Duann Jeng-Ren
Science Education Division
office: 03-5712121#58056
Professor Duann Jeng-Ren is currently a professor at the Institute of Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. His research field mainly encompasses neuroimaging, complex neuroimaging data processing and analysis methods, and their related applications, as well as the development of specialized brainwave acquisition systems for brain-computer interfaces. His current research includes:
1. Using stereotactic brain waves (SEEG) from patients with intractable epilepsy, brain connectivity analysis to identify the source of seizures and the networks covered by their transmission, and to assist clinicians in establishing surgical plans
2. Simultaneous acquisition of brainwave (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data to establish a non-invasive method of epilepsy network assessment
3. study the pathogenic mechanisms of freeze of gait and inhibition control disorders in Parkinson’s patients using brainwave and fMRI
4. to combine multi-modality neuroimaging technology (e.g., brain waves and eye-tracking) to investigate the dynamics of brain networks in reading difficult and easy sentences, and in appreciating calligraphic characters and famous paintings
5. the development of data-driven neuroimaging data analysis and its application to personalized data analysis by combining machine learning and deep learning
6. design, development and clinical integration of brain-controlled assistive devices
With his background in medical engineering and physics, Prof. Duan has been involved in instrument design and development, as well as data analysis and algorithms. Because of this background, Prof. Duan has worked closely with clinical medicine and other research areas in the past, forming a cross-disciplinary research team to explore many interesting research topics.
educational background
- Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Chung Yuan Christian University
- Professor at the Institute of Education, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. 2021.8~至今
- Associate Professor at the Institute of Education, National Chiao Tung University 2020.8~2021.7
- Associate Professor at the Institute of Cognitive Science, National Central University 2016.8~2020.7
- Associate Professor at the Institute of Clinical Medicine, China Medical University. 2011.8~2016.7
- Director of the Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center at China Medical University and Hospital 2014.8~2016.7
- Associate Director of the Biomedical Engineering Research and Development Center at China Medical University and Hospital 2009.11~2014.7
- Researcher at the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego 2016.7 ~ now
- Associate Researcher at the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego 2010.6 ~ 2016.6
- Collaborative Researcher at the Vision Center Laboratory, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, United States 2008.7 ~ now
- Assistant Researcher at the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego 2004.9 ~ 2010.6
- Researcher at the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego 2016.7 ~ now
- Postdoctoral Researcher at the UCSD Institute for Neural Computation, University of California, San Diego 2001.9 ~ 2004.8
- Postdoctoral Researcher at the Computational Neurobiology Lab, Salk Institute for Biological Studies, United States 2000.2 ~ 2001.8
- Research Assistant at the Integrated Brain Function Research Group, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan 1997.1 ~ 1999.7
- Neuroimaging
- Computational Neuroscience
- Biomedical Image and Signal Processing
- Brain-computer Interface
- Machine Learning
- Medical Instrumentation
- 2013, the 10th National Innovation Award
- 2015, the 12th National Innovation Award
國科會/科技部計畫 |
1.《以同步腦電波-功能性磁振造影及顱內腦電波探討腦部癲癇活動與血氧變化以及視丘活動之關聯性》PI(2018.08.01 ~ 2020.07.31) NOST 107-2221-E-008 -032 -MY2
2.《以同步腦電波-功能性磁振造影技術評估神經影像測謊之可行性》PI(2017.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31) MOST 106-2410-H-008-054–
3.《藝術體驗中焦點轉移與情感涉入之探索性分析》PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31) MOST 105-2410-H-039 -003-
4.《超高通道與解析度微大腦皮質訊號擷取系統晶片封裝的研發-子計畫四:超高解析度動作相關微大腦皮質電位關聯性之分析》PI(2015.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31) MOST 103-2221-E-039 -007-MY3
5.《應用獨立成分分析法與功能性磁振影像(fMRI)進行跨顱磁刺激(TMS)之定位與導引—人類大腦運動皮質定位之研究》計畫主持人(2013.01.01 ~ 2013.12.31) MOST 102-2320-B-039-001-
6.《可攜式血袋保溫裝置臨床前評估》PI(2013.08.01 ~ 2013.10.31) 產學合作 CMU-101426CL
7.《三立柱電動缸架之高階床適用性評估》PI(2012.10.01 ~ 2012.11.30) 產學合作 CMU-10142623
8.《評估每日步行對巴金森病患者及多系統萎縮症患者運動皮質活性之作用》CO-PI(Co-PI)(2018.08.01 ~ 2019.07.31)MOST 107-2314-B-039-019-
9.《利用簡易賭博測試功能性磁振照影及嗅覺辨識測驗探討巴金森氏症衝動控制疾病及疾病病程》CO-PI(2018.08.01 ~ 2019.07.31)MOST 107-2314-B-075A-008–
10.《台灣注意力缺陷過動症兒童的腦電波探索和決斷分數的建立》CO-PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2017.12.31) MOST 105-2410-H-040-002-
11.《以神經生理模式剖析及干預巴金森病步態凍僵》CO-PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31) MOST 105-2314-B-039 -004 -MY2
12.《人體之配對關聯電針及穿顱磁刺激》CO-PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2018.07.31) MOST 105-2314-B-039 -002 -MY2
13.《乾眼症診斷之智慧隱形眼鏡系統開發與臨床前研究》CO-PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2017.10.31) MOST 105-2218-E-009-018-
14.《發展實務型情感腦機介面核心架構》CO-PI(2016.09.01 ~ 2017.11.30) MOST 105-2218-E-110-008–
15.《利用功能性磁振照影探討接受多巴胺協同劑治療之巴金森氏症合併衝動控制疾病患者在簡易賭博測試時腦部活化及連結性之改變》CO-PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2017.07.31) MOST 105-2314-B-075A-005–
16.《從探索K他命使用者藥物使用型態、危險行為、認知功能與精神病症狀來發展減少傷害教育與諮商介入》CO-PI(2015.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31)MOST 104-2410-H-003-012–
17.《長戴型眼壓監控隱形眼鏡臨床前試驗》(2/2)CO-PI(2015.05.01 ~ 2016.04.30) MOST 104-2220-E-039-001-
18.《小腦至大腦運動皮質區配對關聯刺激誘發神經塑性之動物及人類生理病理研究》CO-PI(2015.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31)MOST 103-2314-B-039-032-MY2
19.《巴金森病患步伐凍僵現象之高階層神經電生理機制之探討》CO-PI(2015.08.01 ~ 2016.07.31)MOST 103-2314-B-039-017-MY2
20.《長戴型眼壓監控隱形眼鏡臨床前試驗》(1/2)CO-PI(2014.05.01 ~ 2015.04.30) MOST 103-2220-E-039-001-
21.《前瞻型長時間眼壓監測系統及臨床研究開發–子計畫四:眼壓特徵訊號擷取演算法之開發與應用》(3/3)CO-PI(2013.05.01 ~ 2014.07.31) MOST 102-2220-E-009-016-
22.《學研合作計畫-分子生物電子平台系統整合與應用》(2/3)CO-PI(2013.08.01 ~ 2014.07.31) MOST 102-2120-M-009-006–
23.《多部位成對穿顱磁刺激術對顫抖重塑之影響》CO-PI(2016.08.01 ~ 2017.10.31) MOST 105-2218-E-009-018-
14.《發展實務型情感腦機介面核心架構》CO-PI(2013.08.01 ~ 2014.07.31) MOST 101-2314-B-039-038-MY2
發表 |
1.Xu K, Wu D. H, Duann J. R., Dynamic brain connectivity attuned to the complexity of relative clause sentences revealed by a single-trial analysis. Neuroimage, 15:217:116920, 2020. (Corresponding author)
2.Xu K, Duann JR, Brain connectivity in the left frontotemporal network dynamically modulated by processing difficulty: Evidence from Chinese relative clauses. PLoS One, 15(4):e0230666, 2020. (Corresponding author)
3.Xu K, Wu DH, Duann JR, Enhanced left inferior frontal to left superior temporal effective connectivity for complex sentence comprehension: fMRI evidence from Chinese relative clause processing. Brain Lang., 200:104712, 2020. (Corresponding author)
4.Xu K, Duann JR, Hung DL, Wu DH, Preference of object relative clauses in Chinese sentence comprehension: Evidence from on-line self-paced reading time. Front. Psychol. 10:2201, 2019.
5.Xu K, Huang YY, Duann JR, The sensitivity of single-trial mu-suppression detection for motor imagery performance as compared to motor execution and motor observation performance. Front. Hum. Neurosci., 13:302, 2019. (Corresponding author)
6.Hung CC, Zhang S, Chen CM, Duann JR, Lin CP, Lee TS, Li CR., Striatal functional connectivity in chronic ketamine users: a pilot study. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse. 46(1):31-43, 2020.
7.Tsai PY, She HC, Chen SC, Huang LY, Chou WC, Duann JR, Jung TP., Eye fixation-related fronto-parietal neural network correlates of memory retrieval, Int J Psychophysiol. Apr;138:57-70, 2019.
8.Chiu YC, Huang JT, Duann JR, Lin CH., Editorial: Twenty Years After the Iowa Gambling Task: Rationality, Emotion, and Decision-Making, Front Psychol. Jan 25;8:2353. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.02353, 2018.
9.Lu MK, Chen JC, Chen CM, Duann JR, Ziemann U, Tsai CH. Impaired Cerebellum to Primary Motor Cortex Associative Plasticity in Parkinson’s Disease and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3., Front Neurol. Aug 29;8:445. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00445, 2017.
10.Li CR, Zhang S, Hung CC, Chen CM, Duann JR, Lin CP, Lee TS., Depression in chronic ketamine users: Sex differences and neural bases, Psychiatry Res Neuroimaging. Nov 30;269:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.pscychresns.2017.09.001, 2017.
11.Yan YJ, Huang TW, Cheng NL, Hsieh YF, Tsai MH, Chiou JC, Duann JR, Lin YJ, Yang CS, Ou-Yang M. Portable LED-induced autofluorescence spectroscopy for oral cancer diagnosis, J Biomed Opt. Apr 1;22(4):45007. doi: 10.1117/1.JBO.22.4.045007, 2017.
12.Huang YC, Huang PT, Wu SL, Hu YC, You YH, Chen JM, Huang YY, Chang HC, Lin YH, Duann JR, Chiu TW, Hwang W, Chen KN, Chuang CT, Chiou JC. Ultrahigh-Density 256-Channel Neural Sensing Microsystem Using TSV-Embedded Neural Probes. IEEE Trans Biomed Circuits Syst. Oct;11(5):1013-1025, 2017.
13.Duann JR, Chiou JC, A comparison of independent event-related desynchronization responses in motor-related brain areas to movement execution, movement imagery and movement observation, PLoS One, in press (corresponding author).
14.Lu MK, Chen CM, Duann JR, Ziemann U, Chen JC, Chiou SM, Tsai CH, Investigation of motor cortical plasticity and corticospinal tract diffusion tensor imaging in patients with Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor, PLoS One, 11(9): e0162265, 2016.
15.Chou, W.C., Duann, J.R., She, H.C., Huang, L.Y., Jung, T.P., Explore the functional connectivity between brain regions during a chemistry working memory task, PLoS One, 10(6):e0129019, 2015.
16.Jeng, W.D., Ouyang, Y., Huang, TW, Duann, J.R., Chiou, J.C., Tang, Y.S., Ou-Yang, M., Research of accommodative microfluctuations caused by visual fatigue based on liquid crystal and laser displays, Appl. Opt. 53:H76-84, 2014.
17.Leung, A, Shukla, S, Li, E, Duann, J.R., Yaksh, T, Supraspinal characterization of the thermal grill illusion with fMRI, Mol Pain, 10(1):18, 2014.
18.Lin, Y.P., Duann, J.R., Fend, W, Chen, J.H., Jung, T.P., Revealing spatio-spectral electroencephalographic dynamics of musical mode and tempo perception by independent component analysis, J Neuroeng Rehabil, 11(1):18, 2014.
19.Duann, J.R., Jan C.I., Ou-Yang, M., Lin, C.Y., Mo, J.F., Lin, Y.H., Tsai, M.H., Chiou, J.C., Separating spectral mixtures in hyperspectral image data using independent component analysis: Validation with oral cancer tissue section, J Biomed Opt, 18(12):126005, 2013.
20.Huang, L.Y., She, H.C., Chou, W.C., Chuang, M.H., Duann, J.R., Jung, T.P., Brain oscillation and connectivity during a chemistry visual working memory task, Int J Psychophysiol, 90(2): 172-179, 2013
21.Lin, C.H., Chen, C.M., Lu, M.K., Tsai, C.H., Chiou, J.C., Liao, J.R., Duann, J.R., VBM reveals brain volume differences between Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor patients, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013. (Corresponding author)
22.Lin, C.L., Jun,g T.P., Chuang, S.W., Duann, J.R., Lin, C.T., Chiu, T.W., Self-adjustments may account for the contradictory correlations between HRV and motion-sickness severity, Int J Psychophysiol. Jan;87(1):70-80, 2013.
23.Hsu, Y.T., Duann, J.R., Chen, C.M., Yang, Y.W., Tsai, C.H., Lu, M.K., Anatomical and electrophysiological manifestations in a patient with congenital corpus callosum agenesis, Brain Topogr. Jan;26(1):171-6, 2013.
24.Hsieh, Y.F., Ou-Yang, M., Duann, J.R., Chiou, J.C., Chang, N.W., Jan, C.I., Tsai, M.H., Wu, S.D., Lin, Y.J., Lee, C.C., Development of a novel embedded relay lens microscopic hyperspectral imaging system for cancer diagnosis: Use of the mice with oral cancer to be the example, Int J Spectroscopy, Article ID 710803, 2012
25.Fraedrich, EM, Flanagin, VL, Duann, J.R., Brandt, T, Glasauer, S., Hippocampal involvement in processing of indistinct visual motion stimuli, J Cogn Neurosci. Jun;24(6):1344-57, 2012.
26.Hsu, Y.T., Duann, J.R., Lu, M.K., Sun, M.C., Tsai, C.H., Polyglandular autoimmune syndrome type 4 with GAD antibody and dystonia, Clin Neurol Neurosurg. Sep;114(7):1024-6, 2012.
27.Chiu, T.C., Gramann, K., Ko, L.W., Duann, J.R., Jung, T.P. and Lin, C.T., Alpha modulation in parietal and retrosplenial cortex correlates with navigation performance, Psychophysiology, 49(1):43-55, 2012.
28.Shukla, S., Torossian, A., Duann, J.R., and Leung, A., The analgesic effect of electroacupuncture on acute thermal pain perception – a central neural correlate study with fMRI, Molecular Pain, 7:45-55, 2011.
29.Shen, I.H., Tsai, S.Y., and Duann, J.R., Inhibition control and error processing in children with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an event-related potential study, International J. Psychophysiology, 81(1):1-11, 2011.
30.Lin, Y.-P., Wang, C.-H., Jung, T.-P., Wu, T.-L., Jeng, S.-K., Duann, J.R., Chen, J.-H., EEG-based emotion recognition in music listening, IEEE Trans. Biomedical Engineering, 57(7):1798-1806, 2010.
31.Lin, Y.-P., Duann, J.R., Chen, J.-H., Jung, T.-P., Electroencephalographic dynamics of musical emotion perception revealed by independent spectral components, Neuroreport, 21(6):410-415, 2010.
32.Chen, Y.-C., Duann, J.R., Chuang, S.-W., Lin, C.-L., Ko, L.-W., Jung, T.-P., and Lin, C.-T., Spatial and temporal EEG dynamics of motion-sickness, NeuroImage, 49(3):2862-2870, 2010.
33.Duann, J.R., Ide, J., Luo, X. and Li, C.S. Functional connectivity delineates distinct roles of the inferior frontal cortex and pre-supplementary motor area in stop signal inhibition, Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 29:10171-10179, 2009.
34.Li, C.S. R., Zhang, S., Duann, J.R., Yan, P., Sinha, R., Mazure, C.M., Gender difference in cognitive control: An extended investigation of the stop signal task, Brain Imaging and Behavior, vol. 3:262-276, 2009.
35.Lin, C.T., Ko, L.W., Chang,M.H., Duann, J.R., Chen, J.Y., Su, T.P., Jung, T.P., Review of wireless and wearable electroencephalogram systems and brain-computer interface – A mini-review, Gerontology, 2009 (published on-line on July 25, 2009).
36.Ho, T-J., Duann, J.R., Chen, C-M., Chen, J-H., Shen, W-J., Lu, T-W., Liao, J-R., Shaw, K-N., Lin, J-G., Temporally shifted hemodynamic response function helps to extract acupuncture-induced fMRI BOLD activities, Chinese Medical Journal, 112:823-829, 2009 (co-first author).
37.Ho, T-.J., Duann, J.R., Chen, C.-M., Chen, J.-H., Shen, W.-C., Lu, T.-W., Liao, J.-R., Lin, J.-G., Carryover effects alter fMRI statistical analysis in an acupuncture study, American Journal Chinese Medicine, vol. 36, pp. 55-70, 2008 (co-first author).
38.Lin, C-T., Ko, L-W, Chiou, J-C, Duann, J.R., Chiu, T-W., Huang, R-S., Liang, S-F, Jung, T-P., A noninvasive neural prostheses using mobile and wireless EEG, Proceedings of the IEEE, 96(7):1167-83, 2008.
39.Zhu, Y, Shayan, A, Zhang, W, Chen, TL, Jung, T.-P., Duann, J.R., Makeig, S. and Cheng, C.-K. Analyzing high-density ECG signals using ICA. IEEE transactions on Bio-medical Engineering 55(11):2528-37, 2008.
40.Lin, C. T., Chen, Y. C., Ko, L. W., Huang, T. Y., Liang, S. F., and Duann, J.R., Development of Wireless Brain Computer Interface with Embedded Multi-task Scheduling and its Application on Real-time Driver’s Drowsiness Detection and Warning, IEEE Transactions on Bio-medical Engineering 55(5):1582, 2008.
41.Siegel, R.M., Duann, J.R., Jung, T.-P., and Sejnowski, T.J., Spatio-temporal dynamics of the functional architecture for gain fields in inferior parietal lobule of behaving monkey. Cerebral Cortex, vol. 17, pp. 378-390, 2007.
42.Lin, C.-T., Chung, I.-F., Ko, L.-W., Chen, Y.-C., Liang, S.-F., and Duann, J.R., EEG-based assessment of driver cognitive responses in a dynamic virtual-reality driving environment, IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering 54(7):1349-52, 2007.
43.Hsu, J.-L., Jung, T.-P., Hsu, C.-Y., Hsu, W.-C., Chen, Y.-K., Duann, J.R., Wang, H.-C., Makeig, S., Regional CBF changes in Parkinson’s diseases: A correlation with motor dysfunction, Europ. J. Nuclear Med. Molecular Imaging, vol. 34, pp. 1458-1466, 2007.
44.Lin, C. T., Chung, I. F., Ko, L. W., Chen, Y. C., Liang, S. F., and Duann, J.R., EEG-based Assessment of Driver Cognitive Responses in a Dynamic Virtual-Reality Driving Environment, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 1349-1352, 2007.
45.Ho, T.-J., Duann, J.R., Shen, W.-C., and Lin, J.-G., Needling sensation – An explanation to incongruent conclusion drawn from acupuncture fMRI studies, J. Alt. and Comple. Med., vol. 13, pp. 13-18, 2007.
46.Leung, A.Y., Park, J., Schulties, G., Duann, J.R., Cho, Z.H., Yaksh, T.L., The electrophysiology of de qi sensations. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 12(8):743-750, 2006.
47.Leung, A. Y., Duann, J.R., Li, E., Fallah, A., Yaksh, T. L., Functional Imaging Dynamic Signal Processing (FIDSP) in pain study. Journal of Pain, Vol 7 (4),S94, 983, April 2006.
48.Tsai, A. C., Liou, M., Jung, T.-P., Onton, J. A., Cheng, P. E., Huang, C.-C., Duann, J.R., and Makeig, S., Mapping single-trial EEG records on the cortical surface through a spatiotemporal modality, NeuroImage 32(1):195-207, 2006.
49.Anemuller, J., Duann, J.R., Sejnowski, T. J., and Makeig, S., Spatio-temporal dynamics in fMRI recordings revealed with complex independent component analysis, Neurocomputing, 69:1502-1512, 2006.
50.Leung, A., Khadivi, B., Duann, J.R., Cho, Z. H., and Yaksh, The Effect of Ting Point (Tendinomuscular Merdians) Electroacupuncture on Thermal Pain: A Model for Studying the Neuronal Mechanism of Acupuncture Analgesia, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, vol. 11, pp. 653-661, 2005.
51.Duann, J.R., Jung, T.-P., Kuo, W.-J., Yeh, T.-C., Makeig, S., Hsieh, J.-C., and Sejnowski, T. J., Single trial variability in event-related BOLD signals, NeuroImage, vol. 15, pp. 823-835, 2002.
52.Kuo, W.-J., Yeh, T.-C., Duann, J.R., Wu, Y.-T., Ho, L.-T., Hung, D., Tzeng, Ovid Z.-L., and Hsieh, J.-C., A left-lateralized network for reading Chinese words: a 3T fMRI study. NeuroReport, Vol. 12, pp. 3397-4001, 2001.
53.Duann, J.R., Lin, S.-B., Hu, W.-C., and Su, J.-L., Computer system for 4-dimensional transesophageal echocardiographic image reconstruction, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 23, pp. 173-179, 1999.
54.Duann, J.R., Chiang, S.-H., Lin, S.-B., Su, J.-L., Lin, C.-C., and Chen, J.-H., Assessment of left ventricular cardiac shape by the use of volumetric curvature analysis from 3D echocardiography, Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics, vol. 23, pp. 89 – 101, 1999.
55.Duann, J.R., Chiang, S.-H., Lin, S.-B., Hsu, T.-L., Hu, W.-C., Su, J.-L., and Pandian, N.G., Three- and two-dimensional echocardiographic quantitation of regional and global ventricular shape using a new approach that analyzes regional surface changes and global surface changes: in votrovalidation and in vivo human studies, Journal of The American Society of Echocardiography, vol. 11, pp. 518, 1998.
56.Lin, C.-C., Duann, J.R., Liu, C.-T., Chen, H.-S., Su, J.-L., and Chen, J.-H., A unified multimedia database system to support tele-medicine, IEEE Transaction on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 183-192, 1998.
57.Duann, J.R., Lin, C.-C., Cheng, H.-C., Chen, J.-H., and Su, J.-L., The error in volume measurement caused by MR imaging, Chinese Journal of Medical Biological Engineering, vol. 17, pp. 55-64, 1997.
58.Lin, C.-C., Duann, J.R., Teng, M. M. H., Su, J.-L., and Hu, W.-C., Evaluation of PC based medical image communication system, Chinese Journal of Medical Biological Engineering, vol. 14, pp. 367-377, 1994.
59.Lin,C.-C., Su, J.-L., Duann, J.R., and Tsai, Y.-S., Biomedical image compression algorithm with vector quantization and fractal compression, Chinese Journal of Medical Biological Engineering, vol. 13, pp. 367-374, 1993.
1.Xu K, Duann JR, Brain connectivity was modulated by sentence difficulty as revealed by fMRI ICA in Chinese relative Clause, Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA USA, 2018.
2.Huang YY, Xu K, Duann JR, Accuracy of single-trial motor imagery detection based on the alpha power suppression features for on-line real-time BCI applications, Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA USA, 2018.
3.Duann JR, Chen CM, Lu MK, Tsai CH, Multi-modality neuroimaging reveals possible source of myoclonus, 11th International Conference on Cognitive Science (ICCS), Taipei Taiwan, 2017
4.Duann JR, Chen CM, Lu MK, Tsai CH, Multi-modality neuroimaging resolves the cause of seizure-like activity in the deep brain areas in one myoclonus patient, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience, Taoyuan Taiwan, 2017.
5.Duann JR, Chen CM, Lu MK, Tsai CH, Alterations of regional cortical thickness associated with Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor, 46th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, 2016.
6.Li, CY, Chang, CH, Peng, CY, Duann, J.R., Go/NoGo experiment reveals cortical slowing in motor initiation in the children with cerebral palsy, 45th Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, Chicago, 2015
7.Duann, J.R., Chen, CH, Mean fractional anisotropy measures are location-dependent along the corticospinal tract, Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, 2015
8.Duann, J.R., Huang, HC, Liu, BL, Chou, JC, Lu, MK, Lin, HC, Chiou, JC, Tsai, CH, Asymmetric coherence between left and right leg EMG and motor-related independent EEG component associated with Parkinson’s disease patients, Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Honolulu, 2015
9.Duann, J.R., Chiou, JC, Event-related desynchronization of independent motor-related EEG components in different motor tasks, The 3rd Annual Minnesota Neuromodulation Symposium, Minneapolis, 2015
10.Duann, J.R., Chen, CM, Structural differences in the distribution of fractional anisotropy measures along the corticospinal tract, Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society ROC, Taipei, 2015
11.Meng, NS, Duann, J.R., Chien, CZ, Chiou, JC, Wireless EEG-based synchronous BCI for stroke rehabilitation training of upper limb, Annual Meeting of Taiwan Stroke Society, Taipei, 2014
12.Duann, J.R., Lu, M.-K., Chen, C.-M., Tsai, C.-H., Motor-related BOLD activations obtained by individual ICA for personalized TMS navigation, Annual Meeting of Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA USA, 2013.
13.Duann, J.R., Lin, C.-H., Chen, C.-M., Lu, M.-K., Tsai, C.-H., Chiou, J.-C., Anatomic differences between Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor using ICA-based brain morphometry, 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, San Diego, CA USA, 2013
14.Duann, J.R., Chou, J.-C., Liang, S.-C., Lin, C.-H., Chiou, J.-C. “BCI-controlled Videogame for Cerebral Palsy Children.” 5th International Brain-Computer Interface Meeting, Pacific Grove, CA USA, 2013
15.Lu, M.-K., Duann, J.R., Chen, C.-M., Tsai, C.-H., Coupling of the sensorimotor cortical activation explored by blood-oxygenation-level-dependent signal navigated and traditional magnetic evoked potential recordings, Clinical Neurophysiology 124(10), e159-e160, 2013.
16.Yeh, W.-L., Huang, Y.-C., Chiou, C-H., Duann, J.R., Chiou, J.-C., A self-produced mother wavelet feature extraction method for motor imagery brain-computer interface, 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2013.
17.Tsai, C.-H., Chen, J.-M., Lu, M.-K., Duann, J.R., The functional MRI (fMRI) manifestation of stimulus sensitive myoclonus in corticobasal degeneration, Movement Disorders 28, S419-S419, 2013.