林珊如 講座教授

辦公室電話: 03-5712121#31714 or 58066(助理電話)

個人網站: https://netyouth.lab.nycu.edu.tw/

其次亦探索「數位不學習」(Anti-Digital Learning)現象,尋找大多數線上遊戲大學生玩家不愛學習的原因。目前發現遊戲玩家在虛擬世界真誠的交朋友,真實的付出苦工,獲得難得的樂趣,成癮的大學生玩家並不多見。大一學生的憂鬱是問題網路使用的長期前因,隨大學生活展開,平均憂鬱程度下降,問題網路使用也趨緩,趨緩的關鍵在於憂鬱下降的速度。而且從遊戲動機可以區分玩家的不適應程度,其中逃避遊戲動機可能是長期不適應的關鍵。本人的研究均以長期追蹤資料探究多個變項關聯的長期變化形態。
研究是非常有趣的歷程,深入分析議題時,必須忍耐挫折突破無知、茫然與困難,只要設身處地去思考學生和老師的想法、憂愁與快樂,總能從無知到累積知識,而且這些知識都能對科技支援教學/學習有些許幫助。研究迷網的青少年時,我和團隊秉持同理心,站在他們的角度去體會他/她的感受,傾聽他們在現實世界的茫然、無聊,對比在虛擬世界的意氣風發。只要懷著成長心態(growth mindset),在人生路上一定可持續進步。


  • 美國南加州大學教育與心理博士
  • 國立政治大學教育系教育碩士


  • 國立交通大學教育研究所/師資培育中心講座教授(2020.05~)
  • 國立交通大學教育研究所/師資培育中心特聘教授(2010.08 ~2020.04)
  • 國立交通大學教育研究所/師資培育中心教授(2003.08 ~ 2010.07)
  • 國立交通大學教育研究所/師資培育中心副教授(1996.08 ~ 2003.07)
  • 淡江大學教育學程副教授(1995.08 ~ 1996.07)
  • 淡江大學教育研究中心研究組主任(1987.09 ~ 1990.08)
  • 淡江大學教育研究中心助理研究員(1983.08 ~ 1984.07)
  • 淡江大學共同科講師(1983.08 ~ 1995.07)


  • 教育心理
  • 認知心理學
  • 學習與認知





  • 89學年第一學期績效特優導師(2000)


  • 木鐸獎服務類(2023)
  • 木鐸獎研究類(2020)
  • 國科會特約研究計畫(2022)
  • 科技部傑出研究獎(2019)
  • 國科會傑出研究獎(2004)
  • 國科會入圍傑出研究獎(1996、1999~2003、2006~2018)
  • 國科會甲種研究獎勵(1996)


101學年度 102學年度 103學年度 104學年度 105學年度
106學年度 107學年度 108學年度 109學年度 110學年度
郭育君(碩) 李念錡(碩)




  1. 《線上閱讀多文本之眼動追蹤與適性閱讀路徑設計-多模態資料學習分析及非監督式機器學習技術》計畫主持人(NSTC) 2023/08/01~2026/07/31
  2. 《國高中STEAM課堂多元類型資料的學習分析: 觀課、自動分析與視覺回饋對新手與資深教師專業成長的效果》計畫主持人(NSTC) 2022/08/01~2025/07/31
  3. 《112年中小學數位學習深耕推動計畫-子計畫三》(MOE) 計畫主持人2023/01/01~2023/12/31


  1. 《發展素養導向的國中資訊科技「未來課堂」:以學習經驗測試帶動課程、教學模式與評量之設計-子計畫一:國中科技課堂的教學數據分析與回饋系統:以課室觀察與行動型眼動裝置檢驗教學事件對注意力與情緒經驗的長期效果》計畫主持人(MOST) 2019/08/01~2022/07/31
  2. 《將自動化表情辨識及學習回饋系統推動到大學工程課堂翻轉教室之延伸研究及學習數據分析》計畫主持人(MOST) 2021/08/01~2022/07/31
  3. 《國高中生閱讀理解網際網路提供的各類圖文及相關問題解決: 學習動機、線上-離線認知歷程及注視驅動鷹架-子計畫一:科學主題圖文之數位閱讀註記及眼球驅動支援:知識獲取歷程與學習效果》 (MOST) 計畫主持人2013/08/01~2016/07/31
  4. 《國高中生閱讀理解網際網路提供的各類圖文及相關問題解決: 學習動機、線上-離線認知歷程及注視驅動鷹架-總計畫:國高中生閱讀理解網際網路提供的各類圖文及相關問題解決: 學習動機、線上-離線認知歷程及注視驅動鷹架》(MOST)共同主持人2013/08/01~2016/07/31
  5. 《遠距偏鄉課業輔導教學策略、師生以及環境之探究與評鑑》(MOST) 共同主持人2013/08/01~2016/07/31
  6. 《系統工程教育之創意課程設計與評量-系統工程創意基礎課程:控制系統與生活化創意專題設計》共同主持人(MOST) 2013/12/01~2016/11/30
  7. 《系統工程教育之創意課程設計與評量-在系統工程課程提升專題導向式學習之創意動機並建立創意評量模組》 (MOST) 計畫主持人2013/12/01~2016/11/30
  8. 《101-102資訊教育學門研究規劃推動計畫》(MOST)計畫主持人2012/01/01~2013/12/31
  9. 《103-104資訊教育學門研究規劃推動計畫》(MOST)計畫主持人2013/01/01~2014/12/31
  10. 《以數位編輯將新媒體導入教室:科技支援的選擇、建構與互動學習-子計畫一:編輯我的串媒體課本: 學習歷程-成效-動機的眼睛與心智證據》(MOST) 計畫主持人2016/08/01~2019/07/31
  11. 《系統工程教育4.0:強化產業鏈結與跨領域教師合作之創新人才培育模式-開發SEE4.0創意微學分及持續誘發團隊創意之教學歷程回饋模組》(MOST) 計畫主持人2016/12/01~2019/11/30
  12. 《大學招生專業化發展試辦計畫》(MOE)計畫主持人2017/10/01~2018/09/30
  13. 《應用深度學習與物聯網技術開拓數位教學與學習的可視性:辨識學習者表情與生理訊息並設計可調節即時回饋模組用於三類數位學習系統-總計畫及子計畫三:混成學習教室之自動化表情辨識、生理量測以加值為教師即時回饋模組與學習心理證據》(MOST)計畫主持人2018/08/01~2021/07/31
  14. 《大學招生專業化發展試辦計畫》(MOE)計畫主持人2018/10/01~2019/09/30
  15. 《109年中小學數位學習深耕推動計畫-子計畫三》(MOE)計畫主持人2020/01/01~2020/12/31
  16. 《110年中小學數位學習深耕推動計畫-子計畫三》(MOE)計畫主持人2021/01/01~2021/12/31
  17. 《111年中小學數位學習深耕推動計畫-子計畫三》(MOE)計畫主持人2022/01/01~2022/12/31


  1. 《台灣學生網路使用及身心適應:追蹤分析及線上事實銀行擴充(單一整合型計畫)-台灣學生網路使用及身心適應:追蹤分析及線上事實銀行擴充(2/2)》林珊如(本校特聘教授) 計畫主持人(NSC-101-2631-S-009-001-)
  2. 《多媒體與遊戲環境中閱讀靜動態數學與科學圖像分析:心智模式、認知負荷與眼球移動分析》林珊如(本校特聘教授) 計畫主持人(NSC-100-2511-S-009-007-MY3)
  3. 《台灣學生網路使用及身心適應:追蹤分析及線上事實銀行擴充(單一整合型計畫)–台灣學生網路使用及身心適應:追蹤分析及線上事實銀行擴充(1/2)》林珊如(本校特聘教授) 計畫主持人(NSC-100-2631-S-009-001-)
  4. 《台灣學生網路使用及身心適應資料庫之建立(3/3) 林珊如(本校特聘教授) 計畫主持人(NSC-99-2631-S-009-001
  5. 《輔助線上延伸閱讀之搜尋與註記: 學習科技如何促進與阻礙科學文章之理解與想像》林珊如(本校特聘教授)計畫主持人(NSC99-2511-S-009-010-MY3)
  6. 《台灣學生網路使用及身心適應資料庫之建立(2/3)》林珊如(本校特聘教授) (NSC-98-2631-S-009-001)
  7. 《台灣學生網路使用及身心適應資料庫之建立(1/3)》林珊如(本校特聘教授)計畫主持人(NSC-97-2631-S-009-001)
  8. 《以一日經驗重建法探討遊戲玩家與遊戲設計者的心流與情緒》林珊如(本校特聘教授)計畫主持人(NSC-96-2520-S-009-006-MY3)
  9. 《台灣地區學生身心發展之研究》林珊如(本校特聘教授)計畫(95-24-A-2-01-00-2-14)
  10. 《大學生網路科技創造力歷程的自我覺察之研究:對抗慣性思考及有損創造力的因子(2/3)》林珊如(NSC 94-2520-S-009-005)
  11. 《網路文字攻擊誘發歷程之實驗與減低攻擊的認知行為訓練方案(1/2)林珊如*、劉旨峰(NSC 94-2520-S-009-006)
  12. 《大學生網路科技創造力歷程的自我覺察之研究:對抗慣性思考及有損創造力的因子(1/3)》林珊如(NSC 93-2520-S-009-006)
  13. 《網路論戰與敵意之研究:認知歷程、情境線索與自動化文章敵意分級系統(2/2)》林珊如*、劉旨峰(NSC 93-2520-S-009-001)
  14. 《網路合作設計中社群建構知識的研究:創造力與高層次思考在自然與科技領域之開展(3/3)》林珊如(NSC 92-2520-S-009-004)
  15. 《路論戰與敵意之研究:認知歷程、情境線索與自動化文章敵意分級系統(1/2)》林珊如*、劉旨峰(NSC 92-2520-S-009-005)
  16. 《網路合作設計中社群建構知識的研究:創造力與高層次思考在自然與科技領域之開展(2/3)》林珊如(NSC 91-2520-S-009-009)
  17. 《網路合作設計中社群構知識的研究:創造力與高層思考在自然與科技領域之開展(1/3)》林珊如(NSC 90-2520-S-009-003)
  18. 《青少年網路使用者之去社會抑制行為及口語喧染之研究》林珊如(NSC 90-2511-S009-006)
  19. 《網路合作設計科學活動之環境、學習、與評估總計畫。子計畫三:網路合作設計環境及社群設計科學活動的知識建構之評估(3/3)》林珊如(NSC 89-2520-S-009-016)
  20. 《我國學生電腦網路成癮現象與因應策略之研究總計畫。子計畫二:我國高中生網路沈迷與青少年心理特質、媒體使用之研究》林珊如*、周倩(NSC 89-25-S-009-010)
  21. 《網路合作設計科學活動之環境、學習、與評估總計畫。子計畫三:網路合作設計環境及社群設計科學活動的知識建構之評估(2/3)》林珊如(NSC 89-2520-S-009-001)
  22. 《我國學生電腦網路沈迷現象之整合研究。子計畫三:中學生網路沈迷現象之深度訪談研究(2/2)》林珊如*、蔡今中(NSC 89-2511-S-009-007-N)
  23. 《我國大學生之學習動機及學習策略之研究》林珊如*、王淑玲(NSC 89-2413-H-011-001-S)
  24. 《網路合作設計科學活動之環境、學習、與評估。子計畫三:網路合作設計環境及社群設計科學活動的知識建構之評估》林珊如(NSC 88-2511-S-009-007)
  25. 《我國國民中學教師的專業知能的成長階段(II):專家教師、一般教師與新進教師的區別與觀察研究》林珊如(NSC 87-2413-H-009-001)
  26. 《我國學生電腦網路沈迷現象之整合研究。子計畫三:中學生網路沈迷現象之深度訪談研究》林珊如*、蔡今中(NSC 87-2511-S-009-014-N)
  27. 《我國國民中學教師的專業知能的成長階段(I):專家教師、一般教師與新進教師的區別與觀察研究》林珊如(NSC 86-2417-H-009-004)
Yi-Chiao Wu, Li-Wen Chiu, Chun-Chih Lai, Bing-Fei Wu& Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023). Recognizing, fast and slow: Complex emotion recognition with facial expression detection and remote physiological measurement. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 1-14. (SCI).
Jo-Chi Hsiao, Chao-Yang Cheng& Sunny S.J. Lin* (2023). When the school door closes, do teachers open a window? Using diary method to investigate teachers ’ online teaching practices and momentary experiences in crisis. Computers & Education, 104678. (SSCI).
Shan-Mei Chang& Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023). Developing Personas of Gamers with Problematic Gaming Behavior among College Students Based on Qualitative Data of Gaming Motives and Push–Pull–Mooring. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(1), 798. (SSCI).
Ssu-Kuang Chen, Ya-Ting Carolyn Yang, Chiu Pin Lin, & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022,Jul). Dispositions of 21st-Century Skills in STEM Programs and Their Changes over Time. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, Published online. (SSCI).
Hsiao, J. C., Chen, S.-K., Chen, W., & Lin, S.S.J.* (2022, Mar). Developing a plugged-in class observation protocol in high-school blended STEM classes: Student engagement, teacher behaviors and Student-teacher interaction patterns. Computers & Education, 178,104403. (SSCI).
Jo-Chi Hsiao, & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022, Mar). How Energy Maintains Social Sustainability of Teachers’ Learning Communities: New Insights from a Blended Professional Learning Network. Sustainability, 14(6), 3636. (SSCI).
Ssu Kuang Chen, Yih-Lan Liu,& Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022, Jan). Do grades make me big? School effects of math ability and math rades on math self-concept. Educational Psychology. 42(5), 567-586. (SSCI)
Shan-mei Chang & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2019, Jul). Online gaming motive profiles in late adolescence and the related longitudinal development of stress, depression, and problematic internet use. Computers & Education , 135, 123-137. (SSCI).
Lin, S. S. J.*, & Hsieh, M. Y. (2019). Differences between EFL Beginners and Intermediate Level Readers When Reading Onscreen Narrative Text with Pictures: A Study of Eye Movements as a Guide to Personalization. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(4-5), 299-312. (SSCI).
Pei‐Chun Liao, Ssu‐Kuang Chen & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2018, Dec). Latent profiles of stress and their relationships with depression and problematic Internet use among college freshmen. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 59(6), 621-630. (SSCI).
Shan-Mei Chang, Ming-Yi Hsieh & Sunny S. J. Lin* (2018, Mar). The mediation effects of gaming motives between game involvement and problematic Internet use: Escapism, advancement and socializing. Computers & Education. 122, 43-53. (SSCI)
Lin, J. H., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2018). Integrating eye trackers with handwriting tablets to discover difficulties of solving geometry problems. British Journal of Educational Technology. 49(1),17-29. (SSCI).
Chen, S.-K., Lo, M.-T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2017, Oct). Impulsivity as a precedent factor for problematic Internet use: How can we be sure? . International Journal of Psychology, 52(5), 389-397. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Lo, M.-T.; Chen, S.-K.; Lin, S. S. J.* (2017, Jul). Groups holding multiple achievement goals in the math classroom: Profile stability and cognitive and affective outcomes. Learning and Individual Differences, 57, 65-76. (SSCI).
Chen, Ssu-Kuang, Wang, Lawrence Y., Liao, Pei-Chun,& Lin, S.S.J.* (2017). Social Internet use and social stress: A perspective of reduction or stimulation of interpersonal relationships. 中華心理學刊, 59(22),89-104. (TSSCI).
Cheng, C.-Y., Chen, S. Y., & Lin, S. S. J. (2017). Episodic and individual effects of elementary students’ optimal experience: A HLM study. The Journal of Educational Research. 110(6), 653-664. (SSCI).
Sun, J. C.-Y., Yu, S.-J., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tseng, S.-S (2016). The mediating effect of anti-phishing self-efficacy between college students’ Internet self-efficacy and anti-phishing behavior and gender difference. Computers in Human Behavior, 59, 249-257. (SSCI)
Lin, C.-H., Lee, Y.-H., Wang, D.-Y. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2016, Oct). Reading subtitles and taking enotes for learning science in a multimedia environment: Cognitive load perspectives of EFL students. Educational Technology & Society , 19 (4), 47–58. (SSCI). MOST 102-2511-S-009-005-MY3.
Chen, S.-K. & Lin, S. S. J. (2016, Jan). A latent growth curve analysis of initial depression level and changing rate as predictors of problematic Internet use among college students. Computers in Human Behavior, 54,380-387. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Hsu, W.-Y., Chang, S.-M., Chiu, N.-Y., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tseng, I.-S. (2015, Oct). Examining Application of the DC-IA-A Diagnostic Criteria for Internet Addiction Disorder in At-Risk College Students. Psychopathology. 48(6):408-416. (SCIE). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Huang, Y.-L., Cheng, C.-Y., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2015, Sep). CIM: Capability-Innovation-Motive Teaching Model for System Engineering Education –"Embedded Operating Systems" as an Example. International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, 5(3),151 -161. MOST 102-2511-S-009-010-MY3.
Hsu, W.-Y., Lin, S. S. J.*, Chang, S.-M., Tseng, I.-S.,& Chiu, N.-Y. (2015). Examining the diagnostic criteria for Internet addiction: Expert validation. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association, 114(6),504-508. (SCIE)
Pei-Lan Lei, Chuen-Tsai Sun, Sunny S.J. Lin* &Tsung-Kuan Huang (2015, Jul). Effect of metacognitive strategies and verbal-imagery cognitive style on biology based video search and learning performance. COMPUTERS & EDUCATION. (SSCI)
Wang, S.-L., Hsu, H.-Y., Lin, S. J., & Hwang, G.-J. (2014, Oct). The Role of Group Interaction in Collective Efficacy and CSCL Performance. Educational Technology & Society, 17 (4), 242–254. NSC 99-2511-S-011-009-MY3. (SSCI).
Lee, Y.-H., Cheng, C.-Y., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Jun). A latent profile analysis of self-control and self-esteem and the grouping effect on adolescent quality of life across two consecutive years. Social Indicators Research. 117(2), 523–539. (SSCI)
Chang, S.-M. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Apr). Team knowledge with motivation in a successful MMORPG game team: A case study. Computers & Education, 73, 129-140. (SSCI).
Chen, S.-K. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Apr). The latent profiles of life domain importance and satisfaction in a quality of life scale. Social Indicator Research. 116, 429-445. (SSCI).
Lin, C.-H. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014, Feb). Tracking eye movements when solving geometry problems with handwriting devices. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 7(1):2, 1-15. (SCIE).
John Jr-Hung Lin & Sunny S. J. Lin*. (2014). Cognitive load for configuration comprehension in computer-supported geometry problem solving: an eye movement perspective. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. 12(3), 605–627. (SSCI)
Chiang, Y.-T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2014). The measurement structure, stability and mediating effects of achievement goals in math with middle school student data. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 58 (5), 513-527. (SSCI). NSC 99-2631-S-009-001.
Chen, S.-K., Yeh, Y. C., Hwang, F.-M., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2013). The relationship between academic self-concept and achievement: A multicohort- multioccasion study. Learning and Individual Differences, 23(1), 172-178. NSC 97-2631-S-009-001. (SSCI)
Lei, P.-L., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Sun, C.-T. (2013). Effect of reading ability and Internet experience on keyword-based image search. Educational Technology & Society, 16(2), 151-162. (SSCI)
Lei, P.-L., Lin, S. S. J.*, Wang, D. Y., & Sun, C. T. (2013). The design of social agents that introduce self-reflection in a simulation environment: A preliminary test. EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, 16 (3), 152–166. (SSCI)
Lin, C.-H., Chen, S.-K., Chang, S.-M., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2013). Cross-lagged relationships between problematic Internet use and lifestyle changes. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(6), 2615-2621. (SSCI). Nstc 97-2631-S-009-001.
Chen, S.-K., Hwang, F.-M., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2013). Satisfaction ratings of QOLPAV: Psychometric properties based on the graded response model. Social Indicators Research, 110, 367-383. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Yeh, Y.-C., Lin, S. S. J.*, Tseng, I. S., & Hwang, F.-M (2012, Oct). The questionnaire of Lifestyle Change in Regard to Problematic Internet Use: Factor structure and concurrent and cross-year predictive utilities. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(4), 315-324. (SSCI). NSC 99-2631-S009-001.
Chen, S. K., Hwang, F. M., Yeh, Y. C., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2012). Cognitive ability, academic achievement and academic self-concept: Extending the internal/external frame of reference model. British Journal of Educational Psychology., 82(2), 308-326. (SSCI). NSC 97-2601-S-009-001.
Chiang, Y.-T., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Liu, E.Z.F. (2012). The effects of online discussion forum aggressive messages and cognitive distortion on users ’ negative affect and aggression. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 11(2), 238-245. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Chiang, Y. T., Lin, S. S. J., Cheng, C. Y., & Liu, E. Z. F. (2011). Exploring online game players ’ flow experiences and positive affect. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 10(1) ,106-114. (SSCI). NSC 96-2520-S-009-006-MY3.
Chiang, Y. T., Yeh, Y. C., Lin, S. S. J., Hwang, F. M. (2011). Factor structure and predictive utility of the 2×2 achievement goal model in a sample of Taiwan students. Learning and Individual Differences., 21, 432-437. (SSCI). NSC 97-2631-S-009-001.
Chiang, Y.-T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2010). Early adolescent players’ playfulness and psychological needs in online games. Social Behaviors and Personality, 38(5), 627-636. (SSCI). Nstc 98-2631-S-009-001.
Lei, P.-L., Kao, G. Y. M., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. T. (2009). Impacts of geographical knowledge, spatial ability and environmental cognition on image searches supported by GIS software. Computers in Human Behaviors, 25(6), 2070-2099. (SSCI). Nsc 98-2631-S-009-001.
Kao, G. Y. M., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. T. (2008). Beyond Sharing: Engaging students in cooperative and competitive active learning. Educational Technology & Society, 11(3), 82–96. (SSCI). Nsc 97-2631-S-009-001.
Kao, G. Y. M., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. T. (2008). Breaking concept boundaries to enhance creative potential: Using integrated concept maps for conceptual self-awareness. Computers and Education, 51(4), 1718-1728. (SSCI). Nsc 97-2631-S-009-001.
Liu, E. Z. F. &Lin, S. S. J.* (2007). Relationship between peer feedback, cognitive and metacognitive. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38 (6), 1122-1125. (SSCI).
Wang, S. L. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2007). The application of social cognitive theory to Web-based learning through NetPorts. British Journal of Educational Technology, 38(4), 600-612. (SSCI).
Wang, D. Y., Lin, S. S. J.* & Sun, C. –T. (2007). DIANA:A computer-supported heterogeneous grouping system for teachers to conduct successful small learning groups. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(4), 1997-2010. (SSCI).
Wang, S. L., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2007). The effects of group composition of self-efficacy and collective efficacy on computer-supported collaborative learning. Computers in Human Behavior, 23(5), 2256-2268. (SSCI).
Dai-Yi Wang, Sunny S. J. Lin*& Chuen-Tsai Sun (2006). Computer-Supported group composing system: Help teachers to form balanced teams and avoid rare dream teams. WSEAS Transactions on Computers, 5(1), 55-60. (SCI).
Lin, S. S. J.* & Liu, E. Z. F. (2004). Effectively accumulating students’ thinking styles via the World Wide Web: Experiences of construction and application. International Journal of Instructional Media, 30(1), 61-66. Nsc 93-2520-S-009-006.
Sun, C. –T. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2004). CORAL-View: A network based design environment for collaborative learning. International Journal of Instructional Media, 31(2), 151-166. Nsc 93-2520-S-009-006.
Tsai, C.-C. & Lin, S. S. J.* (2003). Internet addiction of adolescents in Taiwan: An interview study. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 6(6), 649-652. (SSCI). Nsc 90-2511-S-009-006.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Liu, E. Z. F. & Yuan, S. –M. (2002). Student attitudes toward networked peer assessment: Case studies of undergraduate students and senior high school students. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(2), 241-254.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2002). Alternatives to instructor assessment: A case study of comparing self and peer assessment with instructor assessment under networked innovative assessment procedures. International Journal of Instructional Media, 29(4), 1-10. Nsc 89-2520-S-009-016.
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2002). Developing science activities through a networked peer assessment system. Computers and Education, 38, 241-252. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-001.
Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tsai, C. –C. (2002). Sensation seeking and internet dependence of Taiwanese high school adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, 18, 411-426. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-010.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Sun, C. T. & Kao, G. (2002). Designing a networked-sharing construction environment. British Journal of Educational Technology , 33(4), 489-492. (SSCI).
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.*, & Tsai, M.–J. (2001). Developing an Internet attitude scale for high school students. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 4(3), 373-376. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2511-S-009-007-N.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Liu, E. Z. F. & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Web-based peer assessment: feedback for students with various thinking-styles. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(4), 420-432. (SSCI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-001.
Lin, S. S. J.*, Liu, E. Z. F. & Yuan, S. -M. (2001). Web-based peer assessment: Does attitude influence achievement? IEEE Transactions on Education, 44(2), 211. (EI). Nsc 89-2520-S-009-001.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S.–M. (2001). A World Wide Web Bulletin Board System designed for collaborative learning: Detailed view on system implementation. Journal of Internet Technology, 2(2), 129-135. (其它). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Design of a networked portfolio system. British Journal of Educational Technology, 32(4), 492-494.. (SSCI). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.*, Chiu, C. H. & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Web-based peer review: The learner as both adapter and reviewer. IEEE Transactions on Education, 44(3), 246-251. (EI). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007.
Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.*, Wang, W. R. & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Albatross III: A WWW-based course support system. International Journal of Instructional Media, 28(4), 363-374. (其它).
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2001). Students’ use of a web-based concept map testing and strategies for learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 17(1), 72-84. (SSCI).
Tsai, C. –C., Liu, E. Z. F., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2001, –). A networked peer assessment system based on a Vee heuristic. Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 38(3), 220-230. (SSCI). Nsc 88-2511-S-009-007.
Tsai, C.-C., & Lin, S. S. J.* (2001). Analysis of attitudes toward computer networks and Internet addiction of Taiwanese adolescents. Cyberpsychology and Behavior, 4(3), 373-376. (SSCI). Nsc 90-2511-S-009-006.
Tsai, C. –C., Lin, S. S. J.* & Yuan, S. –M. (2000). Taiwanese high school science students’ views of using a WWW-based concept map testing system. International Journal of Instructional Media, 27(4), 363-368.
發表 ── 近五年研討會論文
  1. Ching-Yu Luan, Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023, Dec). The Effect of Genres and Reading Orders on Interest, Reading Comprehension, and Process: Evidence from Eye Movement of Multiple-text Reading. The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN. nstc 111-2410-H-A49-017-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  2. Ting Yen Kuo, Ssu Kuang Chen, Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023, Dec). Exploring Student Engagement and Teacher-Student Interaction Patterns in Collaborative STEM PBL courses through Epistemic Network Analysis. The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN. nstc 111-2410-H-A49-017-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  3. Yu-San Hsiang, Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S.J. Lin* (2023, Dec). Reader Characteristics, Reading Order, and Facial Emotions Expressed in Reading Science Texts. The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN. nstc 111-2410-H-A49-017-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  4. Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023, Dec). Investigating Trustworthiness and Conflict in Historical Multiple Texts: From Eye-Tracking Data of Source and Content Processing. The 31st International Conference on Computers in Education, Matsue, Shimane, JAPAN. nstc 111-2410-H-A49-017-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  5. Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S. J. Lin* and Jerry N. C. Li (2023, Aug). How can we set up eye trackers in a real classroom? Using Mobile Eye Trackers to Record Learners’ Visual Attention during Learning Statistical Graphs with Different Complex Levels. The International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Porto, Portugal. nstc 112-2410-H-A49-017-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  6. Jo-Chi Hsiao, Sunny S. J. Lin* (2023, Apr). Revising Shulman and Shulman’s model for contemporary teacher professional development and suggestions for future research. 2023 The American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, IL, USA. 本人為通訊作者.
  7. 蕭若綺、鄭朝陽、林珊如 (2023, Jun). The road to resilience: Exploring how teachers experienced emergency online teaching during COVID-19 outbreak. 2023年醫療人文跨領域研究成果發表國際學術研討會, Kingmen, Taiwan. 本人為通訊作者.
  8. Jo-Chi Hsiao, Chao-Yang Cheng, Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022, Nov). When the School Door Closes, Do Teachers Open a Window? Using Diary Method to Investigate Teachers’ Online Teaching Practices and Momentary Experiences in Crisis. The 30th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2022), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 本人為通訊作者.
  9. Ming-Yi Hsieh, Sunny S. J. Lin* (2022, Aug). Metacognitive Modeling Effect of Reading Illustration First for EFL Readers: A Study of Eye Movement Evidence. 21st European Conference on Eye Movements. 本人為通訊作者.
  10. Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S.J. Lin* (2022, Aug). Reading Classical Chinese fables with implicit moral point: Eye-movement evidences of lexical difficulty, paragraph focus and order effects . 21st European Conference on Eye Movements. 本人為通訊作者.
  11. Jo-Chi Hsiao, Sunny S. J. Lin (2022, Jul). Engagement Them and They Learn: Mediation Effect of Community Engagement in Professional Learning Networks.The European Conference on Education (ECE2022), London, UK (and online).本人為通訊作者.
  12. Jo-Chi Hsiao, Ssu-Kuang Chen, Wei Chen, Sunny S. J. Lin (2021, Dec). Snapshots of student engagement and related teacher behaviors in middle school STEM classes recorded by a digital observation protocol. 2021數位學習國際研
    討會暨開放教育論壇. 本人為通訊作者.
  13. Jerry N. C. Li & Sunny S. J. Lin (2019). Recording attention process in a natural lecture with wearable eye trackers: A case study. The 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain. MOST 105-2511-S-009-006-MY3.
  14. Ming-Yi Hsieh & Sunny S. J. Lin (2019). Would Guided Modeling Enhance EFL’s Attention to Illustration in Reading? Evidence from Eye Movements. The 20th European Conference on Eye Movements, Alicante, Spain. MOST 105-2511-S-009-006-MY3.
  15. Sunny S. J. Lin, Wei Chen, Chun-Hsien Lin & Bing-Fei Wu (2019). Building a Chinese facial expression database for automatically detecting academic emotions to support instruction in blended and digital learning environments..
    2019 International Conference of Innovative Technologies and Learning, Tromsø, Norway. MOST 105-2511-S-009-019-MY3. 本人為第一作者、通訊作者.
  16. Chang, Shan Mei; Lin, S.S.J.* (2018). Online gaming motive profiles in late adolescence and related longitudinal development of stress, depression, and problematic Internet use. 2018 International Society for Quality-Of-Life Studies Annual Conference. MOST 105-2511-S-009-006-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  17. Cheng, C. Y.; Huang, Y. L.; Wu, B. F.; Chen, Y. P.; Lin, S.S.J. (2018). WIP:Curricular Renewal for System Engineering: Project-based Capstone Framework to Hatch Autonomy and Creativity. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. MOST 105-2511-S-009-019-MY3.
  18. Chou, K. Y.; Chen, Y. P.; Cheng, C. Y.; Lin, S.S.J. (2018). From technology elaboration toward application innovation: An instructional transformation in a project-oriented capstone course of Dynamic Control Systems. 2018 ASEE
    Annual Conference & Exposition, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. MOST 105-2511-S-009-019-MY3.
  19. Lee,Sy-Ying; Hong, Huai-Hong; Cheng, Chao-Yang; Lin, S.S.J. (2018). Developing flow experiences in L2 reading supported by literature circles. The 16th Asia TEFL 1st MAAL & HAAL 2018. MOST 105-2511-S-009-006-MY3.
  20. Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S.J. Lin*(2024,3月)。The role of affective engagement in multiple text reading comprehension: A qualitative thematic review. 台灣數位學習發展 2024 研討會,Taichung, Taiwan。
  21. 項于珊、郭庭嫣、羅孟婷、林珊如*(2024,3月)。時間用於讀書或虛擬世界對數學與國語文自我效能的個人及學校效果: 多階層分析。台灣數位學習發展 2024 研討會,台中市,臺灣。
  22. 郭庭嫣、項于珊、林珊如*(2024,3月)。四種時間使用類型學生的時間管理、數學與國文自我效能〔論文發表〕。台灣數位學習發展 2024 研討會,台中市,臺灣。
  23. Zheng-Hong Guan, Sunny S.J. Lin*(2023年06月)。Can global eye-movement measurements reflect the Comprehension of text difficulty? The evidence from classical Chinese fables. 2023年醫療人文跨領域研究成果發表國際學術研討會, Kingmen, Taiwan. nstc 111-2410-H-A49-017-MY3. 本人為通訊作者.
  24. 官政宏,林珊如*、楊雅婷,林秋斌(2023年03月)。The influence of 5C competence on project-Based STEM interdisciplinary courses learning performance in the 21st century。2023 台灣數位學習發展研討會,Pingtung,
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  31. 陳瑋、林珊如(2019年)。高中學生校刊團隊在創造力教學歷程展現的團隊互動及創意的發展與消逝。臺灣教育研究學會2019學術研討會,高雄。本人為通訊作者。最佳論文獎/碩士論文。