Yih-Lan Liu
Office | HSS Building 1 Room HA209
Phone | +886-3-5712121*31708
Dr. Yih-Lan Liu is a professor in the Institute of Education at National Chiao-Tung University. She specializes in parent-child interaction, adolescent social development & adjustment. Dr. Liu received her BS in Plant Pathology from National Taiwan University; then changed her career field from microbiology to psychology. She earned her Ed. M in Counseling & Guidance from Rutgers University, & Ph.D. in Human Development & Education from University of Texas, Austin. She was previously an associate professor at National Tsing-Hua University for seven -half years & an associated professor at National Tai-Tung University for four years.
Dr. Liu’s research examined how individual characteristics (e.g. attachment style, personality, cognition) & family context (e.g. parent-child interaction) are associated with adolescent autonomy, ego development, depression, emotion regulation, & internal as well as external behavioral problems. Dr. Liu is a developmental psychologist with diverse research approach. Many of her studies were conducted by survey. Other than that, she adopted semi-structure interviews to understand children & adolescent cognitive development of authority, anger expression rules & anger regulation strategies in the family & peer contexts. She also employed sentence completion test to measure ego development. Her recent study was to observe mother-adolescent affective interaction, & used electronic diary to record adolescent daily affect while interacting with mothers.
- Ph.D. in Human Development & Education, University of Texas, Austin
- M. Ed. in Counseling & Guidance, Rutgers University
- B.S. in Plant Pathology, National Taiwan University
- Department Chair, Institute of Education/Center for Teacher Education, NCTU (2014~2016)
- Associate Dean, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, NCTU (2014~2015)
- Professor, Institute of Education, NCTU (2012)
- Associate Professor, Institute of Education, NCTU (2008)
- Department Chair, Center for Teacher Education, NTHU(2006~2008)
- Associate Professor, Center for Teacher Education, NTHU (2003~)
- Assistant Professor, Center for Teacher Education, NTHU (2000~)
- Associate Professor, Institute of Education, NTTU (1996~)
- Research in Social Psychology
- Research in Developmental Psychology
- Research in Personality Psychology
- Psychology of Young Adolescents
- Principles & Practices of Guidence
期刊論文 |
Liu, Y. L. & Ton, Y. C. (2021). The relationship among mothers´ meta-emotion philosophy, mother-adolescent emotion flexibility, and adolescents´ internalizing and externalizing behaviors. Bulletin of Educational Psychology. (TSSCI) |
Liu, T. Y. & Liu*, Y. L. (2021). The effect of Reiki on the negative mood regulation expectancies and burnout of the helpers. Bulletin of Educational Psychology. (TSSCI) |
Yang, T.-C., Liu, Y.-L., & Wang, L.-C. (2021). Using an institutional research perspective to predict undergraduate students’ career decisions in the practice of precision education. Educational Technology & Society, 24 (1), 27–39. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. (2020). Maternal mediation as an act of privacy invasion: the association with internet addiction. Computer in Human Behavior, 112, 1034-74. (SSCI) |
Chou, H.L., Liu, Y. L., & Chou, C. (2019). Privacy behavior profiles of underage facebook users/ Computer & Education, 128, 13, 473-485. (SSCI) |
Liu*, Y. L., & Chang, H.T. (2018). Bidirectional association between effortful control and Intentional self-regulation and their integrative effect on deviant adolescent behaviors. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1-11.(SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. (2016). The Role of Effortful Control in the Relationships Among Parental Control, Intentional Self-regulation, and Adolescent Obedience. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25(8), 2435-2446. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. (2013). Autonomy, filial piety and parental authority: A two-year investigation. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174 (5), 557-581. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. (2013). The mediating effects of personality and cognition on ego development. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 174(2), 137-152. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. & Huang, F. M. (2012). Mother-adolescent conflict in Taiwan: Links between attachment style and psychological distress. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 40(6), 919-932. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. & Yeh, K. H. (2011). The mediating effect of mother-adolescent interaction on the relationship between mothers’ ego development and adolescent individuation. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 70(3), 155-164. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. (2008). An examination of three models of the relationships between parental attachments and adolescents’ social functioning and depressive symptoms, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 941-952. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. (2006). Paternal /maternal attachment, peer support, social expectations of peer interaction and depressive symptoms. Adolescence, 41(164), 705-721. (SSCI) |
Liu, Y. L. & Chao, H. L. (2005). The relationships between perceived systemic family violence and children’s problematic behaviors. Bulletin of Education Psychology ( 教育心理學報 ), 37(2), 197- 214. (TSSCI) |
王承諺、劉奕蘭(2020)。網路霸凌和三種類行網路攻擊在傷害嚴重度和發生頻率的差異。教育傳播與科技研究,122,25-38。 |
張繐礠、劉奕蘭( 2016) 。成長主題、意義化與台灣成人心理成熟的關聯性初探。中華輔導與諮商學報(已接受)。 |
張繐礠、蔡馨沂、劉奕蘭 * ( 2016) 。青少年偶像崇拜量表之信度與效度考驗。測驗學刊 ,63 (2), 111-132 ( TSSCI) 通訊作者 |
劉奕蘭( 2012 )。人際認知成熟量表之發展研究。測驗年刊, 59 ( 1) , 49- 74 。 |
楊國樞、劉奕蘭、張淑慧、王琳 (2010) :華人雙文化自我的個 體發展階段:理論建構的嘗試。中華心理學刊, 52 ( 2 ), 113- 132 。 (TSSCI) |
劉奕蘭( 2009) 。台灣大學生的認知發展、人格特質、生活經驗與自我發展的關係:華盛頓大學造句測驗的應用。中華心理學刊, 51(1) , 1~26 。 (TSSCI) |
專書論文 |
Yeh, K. H., Liu, Y. L., Huang, H. S., & Yang, Y. J., (2007). Individuating and relating autonomy in culturally Chinese adolescents. In C. Ward, J. Liu, A. B. I. Bernardo, R. Fischer, & M. Karasawa (Eds.), Progress in Asian social psychology: Vol. 5. Casting the individual in societal and cultural contexts:social and societal psychology for Asia and the Pacific (pp.123-146). New York: |
研討會論文 |
Liu, Y.L. (2015). The relationship of maternal response to adolescent anger display with adolescent anger regulation and adjustment. Paper was presented at European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy (7/9~11). |
Chang, Y. T., & Liu, Y.L. (2015). The relationship among adolescents’ temperament, anger regulation and social behavior. Paper was presented at European Congress of Psychology, Milan, Italy (7/9~11). |
Liu, Y. L. (2014). Adolescent anger expression and emotion regulation in the different social contexts. Paper was presented to the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France. (7/8~13) |
Liu, Y. L. (2013). The causal relationships among parenting, self-regulation, and obedience. Paper was presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden. (7/9~7/12) |
Liu, Y. L. (2012). The Relationships Among Parental Control, Adolescent Temperament, Self-Regulation and Obedience to Parental Authority: Test of a Moderated Mediation Model. Paper was presented at 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape town, South Africa (July 22~27). |
Kuo, C. S., & Liu, Y. L. (2012). Adolescent Filial Piety as a Moderator between Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Autonomy in Taiwan. Paper will be presented at 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape town, South Africa (July 22~27). |
Chang, H. T., Kuo, C. S., & Liu, Y. L. (2012). The development of adolescent internalization of parental authority. Paper was presented at 30th International Congress of Psychology, Cape town, South Africa (July 22~27). |
Liu, Y. L. (2011). The relationships between filial piety, autonomy and obedience to parental authority: A two-year investigation. Paper was presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey. (7/4~7/8) |
陳茵嵐、劉奕蘭( 2011 )。 e 世代的攻擊:網路霸凌( Cyber-Bullying )。論文發表於 E 世代重要議題 — 人文社會面向研討會。新竹,清華大學。 |
Liu, Y. L. (2010, July). Adolescents’ beliefs about the legitimacy of parental authority and their obedience: The moderating effect of parent-adolescent relationships. Paper was presented at 27th international Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia. (7/11~7/16) |
Chang, H. T., & Liu, Y. L. (2010, July). Rasch Analysis of Depressive Symptoms for Aboriginal and General Children in Taiwan. Paper was presented at 27th international Congress of Applied Psychology, Melbourne, Australia. (7/11~7/16) |
Liu, Y. L. (2009, August). Cognition as the mediator between personality and ego development. Paper was presented at the Annual American Psychology Association Convention, Toronto , Canada. (8/6~8/9) |
Liu, Y. L. (2009, July). Cognitive maturity of Friendship: Development and validation of a multidimensional scale. Paper was presented at the European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, Noway. (7/7~7/10) |
Liu, Y. L. (2008, July). The relationships among mothers’ ego development, mother-child communication and adolescents’ ego development and autonomy. Paper was presented to International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, German |
Liu, Y. L. (2007, July). Mother-child interaction and adolescents’ two dimensions of autonomy in Taiwan. Paper was accepted by 2007 American Psychology Convention, San Francisco, CA, U. S. |
Liu, Y. L. (2007, August). The Ego Development of College Students in Taiwan. Paper was presented at 2007 European Congress of Psychology, Convention, San Francisco, U. S. A. |
Liu, Y. L. (2006, April). Paternal /maternal attachment, peer support, social expectations of peer interaction, and depressive symptoms. Paper was accepted by 2006 AERA Convention, San Diego, U. S. A. |
Liu, Y. L. (2006, July). Emotion, appraisal of and coping with parent-child conflict situation: The role of insecure attachment. Paper was presented at 2006 International Association for Relationship Research Convention, Rethymnon, Crete. |
- 1996-Present Member, Taiwanese Psychological Association
- 2007-Present Member, European Federation of Psychologist Association
- 2014 Member, The International Association of Applied Psychology
- 2013 Member, International Union of Psychological Science
- 2007-2009 Member, American Psychological Association
- 2003-2004 Member, American Psychological Association
- Teaching Excellence Award, NYCU(2010)
- Best College Advisor Award, NYCU(2009)