She Hsiao-Ching University Chair Professor(Science Education Division)
office: 03-5712121#31665
Professor She Hsiao-Ching is currently the Distinguished Professor at the Graduate Institute of Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. She obtained her Ph.D. in Science Education and Philosophy from the University of Missouri-Columbia in the United States. Her research expertise lies in the fields of science education, cognitive neuroscience, and science learning, with a focus on eye tracking, brainwave analysis (EEG), fMRI, conceptual change, scientific reasoning, argumentation, cognitive multimedia, and digital learning. In addition to her research in science education, she combines science education with neuroscience. She utilizes EEG and eye-tracking devices to investigate the brain’s dynamic changes and eye movement behavior of learners during various cognitive processes in science learning, including conceptual change, concept construction, and scientific reasoning.
Professor She, H. C. has received the Outstanding Research Award from the National Science Council (now known as the Ministry of Science and Technology) three times (in 2003, 2009, and 2012). In 2018, she was awarded the Distinguished Contribution Award for Outstanding Contributions to Science Education through Research by the East Asian Science Education Association. She has also been a recipient of the Fulbright Distinguished Scholar Program in 2011 and served as a contracted researcher for the Ministry of Science and Technology in 2016 and 2019, executing two three-year research projects. Furthermore, she has held positions such as the President and Vice President of the Science Education Society of the Republic of China, Convener of the Science Education Discipline in the Education and Development Division of the National Science Council, a member of the Curriculum Advisory Committee for the Nine-Year Integrated Science Curriculum by the Ministry of Education, and a member of the High School Biology Curriculum Guideline Task Force. She is actively involved in international science education organizations, such as serving as the Chair of the JRST Award Committee for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST) and being a part of the Executive Board of the East Asian Association for Science Education (EASE).
Professor She, H. C. served as the Co-National Project Manager for Taiwan’s participation in the PISA 2015 National Program from 2012 to 2016. Taiwan’s performance in the assessment ranked 4th among 75 countries worldwide, marking a significant leap compared to the 12th position in PISA 2012. Since 2020, she has also been serving as a Senior Editor for the International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (an SSCI journal with an impact factor of 1.578).
Professor She, H. C. has devoted herself to the promotion of conceptual change and learning research among secondary school students and the integration of digital multimedia in science education. She consistently publishes her research findings in prestigious scientific education journals. Her research on conceptual change has gained significant recognition in the international science education community and has contributed to pioneering interdisciplinary research between science education and cognitive neuroscience.
educational background
- Ph.D. in Science Education Philosophy from the University of Missouri, United States
- Tenured professor at the Graduate Institute of Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University(2013〜)
- Visiting scholar at the University of California, San Diego, United States(2011〜2012)
- Convening researcher of the Science Education and Science Teaching discipline at the Department of Science Education, National Science Council(2006〜2008)
- Visiting scholar at Stanford University, United States(2005)
- Professor at the Graduate Institute of Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University(2001.08〜)
- Associate Professor at the Center for Education Program, National Chiao Tung University(1996〜2001)
research expertise
- 科學概念改變
- 科學推理
- 科學論證
- 認知多媒體與數位化科學學習
- 腦神經科學與科學教育
- 交通大學94學年度交大學術研究獎(2005)
- 交通大學90學年第二學期績效特優導師(2002)
- 東亞科學教育學會傑出研究貢獻獎(2018)
- 科技部特約科學家(2015〜)
- 國科會傑出研究獎(2012)
- 美國在台協會富布萊特獎學金高級研究員(2011)客座教授獎助計畫
- 國科會傑出研究獎(2009)
- 國科會傑出研究獎(2003)
- 國科會甲等(2001)
- 指導大學部學生參與行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫,研究成果獲頒最佳創意獎,並獲得指導老師獎牌一面(2000)
指導學生 |
101學年度 | 102學年度 | 103學年度 | 104學年度 | 105學年度 |
蔡欣儒(博) 杜孝珍(博) |
王勝毓(博) | 戴文雄(博) 謝宜君(碩) 郭俊鑫(碩) 曹盛威(碩) |
黃莛捷(碩) 林思慧(碩) 謝毓琦(碩) |
郭峻瑋(碩) 陳孟君(碩) 駱巴莎(博) |
106學年度 | 107學年度 | 108學年度 | 109學年度 | 110學年度 |
陳啟豪(碩) | 吳佩姍(碩) 簡銘宏(碩) 許峻升(碩) 林映如(碩) 謝怡芳(碩) |
李倞(碩) 吳凱文(碩) |
國科會/科技部計畫 |
- 《運用機器學習結合眼動訊號建立預測模型提升數位內容之科學推理與統整成效》PI(2023〜2026)
- 《啟動最佳化系統思考之數位科學學習:促進學生科學概念建構與系統思考能力》PI(2023〜2026)
- 《啟動數位機制推理促進高中古典和分子遺傳的統整與學習:眼動研究》PI(2022〜2025)
- 《探討啟動科學概念聯結對概念改變成功之影響》PI(2020〜2023)
- 《學生自成表徵輔助線上科學探究學習: 深化學生的科學理解》PI(2019〜2022《啟動合作問題解決之數位化3D虛擬科學實驗學習:促進合作問題解決能力與科學知識的建構》PI(2018〜2021)
- 《探討科學概念改變引發認知衝突與控制之腦神經機制》PI(2017〜2020)
- 《探討思考實驗與模擬實驗啟動演繹推理之認知歷程與成果》PI(2016〜2019)
- 《探討科學概念重建之路因推理認知動態歷程與機制》PI(2015〜2018)
- 《台灣參加PISA2015的執行與研究–PISA2015施測,分析與推廣》(4/4)PI(2015〜2017)
- 《台灣參加PISA2015的執行與研究–PISA2015施測,分析與推廣》(4/4)PI(2015〜2016)
- 《台灣參加PISA2015的執行與研究–PISA2015施測,分析與推廣》(3/4)PI(2014〜2016)
- 《台灣參加PISA2015的執行與研究–PISA2015施測,分析與推廣》(3/4)PI(2014〜2015)
- 《啟動後設認知之數位化真實科學實驗學習:促進學生科學解釋與科學舉證能力》PI(2014〜2017)
- 《台灣參加PISA2015的執行與研究–PISA2015施測,分析與推廣》(2/4)PI(2013)
- 《促進敘述性,假設性和理論性科學概念重構之數位論證研究》PI(2012〜2015)
- 《多媒體數位環境中科學概念建構之認知動態歷程:心智架構之表徵間聯結,轉換與整合》PI(2010〜2013)
發表 |
- Chen, M.J.,*She, H.C., Tsai, P.Y. (2024, Mar). The effects of online simulation-based collaborative problem-solving on students’problem-solving, communication and collaboration attitudes. Education and Information Technologies, 29(4). (SSCI) (IF:5) 本人為通訊作者.
- Guo, J.W., *She, H.C., Chen, M.J., Tsai, P.Y. (2023, Dec). Can CPS better prepare 8th graders for problem-solving in electromagnetism and bridging the gap between high- and low-achievers than IPS. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 18(4), DOI: 10.1007/s11412-023-09407-y (SSCI) (IF:3) 本人為通訊作者.
- *She, H.C., Huang, L.Y, & Duann, J.R. (2023, 8). A Shared Hippocampal Network in Retrieving Science-related Semantic Memories. International Journal of Neural Systems. 33(8), 2350034. DOI: 10.1142 /S012906572350034X (SCI) (IF:0) 本人為通訊作者.
- Kuo, C. H., Chen, M.J., Robasa N., & *She, H.C. (2023, June). Space adventure game-based learning: How games and scaffolds affect eighth graders’ physics learning and game immersion. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies,17, 229-240., DOI: 10.1109/TLT.2023.3288879 (SSCI) (IF:7) 本人為通訊作者.
- Zhang, Z.Y., Chen, Y. C., Guangxi, He, She, H.C., & Cheng, (2023, May). Thinking and Practicing Like a Scientist? Examining K-12 Student Mental Images of Scientists Through a Large-Scale Survey-Based Study. Asia-Pacific Science Education, 9, 75-105. (SCI) (IF:0.7) DOI: 10.1163/23641177-bja10057
- Chou, W.C., She, H.C., & Jung, T. P. (2023,). Human brain dynamics and coordination reflect the task difficulty of optical image formation involves relational reasoning. International Journal of Neural Systems. 24 Feb 2023:2350018. DOI: 10.1142/s0129065723500181 (SCI) (IF:8.0)
- Chou, R.J., Liang, C. P., Huang, L. Y., & *She, H. C. (2022) The Impacts of Online Skeuomorphic Physics Inquiry-Based Learning with and without Simulation on 8th Graders’ Scientific Inquiry Performance. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 31, 357–371 (SSCI) (IF:4)
- Wang; H.H., Hong; Z. R., She, H. C., Smith; Y. J., Fielding; J., & Lin, H. S. (2022). The role of structured inquiry, open inquiry, and epistemological beliefs in developing secondary students’ scientific and mathematical literacies. International Journal of STEM Education. 9 (14). (SSCI) (IF:7)
- Liang, C. P., & *She, H. C. (2021). Investigate the effectiveness of single and multiple representational scaffolds on mathematics problem solving: Evidence from eye movements. Interactive Learning environments. org/10.1080/10494820.2021.1943692. (SSCI) (IF=4.965)
- Liang, C. P., She, H. C., Huang, L. Y., Chou, W. C., Chen, S. C. & Jung, T. P. (2020). Human Brain Dynamics Reflect the Correctness and Presentation Modality of Physics Concept Memory Retrieval. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. org/10.3389/fnhum.2020.00331 (SCI)(IF=3.169)
- Chen, S. C., & *She, H. C. (2020). Effects of Analogical Learning Approaches and Presentation Modalities on Ninth Graders’ Learning Outcome and Eye Movements: a Preliminary Study. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 29, 547-560. (SCI)(SSCI) (IF=315)
- Tsai, P.Y., Yang, T.T., *She, H. C., & Chen, S. C (2019). Leveraging College Students’ Scientific Evidence-Based Reasoning Performance with Eye-Tracking-Supported Metacognition. Journal of Science Education and Technology. 28(3),613-627(SCI)(SSCI) (IF=1.644)
- *She, H. C., Lin, H. S., & Huang, L. Y. (2019). Reflections on and implications of the PISA 2015 performance of students in Taiwan: The role of epistemic beliefs about science in scientific literacy. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 56, 1309-1340. (SSCI) (IF=3.870)
- Tsai, P.Y., *She, H. C., Chen, S. C., Huang, L. Y., Chou, W.C., Duann, J.R., Jung, T.P. (2019). Eye Fixation-related Fronto-parietal Neural Network Correlates of Memory Retrieval. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 138, 57-70. (SCI) (SSCI) (IF=868) DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2019.02.008
- *She, H. C., Stacey, K. & Schmidt, W. H. (2018). Science and Mathematics Literacy: PISA for Better School Education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 16(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-018-9911-1 (SSCI) (IF=1.086)
- Cheng, S. C., *She, H. C., & Huang, L. Y. (2018). The impact of problem-solving instruction on middle school students’ physical science learning: interplays of knowledge, reasoning, and problem solving. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 14(3), 731-743. DOI: 10.12973/ejmste/80902 (SSCI) ( IF=0.903)
- Huang, L. Y., *She, H. C. & Jung, T. P. (2018). Neural oscillation correlates chemistry decision-making. International Journal of Neural Systems. 28(3), 1750031. DOI: 10.1142/S0129065717500319 (SCI) (IF=4.580)
- Cheng, M. T., Lin, Y. W., *She, H. C. & Kuo, P. C. (2017). Is immersion of any value? Whether, and to what extent, game immersion experience during serious gaming affects science learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 48(2), 246-263. DOI:10.1111/bjet.12386 (SSCI) (IF=2.729)
- Weng, W. Y., Lin, Y. R. & *She, H. C. (2017).Scaffolding for Argumentation in Hypothetical and Theoretical Biology Concepts. International Journal of Science Education, 39(7), 877-897. DOI: 10.1080/09500693.2017.1310409 (SSCI) (IF=1.325)
- Jack, B. M., She, H. C., & *Lin, H. S. (2016). Effects of self-evaluated value and cognition on leisure science engagement. International Journal of Science Education, Part B, 6(4), 341-354. DOI: 10.1080/21548455.2016.1222104 (SSCI) (IF=1.240)
- Wu, H. L., Weng, H. L., *She, H. C. (2016). Effects of scaffolds and scientific reasoning ability on web-based scientific inquiry. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 3(1), 12-24.
- Chen, S. C., Hsiao, M. S., *She H. C. (2015). The effects of static versus dynamic 3D representations on 10th grade students’ atomic orbital mental model construction: Evidence from eye movement behaviors. Computers in Human Behavior, 53, 169-180. (SSCI) (IF=2.880).
- Cheng, M. T., She, H. C., & Annetta, L. A. (2015). Game immersion experience: Its hierarchical structure and impact on science learning through serious educational game play. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 31(3), 232-253. DOI:10.1111/jcal.12066. (SSCI). (IF=1.679)
- Chou, W.C., Duann, J.R., *She, H. C., Huang, L.Y., Jung, T.P. (2015). Explore the functional connectivity between brain regions during a chemistry working memory task. PLOS ONE, 10 (6), e0129019. (SCI) (IF=3.057).
- Yang, W. T., Lin, Y. R., *She, H. C. & Huang, K. Y. (2015). The Effects of Prior-Knowledge and Online Learning Approaches on Students’ Inquiry and Argumentation Abilities. International Journal of Science Education, 37(10), 1564-1589. (SSCI) (IF=1.000)
- Cheng, M.T., Lin, Y. W., *She, H. C. (2015). Learning through playing Virtual Age: Exploring the interactions among student concept learning, gaming performance, in-game behaviors, and the use of in-game characters. Computers & Education, 86, 18-29. (SSCI) (IF=2.881).
- Lin, C.L., Jung. M., Wu, Y. C., She, H C., Jung, T. P. (2015). Neural Correlates of Mathematical Problem Solving. International Journal of Neural System, 25(2), 1550004. (SCI) (IF=6.085)
- Chen, C. T., & *She, H. C. (2015). The Effectiveness of Scientific Inquiry with/without Integration of Scientific Reasoning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 13(1), 1-20. (SSCI) (IF=1.104)
- Huang, H. Y.,*She, H. C., Wu, H. L. & Lin, Y. R. (2014). Enhancing Students’ NOS Views and Science Knowledge using Facebook-based Scientific News. Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 289-301.(SSCI) (IF=1.018)
- Chen, S. C., *She, H. C., Chuang M. H., Wu, J. Y., Tsai, J. L. & Jung, T.P. (2014). Eye movements predict students’ computer-based assessment performance of physics concepts in different presentation modalities. Computers & Education, 74, 61-72. (SSCI) (IF=2.556)
- Chou, W.C., *She, H. C., Lai, K., Gramann, K., & Jung, T. P. (2014). (2014, Feb)Temporal Dynamics and Cortical Networks Engaged in Biological Concepts Encoding. Journal of Neuroscience and Neuroengineering, 3(1), 21–35.
- Huang, L. Y., *She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Chuang, M. H., Duann, J. R. & Jung, T. P. (2013). Brain Oscillation and Connectivity during a Chemistry Visual Working Memory Task. International Journal of Psychophysiology. 90(2), 172-179. (SCI) (SSCI) (IF=2.648)
- Chuang M. H. & *She, H. C. (2013). Fostering 5th grade student’s understanding of science via salience analogical reasoning in on-line and classroom learning environments. Educational Technology & Society,16(3), 102-118.(SSCI) (IF=0.824)
- Lai, K., *She, H. C., Chen, S.C., Chou, W.C., Huang, L.Y., Jung, T.P., Gramann, K. (2012). Encoding of physics concepts: Concreteness and presentation modality reflected by human brain dynamics. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e41784. (SCI) (IF=3.730)
- *She, H. C., Jung, T.P., Chou, W.C., Huang, L.Y., Wang, C.Y., Lin, G.Y. (2012). EEG dynamics reflect the distinct cognitive process of optic problem solving. PLoS ONE, 7(7): e40731. (SCI). (IF=3.730)
- *She, H. C., Cheng, M. T., Li, T. W., Wang, C.Y., Chiu, H.T., Lee, P.Z., Chou, W.C., Chuang, M.H., (2012). Web-based Undergraduate Chemistry Problem-Solving: the interplay of task performance, domain knowledge and web-searching strategies. Computers & Education, 59, 750-761. (SSCI) (IF=2.775).
- Chen, C. H. & *She, H. C. (2012). The impact of Recurrent On-line Synchronous Scientific Argumentation on Students’ Argumentation and Conceptual Change. Educational Technology & Society, 15 (1), 197-210. (SSCI) (IF=1.171).
- 陳雅君、洪瑞兒、佘曉清、林煥祥 (2016)。台灣學生科學素養與科教學者研究成果表現之發展趨勢探討。科學教育學刊,24(4),333-354。(TSSCI)
- 方紫薇、陳學志、佘曉清、蘇嘉鈴 (2011)。正向情緒及幽默有助於國中生之科學問題解決嗎?教育科學研究期刊,56(4),43-68。(TSSCI)
- 陳學志、佘曉清、蘇嘉鈴 (2011)。讓評量變得有趣–幽默式評量。科學發展月刊,462,12-21。
- *She, H. C., Chen, M. J., Hsueh, C.Y., Robasa N., Huang, L. Y. (2023, July 22-26). Using FMRI to examine scientific conceptual change in high- and low-conflict tasks. Paper presented at The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Montreal, Canada.
- Kuo, C.H., *She, H. C., Chen, M. J., & Robasa Nababan (2023, Jun. 27-30). Achieving game winning and scaffold mastery boosts eighth-grade students’ learning and immersion in physics through Space Adventure GBL. presented at the 2023 (54th) Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Annual International Conference, Cairns, Australia.
- Lin, Y. J., *Robasa Nababan, She, H. C. (2023, Jun. 27-30). The use of Arduino technology for high school inquiry-based physics learning. presented at the 2023 (54th) Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Annual International Conference, Cairns, Australia.
- , K. W., *Chen, M. J., & She, H. C. (2023, Jun. 27-30). An eye movement study to investigate how atomic model-based reasoning affects college students’ mental model construction. presented at the 2023 (54th) Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Annual International Conference, Cairns, Australia.
- Chen, M. J., &*She, H. C. (2022.Jun. 30). Research on the effects of online versus lab collaborative problem solving and students’ achievement levels on 8th graders’ electrochemistry problem solving. Paper presented at the 2022 (53th) Australasian Science Education Research Association (ASERA) Annual International Conference, Perth, Australia.
- *She, H. C., Huang, L.Y., Duann, J. R., Robasa Nababan, Chen, M. J., & Hsueh, C.Y. (2022.Jun. 06-07). An fMRI Connectivity Study of Brain Networking for Scientific Conceptions and Misconceptions. Paper presented at the 2022 Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Glasgow, Scotland.
- Chou, R. J., *She, H. C., & Chen, M. J. (2022, Mar 27-30). Research of Online Scientific Inquiry with/without Computer Simulation on 8th Graders’ Performance of Scientific Inquiry. Paper presented at the 2022 NARST Annual International Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia.
- She, H. C., Huang, L.Y., Chen, M.J., & Duann, J. R. (accepted). An fMRI investigation of cognitive conflict in the process of alternative scientific concept task. International Conference of Cognitive Neuroscience. Helsinki, Finland.
- She, H. C., Huang, L.Y., Chen, J., & Duann, J. R. (2020, accepted). Neural activation depicts distinct roles of IFG, ACC and PHG in scientific cognitive conflict task. 2020 The Organization for Human Brain Mapping(OHBM) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
- Huang, L.Y., She, H. C., & Duann, J. R. (2020, accepted). Brain activity and functional connectivity during the scientific conflict tasks: tasks: an fMRI study. 2020 The Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada.
- She, H. C. Huang, L.Y., & Lin, H.S. (2019, July 2-5). Scientific Literacy Performance of Students in Australia and Taiwan: International Comparisons based on PISA 2015 Paper presented at ASERA 2019 Conference, New Zealand.
- Huang, L.Y., Chen, M.J., Tsao, S.W., &She, H. C. (2019, July 2-5). Facilitate non-science major students’ understanding of astronomy and epistemic beliefs about science through epistemology and history embedded online astronomy learning content. Paper presented at ASERA 2019 Conference, New Zealand.
- Huang, L.Y. & She, H.C. (2018 June25-29). An eye movement study on the abductive reasoning regarding genetics. Paper presented by the EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference 2018. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- She, H.C. & Lin, Y.C. (2018 June25-29). Facilitate students’ scientific explanations through the use of dynamic video-text vs. static image-text presentations: An Eye movement study. Paper presented by the EdMedia + Innovate Learning Conference 2018. Amsterdam, Netherlands.
- She, H.C., Huang, L.Y., Wang, S.Y., Duann, J.R., & Chen, C. M. (2018, June17-21). Explore the DLPFC and ACC activities during the scientific conflict tasks: A preliminary fMRI study. Paper presented by the 24rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Singapore.
- Wang, S.Y., She, H.C., Huang, L.Y., Duann, J.R., & Chen, C. M. (2018, June17-21). An inquiry into science concepts retrieval task of different science subjects. Paper presented by the 24rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Singapore.
- Huang, L.Y., She, H.C. (2017, June 25-29). EEG dynamics of abductive reasoning process involving genetic concepts. Paper presented by the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Vancouver, Canada.
- She, H.C., Shih, C, C., Huang, L.Y. (2017, June 25-29). EEG dynamics reflects students’ cognitive process at different levels of cognitive conflict events. Paper presented by the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Vancouver, Canada.
- Tsai, P. Y., She, H.C., Chen, S. C., Huang, L.Y., Chou, W.C., Duann, J.R., Jung,T. P. (2017, June 25-29). Eye fixation-related EEG reflect memory retrieval process. Paper presented by the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), Vancouver, Canada.
- Chen, S. C., & She, H.C. (2016, Dec. 8-10). Research on middle school students’ mental model construction and eye movements patterns involving electricity: The effect of integrating analogy/metaphor with picture/text on-line learning. Paper presented at the 32nd ASET Annual International Conference. Taichung, Taiwan.
- Yang, T.T., * She, H. C., & Tsai, P.Y. (2016, Aug. 26-28). Use Eye Tracker to Explore Science and Non-Science major Students’ Online Scientific Literacy Assessments. East-Asian Association for Science Education. Tokyo, Japan.
- Chen, S. C. & She, H. C. (2015, Sep.8-10). The effects of analogy/metaphor and presentation modality on 9th graders’ on-line electricity learning and their eye movement patterns. Oral presented at the e-CASE & e-Tech 2015-Fall. Kyoto, Japan.
- She, H. C., Chuang, M. H., Shih, C.C. (2015, Sep 8-10). The impact of the presentation modality sequence on students’ mental model construction and eye movement behaviors. Oral presented at the e-CASE & e-Tech 2015-Fall. Kyoto, Japan.
- Liang, T. C. & She, H.-C. (2015, Sep 8-10). The Online Biological Misconception Diagnosis System to Facilitate Biology Teachers Teaching. Oral presented at the e-CASE & e-Tech 2015-Fall. Kyoto, Japan.
- Tsai H. J., Lai, K., She, H. C., & Chou, W. C. (2015, Sep 8-10). The Impact of Presentation Modalities on Brain Activity During Mathematics Processing. Oral presented at the e-CASE & e-Tech 2015-Fall. Kyoto, Japan.
- Chen, S. C., She, H. C., & Hsiao, M. S. (2015, July 6-9). Using Eye-tracking to investigate the different 3D representation on students’ mental model construction. Paper presented at the ICALT 2015 Conference. Hualien, Taiwan.
- Chou, W. C., and She, H. C. (2015, July 6-9). Explore the eye movement regarding the cognitive process of online optic reasoning learning. Oral presented at the ICALT 2015 Conference. Hualien, Taiwan.
- Huang, K. Y., Cheng, Y. L., She, H. C., & Lin, Y. R. (2015, July 6-9). A Conductive Online Chemistry Argumentation Platform with Website Researching Support. Paper presented at the ICALT 2015 Conference. Hualien, Taiwan.
- Lin, Y. R., Yang, W. T., She, H. C. & Huang, K, Y. (2015, July 6-9). Online Collaborative Learning for Improving Argumentation of Student with Different Levels of Science Prior Knowledge. Paper presented at the ICALT 2015 Conference. Hualien, Taiwan.
- Tsai, P. Y., Yang, T. T. & She, H. C. (2015, July 6-9). Explore College Students’ Cognitive Processing during Scientific Literacy Online Assessments with the use of Eye Tracking Technology. Paper presented at the ICALT 2015 Conference. Hualien, Taiwan.
- Weng, W. Y., Lin, Y. R., She, H. C., & Huang, K, Y. (2015, July 6-9). The Effect of Online Scaffolding on Students’ Learning of Scientific Knowledge and Argumentation. Paper presented at the ICALT 2015 Conference. Hualien, Taiwan.
- Chen, S.C., Hsiao, M.S. & She, H. C. (2014, July 2-4). Exploring high school students’ atomic concepts and mental models with eye movement behaviors involving in different 3D animations. Paper presented at ASERA 2014 Conference, Australia.
- Yang, W.T., She, H. C., Lin, Y.R. & Huang, K.Y. (2014, July 2-4). A Study of Social vs. Individual Online Argumentation-based Inquiry Learning. Paper presented at ASERA 2014, Australia.
- She, H. C. & Chen, S.C. (2013, July 4-6). Promote 8th graders’ Scientific Knowledge, Reasoning, and Problem Solving Ability. Paper presented at EASE 2013 Conference. Hong Kong.
- Liang, C.P., She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Chen, S.C., & Huang, L. Y. (2013, July 4-6). To explore EGG alpha and theta activities during the memory retrieval of physical concept of different representations. Paper presented at EASE 2013 Conference. Hong Kong.
- Tsai, P. Y., She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Chen, S.C., & Huang, L. Y. (2013, July 4-6). EEG Oscillation of retrieval of Biology concepts and Physics concepts in the picture modality. Paper presented at EASE 2013 Conference. Hong Kong.
- Liang, C. P., She, H. C., Chou, W. C., Huang, L. Y. (2012, Dec. 13-15). The use of EEG to explore the activation of different brain regions in the retrieval of the chemical concept. Paper presented at The 28th ASET Annual International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Tsai, P. Y., She, H. C., Liang, C. P., Chou, W. C., Huang, L. Y. (2012, Dec. 13-15). EEG Oscillation of retrieval of Biology and Chemistry concepts in the picture modality. Paper presented at The 28th ASET Annual International Conference. Taipei, Taiwan.
- Lin, C.L., Jung, M., Wu, Y.C., She, H. C. (2012, Aug31). Brain Dynamics of Mathematical Problem Solving. Paper presented at 34th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference. San Diego, California.
- Lin, C. L., Jung M., Wu Y. C., Lin C. T., She H. C. (2012, June 10-14). The Effects of Task Difficulty on Hemispheric EEG Power upon Performing Mathematic Games. Paper presented at 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting. Beijing, China.
- She, H. C., Lai, K., Chen S.C., Jung, T. P., Gramann, K. (2012, June 10-14). The EEG Oscillations Associated with Encoding of Physics Concepts. Paper presented at 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting. Beijing, China.
- Chou W.C., She, H. C., Jung, T. P. (2012, June 10-14). EEG Oscillation of encoding concrete biology concepts in the picture and word modalities. Associated with Encoding of Physics Concepts. Paper presented at 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting. Beijing, China.
- Huang, L.Y., She, H. C., Jung, T. P., Chuang M. H. (2012, June 10-14). The EEG dynamic of visual working memory task involving chemistry. Associated with Encoding of Physics Concepts. Paper presented at 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting. Beijing, China.
- Lai, K., She, H. C., Chen S.C., Jung, T. P. (2012, June 10-14). Concreteness Effects on Theta and Upper Alpha EEG Coherence. Paper presented at the 2012 OHBM Annual Meeting. Beijing, China.
- She, H. C. (2012, March 25-28). Exploring the EEG Dynamic during Physics Problem Solving. Paper presented at the NARST 2012 Annual International Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
- Lai, K., She, H. C., & Chen, S. C. (2011, 10.25-10.29). EEG Brain Activity in Encoding Physics-Related Concepts. Paper presented at the 2011 East-Asian Association for Science Education Conference. Gwangju, South Korea.
- 陳孟君、佘曉清(2021, Dec.09-11)。合作問題解決電池電解巨觀與微觀實驗教學內容促進國中生問題解決能力。發表於中華民國第三十七屆科學教育國際研討會,國立臺灣彰化師範大學。
- 曹盛威、陳孟君、佘曉清(2018, Nov.30- Dec. 1) 。明暗示科普內容架構與個人認識觀程度對學生學習科學認識觀融入線上科普內容之影響。發表於中華民國第三十四屆科學教育國際研討會,國立東華大學。
- 周人傑、佘曉清 (2016, Dec. 8-10)。探討模擬與動畫之數位化科學探究課程對物理學習的影響。發表於中華民國第三十二屆科學教育國際研討會。國立自然科學博物館。
- 施權城、佘曉清 (2016, Dec. 8-10)。探討高低認知衝突科學概念改變歷程中學習者之腦波動態變化。發表於中華民國第三十二屆科學教育國際研討會。國立自然科學博物館。
- 黃莉郁、佘曉清 (2016, Dec. 8-10)。探討「遺傳」推理歷程之眼動模式。發表於中華民國第三十二屆科學教育國際研討會。國立自然科學博物館。
- 廖婉晴、佘曉清 (2016, Dec. 8-10)。後設認知融入數位化科學探究學習的影響。發表於中華民國第三十二屆科學教育國際研討會。國立自然科學博物館。
- 蔡欣儒、Kevin Lai、佘曉清、周文己 (2016, Dec. 8-10)。多媒體學習認知理論對數學處理歷程大腦動態活化情形與認知努力的影響。發表於中華民國第三十二屆科學教育國際研討會。國立自然科學博物館。
- 黃錫裕、佘曉清(2011, Dec. 15-17)。探討同步與非同步化Facebook環境中科學本質融入科學新聞之研究。發表於中華民國第二十七屆科學教育學術研討會。高雄,台灣。
- 黃莉郁、周文己、莊明樺、陳聖昌、佘曉清 (2010, Dec. 10)。以眼球追蹤探討科學知識提取之認知歷程。發表於中華民國第二十六屆科學教育學術研討會。
- 莊明樺、陳聖昌、周文己、黃莉郁、佘曉清 (2010, Dec. 10)。從眼動儀探討學生化學概念的認知歷程。發表於中華民國第二十六屆科學教育學術研討會。
- 佘曉清, 林煥祥(2017)。PISA 2015臺灣學生的表現。臺灣:心理出版社。ISBN:9789861917764。
- Chen, T.C. & *She, H. C. (2012). Research of on-line learning for conceptual change and scientific reasoning. In C.B. Lee & D. Jonassen, (Eds.). Fostering conceptual change with technology: Asia perspective. (pp.141-172) Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. ISBN 9814424307.
- *She, H. C., Yore, L. D., Anderson, J. O., Erduran, S., Gräber, W., Jones, A., Klumpers, J., Parker, S., Rollnick, M., Sherwood, R. D., & Waldrip, B. (2009). Funding patterns and priorities: An international perspective. In M. C. Shelley II, L. D. Yore, & B. Hand (Eds.), Quality research in literacy and science education: International perspectives and gold standards (pp.467-510). Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Springer. ISBN 1740670248.