Professor Yih-Lan Liu

Yih-Lan Liu


Office | HSS Building 1 Room HA209

Phone | +886-3-5712121*31708


Dr. Yih-Lan Liu is a professor in the Institute of Education at National Chiao-Tung University. She specializes in parent-child interaction, adolescent social development & adjustment. Dr. Liu received her BS in Plant Pathology from National Taiwan University; then changed her career field from microbiology to psychology. She earned her Ed. M in Counseling & Guidance from Rutgers University, & Ph.D. in Human Development & Education from University of Texas, Austin. She was previously an associate professor at National Tsing-Hua University for seven -half years & an associated professor at National Tai-Tung University for four years.


Dr. Liu’s research examined how individual characteristics (e.g. attachment style, personality, cognition) & family context (e.g. parent-child interaction) are associated with adolescent autonomy, ego development, depression, emotion regulation, & internal as well as external behavioral problems. Dr. Liu is a developmental psychologist with diverse research approach. Many of her studies were conducted by survey. Other than that, she adopted semi-structure interviews to understand children & adolescent cognitive development of authority, anger expression rules & anger regulation strategies in the family & peer contexts. She also employed sentence completion test to measure ego development. Her recent study was to observe mother-adolescent affective interaction, & used electronic diary to record adolescent daily affect while interacting with mothers.




  • Ph.D. in Human Development & Education, University of Texas, Austin
  • M. Ed. in Counseling & Guidance, Rutgers University
  • B.S. in Plant Pathology, National Taiwan University




  • Department Chair, Institute of Education/Center for Teacher Education, NCTU (2014~2016)
  • Associate Dean, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, NCTU (2014~2015)
  • Professor, Institute of Education, NCTU (2012)
  • Associate Professor, Institute of Education, NCTU (2008)
  • Department Chair, Center for Teacher Education, NTHU(2006~2008)
  • Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education, NTHU (2003~)
  • Assistant Professor, Center for Teacher Education, NTHU (2000~)
  • Associate Professor, Institute of Education, NTTU (1996~)




  • Research in Social Psychology
  • Research in Developmental Psychology
  • Research in Personality Psychology
  • Psychology of Young Adolescents
  • Principles & Practices of Guidence




Liu, Y. L. & Ton, Y. C. (2021). The relationship among mothers´ meta-emotion philosophy, mother-adolescent emotion flexibility, and adolescents´ internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Bulletin of Educational Psychology. (TSSCI)
Liu, T. Y. & Liu*, Y. L. (2021). The effect of Reiki on the negative mood regulation expectancies and burnout of the helpers. Bulletin of Educational Psychology. (TSSCI)
Yang, T.-C., Liu, Y.-L., & Wang, L.-C. (2021). Using an institutional research perspective to predict undergraduate students’ career decisions in the practice of precision education. Educational Technology & Society, 24 (1), 27–39. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. (2020). Maternal mediation as an act of privacy invasion: the association with internet addiction. Computer in Human Behavior, 112, 1034-74. (SSCI)
Chou, H.L., Liu, Y. L., & Chou, C. (2019). Privacy behavior profiles of underage facebook users/ Computer & Education, 128, 13, 473-485. (SSCI)
Liu*, Y. L., & Chang, H.T. (2018). Bidirectional association between effortful control and Intentional self-regulation and their integrative effect on deviant adolescent behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1-11.(SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. (2016). The Role of Effortful Control in the Relationships Among Parental Control, Intentional Self-regulation, and Adolescent Obedience. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(8), 2435-2446. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. (2013). Autonomy, filial piety and parental authority: A two-year investigation. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174 (5), 557-581. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. (2013). The mediating effects of personality and cognition on ego development. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174(2), 137-152. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. & Huang, F. M. (2012). Mother-adolescent conflict in Taiwan: Links between attachment style and psychological distress. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 40(6), 919-932. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. & Yeh, K. H. (2011). The mediating effect of mother-adolescent interaction on the relationship between mothers’ ego development and adolescent individuation. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 70(3), 155-164. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. (2008). An examination of three models of the relationships between parental attachments and adolescents’ social functioning and depressive symptoms, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 941-952. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. (2006). Paternal /maternal attachment, peer support, social expectations of peer interaction and depressive symptoms. Adolescence, 41(164), 705-721. (SSCI)
Liu, Y. L. & Chao, H. L. (2005). The relationships between perceived systemic family violence and children’s problematic behaviors. Bulletin of Education Psychology ( 教育心理學報 ), 37(2), 197- 214. (TSSCI)
張繐礠、劉奕蘭( 2016) 。成長主題、意義化與台灣成人心理成熟的關聯性初探。中華輔導與諮商學報(已接受)。
張繐礠、蔡馨沂、劉奕蘭 * ( 2016) 。青少年偶像崇拜量表之信度與效度考驗。測驗學刊 ,63 (2), 111-132 ( TSSCI) 通訊作者
劉奕蘭( 2012 )。人際認知成熟量表之發展研究。測驗年刊, 59 ( 1) , 49- 74 。
楊國樞、劉奕蘭、張淑慧、王琳 (2010) :華人雙文化自我的個 體發展階段:理論建構的嘗試。中華心理學刊, 52 ( 2 ), 113- 132 。 (TSSCI)
劉奕蘭( 2009) 。台灣大學生的認知發展、人格特質、生活經驗與自我發展的關係:華盛頓大學造句測驗的應用。中華心理學刊, 51(1) , 1~26 。 (TSSCI)
Yeh, K. H., Liu, Y. L., Huang, H. S., & Yang, Y. J., (2007). Individuating and relating autonomy in culturally Chinese adolescents. In C. Ward, J. Liu, A. B. I. Bernardo, R. Fischer, & M. Karasawa (Eds.), Progress in Asian social psychology: Vol. 5. Casting the individual in societal and cultural contexts:social and societal psychology for Asia and the Pacific (pp.123-146). New York:
Liu, Y.L. (2015). The relationship of maternal response to adolescent anger display with adolescent anger regulation and adjustment. Paper was presented at European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy (7/9~11).
Chang, Y. T., & Liu, Y.L. (2015). The relationship among adolescents’ temperament, anger regulation and social behavior. Paper was presented at European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy (7/9~11).
Liu, Y. L. (2014). Adolescent anger expression and emotion regulation in the different social contexts. Paper was presented to the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France. (7/8~13)
Liu, Y. L. (2013). The causal relationships among parenting, self-regulation, and obedience. Paper was presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden. (7/9~7/12)
Liu, Y. L. (2012). The Relationships Among Parental Control, Adolescent Temperament, Self-Regulation and Obedience to Parental Authority: Test of a Moderated Mediation Model. Paper was presented at 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape town, South Africa (July 22~27).
Kuo, C. S., & Liu, Y. L. (2012). Adolescent Filial Piety as a Moderator between Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Autonomy in Taiwan. Paper will be presented at 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape town, South Africa (July 22~27).
Chang, H. T., Kuo, C. S., & Liu, Y. L. (2012). The development of adolescent internalization of parental authority. Paper was presented at 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape town, South Africa (July 22~27).
Liu, Y. L. (2011). The relationships between filial piety, autonomy and obedience to parental authority: A two-year investigation. Paper was presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey. (7/4~7/8)
陳茵嵐、劉奕蘭( 2011 )。 e 世代的攻擊:網路霸凌( Cyber-Bullying )。論文發表於 E 世代重要議題 — 人文社會面向研討會。新竹,清華大學。
Liu, Y. L. (2010, July). Adolescents’ beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority and their obedience: The moderating effect of parent-adolescent relationships. Paper was presented at 27th international Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia. (7/11~7/16) 

Chang, H. T., & Liu, Y. L. (2010, July). Rasch Analysis of Depressive Symptoms for Aboriginal and General Children in Taiwan. Paper was presented at 27th international Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia. (7/11~7/16) 

Liu, Y. L. (2009, August). Cognition as the mediator between personality and ego development. Paper was presented at the Annual American Psychology Association Convention, Toronto , Canada. (8/6~8/9) 

Liu, Y. L. (2009, July). Cognitive maturity of Friendship: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale. Paper was presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Noway. (7/7~7/10) 

Liu, Y. L. (2008, July). The relationships among mothers’ ego development, mother-child communication and adolescents’ ego development and autonomy. 
 Paper was presented to International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, German
Liu, Y. L. (2007, July). Mother-child interaction and adolescents’ two dimensions of autonomy in Taiwan. Paper was accepted by 2007 American Psychology Convention, San Francisco, CA, U. S.
Liu, Y. L. (2007, August). The Ego Development of College Students in 
 Taiwan. Paper was presented at 2007 European Congress of Psychology, 
 Convention, San Francisco, U. S. A.
Liu, Y. L. (2006, April). Paternal /maternal attachment, peer support, social 
 expectations of peer interaction, and depressive symptoms. Paper was 
 accepted by 2006 AERA Convention, San Diego, U. S. A.
Liu, Y. L. (2006, July). Emotion, appraisal of and coping with parent-child conflict situation: The role of insecure attachment. Paper was presented at 2006 International Association for Relationship Research Convention, Rethymnon, Crete.




  • 1996-Present Member, Taiwanese Psychological Association
  • 2007-Present Member, European Federation of Psychologist Association
  • 2014 Member, The International Association of Applied Psychology
  • 2013 Member, International Union of Psychological Science
  • 2007-2009 Member, American Psychological Association
  • 2003-2004 Member, American Psychological Association




  • Teaching Excellence Award, NYCU(2010)
  • Best College Advisor Award, NYCU(2009)