2), 161-190. https://www.hkier.cuhk.edu.hk/journal/document/EJ/EJ_V49N2_161-190.pdf Chen, Ken-Zen, & Li, S. -C. (2021). Sequential, typological, and academic dynamics of self-regulated learners: Learning analytics of an undergraduate chemistry online course. Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 100024. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.caeai.2021.100024 Chen, Ken-Zen*, & Yeh, H. -H. (2021). Acting in secret: Interaction, knowledge construction and sequential discussion patterns of partial role-assignment in a MOOC. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI), 37(6), 41-60. https://doi.org/10.14742/ajet.6979 Chen, C. -H., Chen, K. -Z.,* & Tsai, H. -F. (2021). Did Self-Directed Learning Curriculum Guidelines Change Taiwanese High-School Students' Self-Directed Learning Readiness? The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40299-021-00582-w Chen, Ken-Zen (2020b). Bridging digital divide in a remote elementary school: A teacher&’s reflection on invisible work. Journal of Community Informatics, 16, 77-99. https://openjournals.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/JoCI/article/view/3496/4567 Chen, Ken-Zen, Chen, C. –H., Tsai, H. –F., Li, S. –C., & Guglielmino, L. M. (2020). Preparation to assess students during implementation of the new Taiwanese k-12 curriculum. International Journal of Self-Directed Learning, 17(2), 17(2), 10-32. [EJ1286450] Chen, Ken-Zen (2020a). Coaching college students’ self-regulated online learning skills. Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, 52(6), 48-56. https://doi.org/10.1080/00091383.2020.1839338 Chen, Ken-Zen, Chi, H. -H. (2020). Novice Young Board-Game Players’ Experience about Computational Thinking. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI), Interactive Learning Environments, https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2020.1722712. Chen, Ken-Zen, Oakley, B. (2020). Redeveloping a Global MOOC to be More Locally Relevant: Design-Based Research. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (SSCI), 17(1), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41239-020-0178-6 Chen, Ken-Zen, Lowenthal, P., Bauer, C., Heaps, A., & Nielsen, C. (2017). Moving beyond smile sheets: A case study on the evaluation and iterative improvement of an online faculty development program. Online Learning Journal (formerly Journal of Asynchronous Learning Network), 21, 85-111. https://doi.org/10.24059/olj.v21i1.810(獲2017 AECT 遠距學習期刊論文獎第二名) Chen, Ken-Zen, Anderson, J., Bauer, C., Hannah, E., & Provant-Robishaw, C. (2015). Resolving bottlenecks: Converting three high-enrollment nursing courses to an online format. Journal of Nursing Education (SSCI), 54, 404-408. https://doi.org/10.3928/01484834-20150617-09 Chen, Ken-Zen, Lowenthal, P., & Bauer, C. (2016). Effectiveness and student perception of three high-enrollment health studies online courses. Health Education Journal (SSCI), 75,343-357. https://doi.org/10.1177/0017896915581060 (獲2016 AECT 遠距學習期刊論文獎第一名) Lowenthal, P., Bauer, C., & Chen, Ken-Zen (2015). Student perceptions of online learning: An analysis of online course evaluations. American Journal of Distance Education, 29, 85-97. https://doi.org/10.1080/08923647.2015.1023621 (獲NUTN年度研究學術獎) |
中文研討會論文 |
林芷均、陳鏗任(2024,3月)。融入「翻轉學習」與「line 社群」的英文寫作課對英文為第二語言習得學習者的影響。論文發表於第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2024),2024年3月7-8日,台灣臺中。 蕭若綺、張瓊方、陳鏗任(2024,3月)。Promoting English as a Lingua Franca with “Russian Doll” MOOCs Design for Senior High School Students: Analytics of the Bilingual Online Coaching Model.論文發表於第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2024),2024年3月7-8日,台灣臺中。 葉芳君、張懷綾、陳鏗任(2024,3月)分析不同線上合作學習數位學伴在國中課後數學班的行為。論文發表於第十九屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2024),2024年3月7-8日,台灣臺中。 陳鏗任、張瓊方(2023,12月)。線上教師培訓中的展化學習:活動理論和變革實驗室的案例。論文發表於2023 ELOE數位學習國際研討會暨開放教育論壇,12月14-15日,宜蘭縣,國立宜蘭大學。 張瓊方、陳鏗任(2023,12月)。ewant育網之跨年度課程群集分析:課程品質群集特性與群集穩定性。論文發表於2023 ELOE數位學習國際研討會暨開放教育論壇,12月14-15日,宜蘭縣,國立宜蘭大學。 陳鏗任、蔡明學(2023,10月)。擁抱或拒絕? 從六個科技近用論述理解疫情後國中親師生的網路經驗。教育新視界:國際語境與在地實踐的對話國際學術研討會,2023年10月13-14日,台北市。 Chen, K.-Z.(陳鏗任), Hung, K.-C.(洪國哲), Luk, Y.F.(陸賢豐), Yu, C.-J(余啟哲).(2023, 8月)。Artificial Intelligence MOOCs for Sustainable Competitiveness: An fsQCA Analysis。論文發表於2023 AI引領永續社會國際學術研討會暨政策實務論壇,8月11-12,台北,中央研究院。 Chen, K.-Z.(陳鏗任), Hung, K.-C.(洪國哲), Luk, Y.F. (陸賢豐), Zhou Meina(周美娜),Yu, C.-J(余啟哲).(2023, 8月)。The role of Artificial Intelligence Education Penetration and Entrepreneurial Attitudes and Activities in Sustainable Competitiveness? A fsQCA with Panel Data。論文發表於2023 AI引領永續社會國際學術研討會暨政策實務論壇,8月11-12,台北,中央研究院。 蔡明學✉、陳鏗任(2023,11月)。 疫情期間線上學習平台教學介入對學生學習影響效果分析。口頭論文發表於2023臺灣社會學年會,11月18~19日,新北市,國立台北大學。 陳鏗任、蔡明學、張瓊方✉ (2023,11月)。後疫情時代下青少年世代的數位落差與學習情況。口頭論文發表於2023臺灣社會學年會,11月18~19日,新北市,國立台北大學。 許恩豪、陳鏗任(2023,3月)。台灣中學學習者對於教師ISTE教育科技標準評鑑與學生評鑑教師教學可行性之研究。論文發表於第十八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2023),2023年3月9-10日,台灣屏東。 魏子寰、陳鏗任(2023,3月)。虛擬化身對於遠距教學於課室專注力影響之分析。論文發表於第十八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2023),2023年3月9-10日,台灣屏東。 Nurul Annisa、陳鏗任(2023,3月)。A Short Evaluation to Contemporary Indonesian MOOCs Learners. 論文發表於第十八屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2023),2023年3月9-10日,台灣屏東。 陳鏗任(2023,6月)。數位教育的永續:陽明交大怎樣與高中合作推動數位自學? 論文發表於醫療人文跨領域研究國際學術研討會,2023年6月2-3日,臺灣金門。 陳鏗任(2022,12月),Proof of Concept → Proof of Value:遠距低延遲音訊實作經歷、成果、與建議。2022 以人為本:虛實跨界中新興媒體研究與實務應用之國際論壇。2022年12月2日,臺灣新竹。 陸賢豐✉、陳鏗任、李倞(2021,12月)。BERT深度學習演算法輔助線上課程之討論區文本分類。口頭論文發表於2021台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會國際學術研討會,12月3~4日,台北市,國立台北護理健康大學。 林炯源、陳鏗任✉、王郁馨、邱嘉柔、陳紹基、黃炯中、陳奕瑄、楊琮甫(2021,12月)。疫後遠距同步低延遲合唱學習之科技與場域驗證。口頭論文發表於2021台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會國際學術研討會,12月3~4日,台北市,國立台北護理健康大學。 林炯源✉、陳鏗任、黃炯中、陳奕瑄、楊琮甫(2021,12月)。後疫情時代藝文活動零接觸創作與展演方式-以電影拍攝為例。論文發表於2021台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會國際學術研討會,12月3~4日,台北市,國立台北護理健康大學。 黃炯中✉、陳鏗任(2021,12月)。LINE聊天機器人應用於大專健身愛好者健身記錄、體脂肪預測、及訓練動作推薦。論文發表於2021台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會國際學術研討會,12月3~4日,台北市,國立台北護理健康大學。 陳鏗任、黃力寧✉(2021,12月)。數位閃字卡融入國中英文補救教學:Cerego的運用案例。海報論文發表於2021台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會國際學術研討會,12月3~4日,台北市,國立台北護理健康大學。 邱嘉柔、陳鏗任(2021,3月)。行動自學在成人業餘合唱團基礎視唱能力影響之研究。論文發表於第十六屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2021),2021年3月25-26日,台灣宜蘭。 邱嘉柔、陳鏗任(2020,12月)。因應Covid-19之遠距合唱教學模式發展之需求。海報論文發表於2020台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會國際學術研討會,12月4~5日,新北市,淡江大學。 林逸萱、陳鏗任(2020,3月)。以Classting提升幼兒園親師溝通成效: 一個新北偏鄉的行動研究。論文發表於第十五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2020),2020年3月20-21日,台灣新竹。 簡嫈儒、陳鏗任(2020,3月)。SAIL計劃學習教練輔助平台的需求分析。論文發表於第十五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2020),2020年3月20-21日,台灣新竹。 黎少奇、陳鏗任(2020,3月)。在磨課師中的學習者行為類型:以學會學:學習之道為例。論文發表於第十五屆台灣數位學習發展研討會(TWELF 2020),2020年3月20-21日,台灣新竹。 黎少奇、吳歡鵲、陳鏗任(2019年10月)。以數位學習打造高度自主的SAIL方案:自主學習準備度與學習路徑的探究。2019年台灣教育傳播暨科技學會年會@NCTU國際學術研討會,新竹市。 陳鏗任(2019)。理學院自主愛學習啟航計畫107-1表現。論文報告於國立交通大學大數據中心校務分析成果分享會,2019年3月7日,台灣新竹。 陳振遠、陳鏗任(2018)。探討不同因素對初中生觀看網路影片學習態度與行為影響--以知識型Youtuber為例。論文發表於第22屆全球華人計算機教育應用大會,2018年5月,中國廣州。 曾靜瑜、陳鏗任(2017)。以探究社群觀點分析線上協作平台推動職前教師教學共備之效果。論文發表於世界教育研究學會2017年年會,2017年11月29日至12月2日,中國香港。 劉瑀涵、陳鏗任(2017)。個人適性化學習軟體在基礎學科學習的成效:以Cerego為例。論文發表於世界教育研究學會2017年年會,2017年11月29日至12月2日,中國香港。 陳鏗任(2016c,12月)。以活動理論為視鏡檢視12年國教課程總綱轉化的多重學校個案。論文發表於國家教育研究院主辦,「邁向十二年國教新課綱:學生學習與學校本位課程」研討會,2016年12月7-9日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2016b,11月)。大學教學的暗角:作弊 -- and 科技能做什麼?主題演講於文化大學教學資源中心主辦,「追求大學教學品質提昇國際研討會」,2016年11月29日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2015b,12月)。大班開心教:你也能用的五十種科技錦囊。主題演講於文化大學教學資源中心主辦,「追求大學教學品質提昇國際研討會」,2015年12月14日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2011d,12月)。初次線上學習者在同步教室的學習期待與經驗。論文發表於文化大學教育學院主辦,「台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2011年國際學術研討會」,2011年12月2~3日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2011c,12月)。拉近數位落差的美麗夢想與不停歇的批判:每童一筆電(One Laptop Per Child)慈善計畫個案評述。論文發表於文化大學教育學院主辦,「台灣教育傳播暨科技學會2011年國際學術研討會」,2011年12月2~3日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2011b,10月)。以科學課程實踐通識教育:Joseph Schwab在芝加哥大學的半世紀貢獻。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育評鑑與研究中心主辦之「新世代的大學定位與價值國際學術研討會」,2011年10月28~29日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2011a,4月)。身在公門好修行:執法甘苦亂談。主題演講於伊利諾大學香檳分校台灣講談社例會,2011 年4 月22 日,美國。 陳鏗任(2009c,9月)。人鬼相恤‧頭城搶孤。主題演講於伊利諾大學香檳分校臺灣講談社例會,2008 年9 月18 日,美國。 陳鏗任(2008c,9月)。海洋國家路遙遙—國際海洋法及臺灣周邊海域爭端。主題演講於伊利諾大學香檳分校臺灣講談社例會,2008年9月5日,美國。 李咏吟、趙曉美、李孟文、蔡曉楓、陳鏗任(2006,11月)。提升資源班數學教學成效的教師合作式省思專業成長團體研究。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育學系主辦「社會變遷與課程改革研討會」,2006年11月17~18日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2005g,11月)。學校中的科技誰來談?臺灣教育學門中的科技對話。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育學系主辦,「華人世界近年教育改革的檢討國際學術研討會」,2005年11月25~27日,台北市。 陳鏗任(2005f,6月)。二種課程領域SSCI期刊評介。論文發表於國立台北師範學院課程與教學研究所主辦,「課程發展的國際經驗」學術研討會,2005年6月1日,台北市。 陳鏗任、吳建華(2005e,5月)。大陸台商子女的認同之旅:從故鄉到異鄉。論文發表於台北市立師範學院主辦與中華民國課程與教學學會主辦之「社會重建課程的理念與實踐國際學術研討會暨第十二屆課程與教學論壇」,2005年5月13-14日,台北市。 陳鏗任、林亮雯(2004,12月)。青少年網路文化的探索:網路民族誌取徑的引介。論文發表於佛光大學教育資訊學研究所主辦,第二屆教育資訊國際學術研討會,2004年12月3-4日,臺灣宜蘭。 陳鏗任(2004,6月)。普通高級中學課程綱要修訂草案之評析。論文發表於國立臺灣師範大學教育學系與中華民國課程與教學學會主辦之「課程與教學的回顧與前瞻國際學術研討會暨第十屆課程與教學論壇」,2004年6月18-19日,台北市。 陳鏗任、單文經、洪泉湖(2001,12月)。從演進的觀點看香港公民教育的問題。論文發表於國立台東師範學院主辦之「儒家文化與亞洲價值學術研討會」會議論文集(頁92-106),2001年12月17-18日,臺灣台東。 |
英文研討會論文 |
K.-Z. Chen,& Liang Lee (2024, Nov). Implementing Large Language Models for Student Essay Assessment in MOOCs: Exploring Effectiveness of Prompt Engineering Methods. Paper presented at the Open Education Global 2024 Conference. Brisbane, Australia. Kenzen Chen, & Wen-Li Chang. (2024, Nov). Design a Wrapped MOOCs Program with Translanguaging Scaffolds for High School Students. Paper presented at the Open Education Global 2024 Conference. Brisbane, Australia. Yu-Hsin Chen, Yu-Hsin Hsu, Song-Qing Lin, & Kenzen Chen (2024, Nov). Simulating Chladni Plates: Advancing Open Education with Open-Source Digital Tools . Paper presented at the Open Education Global 2024 Conference. Brisbane, Australia. Chen, K.-Z. , Tsai, Ming-Hsueh, Wu, Chyi-In, & Tsai, Hsiao-Feng (2024, Apr.). Embrace or Reject? Understanding the Online Experiences of Junior High School Parents, Teachers, and Students After the Pandemic Through Six Technological Access Discourses. Paper presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania. Tsai, Hsiao-Feng, & Chen, K.-Z. (2024, Apr.). Identity Crisis in Taiwan's Curriculum Reform: Language Teachers' Interdisciplinary Challenges and Coping. Paper presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania. Chen, K.-Z. , Tseng, Ching-Yu, & Lee, Wei-I (2024, Apr.). Expansive Learning and Iterative Development in Online Teacher Training: A Case Study Using the Cultural-Historical Activity Theory and Change Laboratory Method.Paper presented at the 2024 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Pennsylvania. Luk, Yin-Fung., Shih, Kai-Ping., & Chen, Ken-Zen. (2022, September 06-08). Digital natives, but digital learning foreigners: Typologies of traditional secondary school students learning online during COVID Lockdown [Paper presentation].BERA Conference 2020, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom Chen, Ken-Zen, Seidle, R., Wang, I. K. (2021). Digital transformation: Learning, organizational change, and the moderating roles of firm size and environmental dynamism. Paper presented at the 18th Conference of the International Joseph Schumpeter Society, Rome, Italy and online. Chen, Chang-Hua, & Chen, Ken-Zen (2021). SDL as a Key Competency in the New Taiwan National K-12 Curriculum Guidelines. Paper presented at the 2021 International Society for Self-Directed Learning Virtual Summit (Self-Directed Learning for a Changing World: A Virtual Summit), Feb. 3~5, online. Chen, Ken-Zen, Chen, Chang-Hua, & Tsai, Hsiao-Feng (2019, Aug.).Self-Directed learning readiness of taiwan high school students: Will new curriculum guidelines create self-directed learners? Paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) 2019 Focal Meeting, Tokyo, Japan: Gakushuin University. Yeh, Hsiao-Han,Chen, Ken-Zen, (2019, Aug.). Promoting knowledge constructive discussion in mass open online courses: A role-assignment intervention. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) 2019 Focal Meeting, Tokyo, Japan: Gakushuin University. Liu, Yu-Han, Chen, Ken-Zen, (2019, Aug.). Improving pre-service teachers’ learning performance in educational foundations by an adaptive digital flashcard: Opportunities and challenges. Poster session presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) 2019 Focal Meeting, Tokyo, Japan: Gakushuin University. Chen, Ken-Zen, & Oakley, B. (2019, Apr.). Redeveloping a MOOC to Be More Culturally Relevant: A Design-Based Approach. Paper presented at the 2019 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. Tseng, Ching-Yu, & Chen, Ken-Zen (2019, Apr.). Creating a Community of Inquiry for Pre-service Teachers' Professional Development Through Cloud Platforms. Paper presented at the CAERDA 2008 International Conference, Toronto, Canada. Chen, Ken-Zen, Zeng, Jin-Yu, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2017, Nov.).The effectiveness of pre-service teacher’s internship in Taiwanese oversea schools: An innovative case. Poster session presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) 2017 Focal Meeting, Hong Kong, China: Hong Kong University of Education. Chen, Ken-Zen, Lowenthal, P., Bauer, C. (2016, Apr.). How do online faculty perceive their professional development opportunity? A case study. Paper presented at the 2016 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. Chen, Hao, J., & Chen, Ken-Zen (2015, Sept.). Facilitation or hindrance? The dilemma of promoting indigenous language & digital literacy for Atayal students in Taiwan. Paper presented at the World Education Research Association (WERA) 2015 Focal Meeting, Budapest, Hungary: Corvinus University. Caldwell-O'Keefe, J. R., Stefancic, M., Chen, Ken-Zen, & Provant-Robishaw, C. (2015, Jan.). Developing social awareness through community engagement: A design-thinking process for university foundation courses. Poster session presented at Great Ideas for Teaching & Learning Symposium, Boise, ID. Chen, Ken-Zen (2014f, Nov.). “You Can't Teach That Online! (Online Chinese)” Panel session presented at the Blackboard Digital Ecosystems for Success Conference, Boise, ID. Chen, Ken-Zen (2014e, Oct.). The Effectiveness of Synchronous Learning Components in an Asynchronous Introductory Language Course. Lightning Round session presented at the 2014 Northwest eLearning Conference, Boise, ID. Lowenthal, P., Bauer, C., & Chen, Ken-Zen. (2014, Aug.). Student perceptions of online learning: An analysis of online course evaluations. Paper presented at 30th Annual Conference on Distance Teaching & Learning, Madison, WI. Chen, Ken-Zen (2014d, Mar.). Supporting Faculty toward High-Quality Online Course Design: Boise State eCampus eQIP Program. Poster presented at the Conference of Diversity, Learning, and Student Success: Policy, Practice, and Privilege. Chicago, IL: Association of American Colleges and Universities. Chen, Ken-Zen (2013c, May). Struggling, reflecting, and overcoming -- Making sense of being a teacher educator via adjunct experiences. Ninth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL. Chen, Ken-Zen (2013b, Apr.). Hidden works of bridging digital divides via OLPC XO laptops. Paper session presented at 2013 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. Chen, Ken-Zen(2012d, Oct.). Hidden works in a project of closing digital inequalities: A qualitative inquiry in a remote school. Paper session presented at the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Learning, Champaign, IL. Chen, Ken-Zen (2012c, May). Exploring teachers’ hidden works in a remote initiative of bridging digital divides. Paper session presented at the Eighth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Urbana, IL. Chen, Ken-Zen, & Wu, Chien-Hua (2010, Apr.). Taiwanese international school under challenges: A case study of school’s reactions in China/Taiwan economic transition. Paper session presented at the 2010 American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Co. Chen, Ken-Zen (2008a, Mar.). Depicting a whole picture: A review of recent literature concerning international college students. Poster session presented at the CAERDA 2008 International Conference, New York City. Chen, Ken-Zen (2005d, July). An Analysis to the Revision of Senior High School Guidelines in Taiwan. Paper session presented at the Pacific Circle Consortium 29th Annual Conference 2005, Sydney, NSW, Australia. Chen, Ken-Zen (2005c, May). An Introduction for curriculum inquiry journals in SSCI. Paper session presented at the Implementation and Rethinking of Education Reforms in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan. Macau, China. Chen, Ken-Zen, & Shan, Wen-Jing (2004a, Apr.). The characteristics of textbooks for cultivating citizenship in Hong Kong primary and secondary school. Paper session presented at the Pacific Circle Consortium 28th Annual Conference 2004 , Hong Kong, China. |
中文專書 |
陳鏗任(2003b)。香港中小學教科書公民教育內涵之分析。國立臺灣師範大學教育學系碩士論文,未出版,台北。 |
英文專書 |
Chen, Ken-Zen (2012e). Hidden Works in a Project of Closing Digital Inequalities: A Qualitative Inquiry in a Remote School (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, IL. |
中文專書論文 |
李威儀、陳鏗任✉(2023)。迤邐前行:線上學習與臺灣高等教育的下一個十年。國立陽明交通大學出版社。 ISBN:9789865470784 陳鏗任✉、黎少奇、吳歡鵲、李威儀、陳永富(2020)。自主學習的學程設計、線上診斷、與系統支援。載於鄭章華主編,學習新動力:「自主學習」在十二年國教的多元展現(第十一章,頁311-338)。新北市,國家教育研究院。ISBN: 9789860564938 陳鏗任、黎少奇、吳歡鵲(2020)。SAIL計畫觸動大學教育新未來。載於王蒞君、劉奕蘭主編,化鏡為窗:大數據分析強化大學競爭力(第二章,頁38-65)。新竹市:交通大學出版社。ISBN: 9789578614413 陳鏗任(2017b)。12年國教課程總綱轉化的多重學校個案:以活動理論為視鏡。載於鄭章華主編,尋找支點,啟動改變:十二年國教課綱在國中研究協作與實踐(第二章,頁17-56)。新北市:國家教育研究院。 陳鏗任(2005h)。教學科技應用的重要模式與發展:兼論數位教材製作之原則。載於李咏吟主編,多元教學設計:課程改革的實踐(第九章)(頁237-254)。台北:高教。 單文經、陳鏗任、洪泉湖(2004)。香港公民教育的歷史發展與重要問題。載於張秀雄主編,新世紀公民教育的發展與挑戰(第三章)(頁71-95)。台北:師大書苑。 陳鏗任、康瀚文、張育嫻、張蕙蘭(2003)。民族誌研究。載於潘慧玲(主編),教育研究的取徑—概念與應用(第五章)(頁153-198)。台北:高教。 |
英文專書論文 |
Li, S. -C., & Chen, Ken-Zen, (2022). Analysing behavioral sequences of online learners: Lag Sequential Analysis using GSEQ. In SAGE Research Methods: Doing Research Online. SAGE Publications, Ltd. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781529607918 Chen, Ken-Zen, & Lowenthal, P. (2018). Capturing professional growth of online instructors: Learning analysts’ reflections on studying a faculty development program. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. doi:10.4135/9781526441652 Online ISBN: 9781526441652 Chen, Ken-Zen (2017a). Learning Analytics: Using Learning Management System data to evaluate an online curriculum innovation of three high-enrollment health studies courses. In SAGE Research Methods Cases - Part 2. https://dx.doi.org/10.4135/9781526406880 |
中文雜誌與電子報 |
陳鏗任(2024)。教學使用生成性AI可能衍生的倫理議題與因應。中國語文,806,26-31。 陳鏗任(2022)。數位樂學:陽明交大善用平臺、內容、與師訓,線上牽起百所高中職。素養力學,2022年冬季號,5-19。 陳鏗任(2019)。What do Researchers Do? 從SRM學到真切的研究歷程。台灣國際資訊整合聯盟協會(IFII) Library Watch電子報,302,取自https://www.ifii.org.tw/epaper.php?num=329 陳鏗任(2013a)。美國伊利諾大學香檳分校(UIUC)介紹。台灣高教研究電子報,77,取自https://www.cher.ntnu.edu.tw/?p=705 陳鏗任(2012h)。電腦個人檔案就是要這樣管。東莞台商子弟學校-心橋電子報,取自https://www.td-school.org.cn/epaper/2008/list.asp?unid=2471 陳鏗任(2012g)。互相漏氣、一同打氣求進步:師資培育者的合作自我研究。臺灣師資培育電子報,35。取自https://tted.cher.ntnu.edu.tw/?p=515 陳鏗任(2012f)。師資培育、科技知能、與服務學習的結合:伊大香檳分校圖資系的作法。臺灣師資培育電子報,34。取自https://tted.cher.ntnu.edu.tw/?p=514 陳鏗任(2012b)。教師需求量估得準嗎? 美國百年經驗與問題。臺灣師資培育電子報,32。取自https://www.cher.ntnu.edu.tw/?p=636 陳鏗任(2012a)。20世紀全球高等教育擴張的潮流。台灣高教研究電子報,67,取自https://www.cher.ntnu.edu.tw/wp-content/uploads/file/epaper/critics_67.pdf 陳鏗任(2009b)。打開潘朵拉的盒子:密西根大學教學研究中心互動劇場計畫。國立臺灣師範大學教學發展中心電子報,17,取自 陳鏗任(2009a)。多點並進,共創優質教學:印第安那大學教學支援單位。國立臺灣師範大學教學發展中心電子報,14,取自 陳鏗任(2008b)。卓越教學支援‧豐富學習經驗—伊利諾大學香檳分校教學卓越中心。國立臺灣師範大學教學發展中心電子報,7,取自 陳鏗任、張文傑(2006)。共同呵護「我的家」--師大教育系BBS的探究。今日教育,71,113-128。 陳鏗任(2001)。服務與成長—教育服務隊歷史之研究。今日教育,66,108-118。 陳鏗任(2000)。我國大學通識教育評鑑之後設分析。今日教育,65,103-118。 陳鏗任(1999)。師資大觀園:水木清華。今日教育,64,11-16。 陳鏗任(1998)。針鋒相對:論我國是否應全面開放私立大學學雜費限制。今日教育,63,99-104。 |
英文雜誌與電子報 |
Chen, Ken-Zen (2014g). Online course retention reports to inform actionable student intervention strategies. WCET Member Snippet, Retrieved at https://archives.informz.net/clients/wcet/archives/archive_4211360.html |
- 2021 NYCU Award in Teaching Excellence
- 2020 TOCEC Excellent Open Courseware Award
- 2020 NCTU Teaching Award
- 2019 NCTU Best Student Advisor of the Year
- 2017 Fall Best Taiwan MOOCs: Learning how to learn (w/ Barbara Oakley)
- 2017 NCTU Best Student Advisor of the Year
- 2017 Association for Educational Communication & Technology (AECT) Division of Distance Learning (DDL) Journal Article Award
- 2016 Association for Educational Communication & Technology (AECT) Division of Distance Learning (DDL) Journal Article Award
- National University Technology Network(NUTN) 2015 Research & Scholarship Award
- University of Illinois Dissertation Fellowship
- Studying Abroad Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Taiwan(2007)