吳俊育 特聘教授 (教育心理組)
jiunyuwu@nycu.edu.tw / jiunyu.rms@gmail.com
辦公室電話: 03-5712121#31843
Educational Technology & Society’s Special issue on “The Application and Research of Generative AI in Education”
(Submission due date: Dec. 12, 2023)
吳俊育教授於2001與2003年取得國立交通大學電信工程學系學士與碩士學位, 2010年獲得德州農工大學(Texas A&M University, College Station)教育心理學系博士學位,專研研究方法、心理量測與應用統計法(Research, Measurement & Statistics),畢業後即至國立交通大學教育研究所任職。現為國立陽明交通大學教育研究所/師資培育中心正教授。
他的研究著重於發展新穎數據演算法與統計建模策略,用以分析學習者在個人學習環境(Personal Learning Environment, PLE)內注意力狀態與注意力調控意願,及其對學習成效、生活適應相關表現。他嘗試深入了解學習者於開放式網路環境中使用者行為、調控策略使用、認知能力與學習成效表現之間機制,希冀找出影響學習者在PLE中選擇性注意力分配的機制(數位分心理論與正向介入)。具體來說,他使用新穎的數據分析技術,例如:機器學習,學習分析 、行為分析、視覺化、交互式圖形學等,及心理認知實驗與心理量測工具,全方位評估學習者在PLE中的注意力情況,並收集學習者在社交媒體中的心理變化、行為過程、生活適應與學業成效之大型結構與非結構數據進行統計與理論建模(以學習者為本的學習分析) 。他的學術著作發表於具有影響力的期刊上,如Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Journal of Educational Psychology, Child Development, Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of School Psychology, Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, Interactive Learning Environment, International Journal of Science Education, Learning and Individual Differences, Journal of Experimental Education, School Psychology Quarterly…等。研究表現榮獲108 年度科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎肯定。
除大學部教育心理學課程外,他以中文或英文教授研究所層級之基礎和進階應用統計課程,包括:多變量分析與機器學習,結構方程模型,階層線性建模和多階層建模等。吳俊育教授擔任多個教學實踐研究計畫區域基地計畫跨校教師社群教練,以及多校教學實踐研究計畫諮詢委員,同時擔任各級教實計畫審查委員,致力協助高等教育教學人員重視優質教學,提升學生自主學習成效。截至2022年底,他於全國各公私立大專院校、教學醫院共完成43次教學創新與實踐工作坊與演講分享,現場或線上參與人數逾2100人次,推廣高教課室科技與教學創新之實用性課程設計。教學績效榮獲110學年度第2學期特色課程創新類課程卓越獎,109學年度跨校區課程交流推廣教學計畫補助,108學年度激勵型教案課程計畫補助,107年度教育部教學實踐研究計畫亮點計畫獎勵,106學年度傑出教學獎,105學年度優秀教學獎, 100學年度績效特優導師。他積極投入地方教育服務,連續三年帶領交大師培中心史懷哲偏鄉服務團隊為國中生進行暑期教育專業服務(2014-2017)。與地區國高中合作開發數學、資訊、經濟素養等跨領域彈性課程等。截至2022年底,超過千名國二生完成課程,掌握理財與金融之當代能力素養。此課程教與學成效卓著,獲師生認同,已成該校教學特色之一。
他執行多個科學研究計畫,現任教育部「教育大數據分析計畫辦公室」-分析計畫共同主持人,台灣ICILS2023計畫共同主持人&資料管理者,臺灣PISA2022取樣設計顧問、PISA2025國家研究團隊顧問。曾任台灣PISA 2015中心計畫共同主持人。學術服務方面,現擔任Educational Psychology副主編,並以編輯委員身份服務於Journal of Clinical Psychology(SSCI, 2010-), Journal of School Psychology(SSCI, 2015-), International Journal of STEM Education(SSCI, 2017-),中國測驗學會測驗學刊(TSSCI, 2015-),教育傳播與科技研究期刊 (2022-),教學實踐研究 (2023-)。曾任教育理論與實踐期刊(台中教育大學, 2020-2022), Journal of Personality Assessment (SSCI, 2016-2017)編輯委員。積極從事學術論文審查服務,榮獲Computers & Education (2017), Journal of School Psychology(2017)與Computers in Human Behavior(2015, 2018)傑出審稿人肯定。
WOS Research ID: D-6668-2013
ORCID: 0000-0002-3160-9658
Google Scholar: page
ResearchGate: page
Scopus: 36174675900
實驗室 ML2lab |
學歷 Education |
- 美國德州農工大學 教育心理系 博士(2007.08 ~ 2010.05)
- 國立交通大學 電信工程學系 碩士(2001.08 ~ 2003.05)
- 國立交通大學 電信工程學系 學士(1997.08 ~ 2001.05)
經歷 Employment |
- Professor, IED&CTE, NYCU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2021.2 – present )
Professor, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2020.8 – 2021.1)
Associate Professor, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2014.8- 2020.7)
Assistant Professor, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2010.8-2014.7) - Chairperson, Arete Honors Program (百川學士學位學程), NYCU (2021.8 ~ 2022.7)
Associate Director, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2016.8- 2018.7)
專業服務 Professional Service |
- Peer-reviewed Journal: Editor
- Associate Editor, Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology (SSCI, IF 2022: 3.20)
- Guest Editor, Educational Technology & Society (ET&S, SSCI, IF 2022: 4.000).
- Special issue on “The application and research of generative AI in education” (Submission due date: Dec. 12, 2023)
- Guest Editor, Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI, IF 2017: 2.089).
- Peer-reviewed Journal: Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Clinical Psychology (SSCI, 2010-)
- Journal of School Psychology (SSCI, 2015-)
- International Journal of STEM Education (SSCI, 2017-)
- Psychological Testing (測驗學刊, TSSCI, 2015-)
- Research of Educational Communications and Technology (教育傳播與科技研究期刊, 2022-)
- Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (教學實踐研究, 2023-)
- Outgoing Journal of Educational Theory and Practice (教育理論與實踐期刊, 2021-2022)
- Outgoing Journal of Personality Assessment (SSCI, 2016-2017)
- National Grant
- Co-PI, MOE, Educational Big Data Analytics Project, 教育部「教育大數據分析計畫辦公室」-分析計畫 (2022-)
- Co-PI, International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2023 Taiwan National Project. (ICILS 2023, 2022-2024)
- Co-PI, Programme for International Student Assessment Taiwan National Project. (PISA 2015, OECD, 2012-2017)
- Research Society
General Chair, The 15th Taiwan e-learning Forum (TWELF 2020, 11 tracks with # of Accepted Manuscripts = 138, our paper about this pioneering virtual conference during the early pandemic outbreak.)
General Co-Chair, 2019 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association for Educational Communication and Technology @ NCTU (TAECT 2019 @ NCTU, # of Accepted Manuscripts = 88)
Chair, MultiLevel Modeling SIG, American Educational Research Association (2014-2015)
Vice-Chair, MLM SIG, American Educational Research Association (2013-2014)
- Teaching Experience
- 德州農工大學教育心理系 多階層線性方程式 助教(2009 ~ 2010)
- 德州農工大學教育心理系 結構方程模型 助教(2009~ 2010)
- 國立交通大學電信工程學系 通信網絡實驗與原理 助教(2002 ~ 2003)
- 國立交通大學電信工程學系 通信系統實驗 助教(2001~ 2002)
授課 Teaching |
- 多階層建模 Multilevel Modeling (碩博, 全英文授課)
- 結構方程模式研究 Structural Equation Modeling (碩博, 全英文授課)
- 應用機器學習 Applied Machine Learning (碩博, 全英文授課)
- 應用多變量分析 Applied Multivariate Modeling (碩博, 全英文授課)
- 高等應用統計研究(碩博)
- 初等應用統計研究(碩博, 中英文授課)
- 教育心理學(教育學程)
研究領域 Research field |
- Quantitative Methodologies:
Machine Learning, Multilevel Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Text Mining, Feature Engineering, Mediation and Moderation Analysis, Power Analysis, Generalized Linear Models, Longitudinal Data Analysis, and Multiple Group Comparison. - Substantive Research Fields:
Artificial Intelligence in Education, Learning Analytics, Serious Simulation Game-based Learning, Cognitive Analysis, and Emotion Detection via Voice Signal Processing
Attention & Meta-Attention, Strategic Intervention, Cognitive Abilities,
Electronic Reading literacy, PISA database analysis, Teacher Student Relationship Quality.
榮譽 Honor |
2019 | 科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎,Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, MOST, Taiwan. Flexible Wage Award for Excellence in Research, NCTU Taiwan (~2021.7) |
2018 | 傑出教學獎,Outstanding Teaching Award, NCTU Taiwan, 2018 Flexible Wage Award for Excellence in Teaching, NCTU Taiwan (~2019.7) |
2017 | Flexible Wage Award for Excellence in Teaching, NCTU Taiwan (~2018.7) Outstanding Reviewer-Computers & Education (Achieved: October 2017) Outstanding Reviewer-Journal of School Psychology (Achieved: March 2017) |
2016 | Outstanding Reviewer-Computers in Human Behavior (Achieved: November 2015) 優良教學獎,Teaching Excellence Award, National Chiao Tung University, 2016 Flexible Wage Award for Excellence in Research, NCTU Taiwan (~2017.7) Research Grant for three-year Research Investigators, NSC Taiwan (~2019) |
2015 | Outstanding Reviewer – Computers in Human Behavior (Achieved: November 2015) Flexible Wage Award for Excellence in Research, NCTU Taiwan (~2017.7) Research Grant for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, NSC Taiwan (~2018) |
2014 | Flexible Wage Award for Excellence in Service, NCTU Taiwan (~2015.7) Research Award, NCTU Taiwan |
2013 | Flexible Wage Award for excellence in Service, NCTU Taiwan (~2015.7) Research Award, NCTU Taiwan |
2012 | Research Grant for Excellent Junior Research Investigators, NSC Taiwan |
2011 | Mentor of Merit Award, National Chiao Tung University, 2011 |
導生 Advisee |
- Ph. D. in Progress as Chair
- Weng, Min-Chieh (翁敏傑) (Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2017 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Yan-Ling Lai (賴彥伶)(Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2022 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Yi-Chen Juan (阮以箴)(Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2023 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Sunny Shi(史安晴)(Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2023 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Ph. D. Completed as Chair
- Liao, Chen-Hsuan(廖晨瑄) (Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2019 ~02/2023), NYCU, Taiwan
- M.S. in Progress as Chair
- (林婉暄) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2019 ~), NCTU, Taiwan
- (鍾欣蓉) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2019 ~), NCTU, Taiwan
- (許員韶) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2020 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (毛泑棠) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2020 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (賴品君) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2020 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (阮以箴) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2021 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (王鈞亞) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2021 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- M.S. Completed as Chair
- Peng, Ya-Chun (彭雅君) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2010 ~ 08/2012), NCTU, Taiwan
– Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society - Wu, Suei-Ching (吳穗晴) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2011 ~ 08/2012), NCTU, Taiwan
- Cheng, Tzu-Ying (程姿螢) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2011 ~ 06/2013), NCTU, Taiwan
- Huang, Li-Chen (黃麗蓁) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~06/2014), NCTU, Taiwan
- Li, Shin (李欣) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~08/2014), NCTU, Taiwan
- Chung, Pei-Chih (鍾佩芝) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~08/2014), NCTU, Taiwan
- Tseng, Hsiang-Chun (曾湘淳) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~01/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Wang, Ling-Ling (王羚綾) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2013 ~08/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Xie, Chen (謝 忱)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2013 ~09/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Kao, Shih-Hui (高詩惠)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2013 ~09/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Chiou, Hao-En (邱浩恩)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2014 ~04/2017), NCTU, Taiwan
- Hsiao, Yi-Cheng (蕭義橙)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2015 ~12/2017), NCTU, Taiwan
- Nian, Mei-Wen (粘美玟) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2016~08/2018), NCTU, Taiwan
– Academic Excellence Award (top 5% in the class of 30 classmates)
– Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society - Hsu, Yu-Ching (徐于晴) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2017 ~07/2019), NCTU, Taiwan
- Hung, Hsiao- Ching (洪筱晴) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2016~08/2020), NCTU, Taiwan
- (皇甫承佑) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2019 ~12/2020), NCTU, Taiwan
- Yang, Chang-Hsuan (楊昌軒) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2017 ~01/2021), NCTU, Taiwan
– Academic Excellence Award (top 5% in the class of 30 classmates) - Su, Hong-Kai (蘇弘愷) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2017 ~02/2022), NYCU, Taiwan
- Peng, Ya-Chun (彭雅君) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2010 ~ 08/2012), NCTU, Taiwan
計畫 Research Project |
進行中 on-going
MOE, Taiwan 教育大數據分析計畫, 2022/05/01~2023/12/31 Co-PI MOST, Taiwan The Digital Transformation of the Learning and Teaching Practices in Hybrid Learning Environments—The framework of Human-centric & Multi-modal Learning Analytics with AI techniques & its research empowerment; A study on dynamic motivation & video behaviors
總計畫暨子計畫三:探研數位轉化之混成式學習場境內的教與學—以人為本 的多模態AI學習分析系統建置與研究增能;大學生動態動機與影片學習行為 研究 :以後疫情時代的混成式統計課程學習為例, 111-2410-H-A49-066-MY3, 2022/08/01~2025/07/31PI MOST, Taiwan Promoting the Active Learning in the Post-Pandemic era: Multi-Modal Learning Analytics, Dynamic Learning Assessment and the Design of Learning Materials to Prevent Digital Distraction and Facilitate Learning Effectiveness 後疫時代下的個人學習環境內的主動學習:結合數位分心與動態學習歷程的多模態學習分析、評估與教學介入, 110-2525-H-A49-001-MY4, 2021/08/01~2025/07/31 PI
已完成 Completed
MOST, Taiwan Learning Analytics 2.0: Reinforcement Machine & Human Symbiotic Learning to Enhance Evidence-based Teaching and Learning Effectiveness within Smart Learning Environment
學習分析2.0:增強式人機互動學習促進以證據為本之智慧學習環境中的教 學和學習成效, 108-2511-H-009-013-MY3, 2019/08/01~2022/07/31PI NCTU, Taiwan Evaluation of the Baichuan bachelor entrance program: Learning effectiveness, course satisfaction, life adjustment, and teacher-student relationship quality – the first phase.
2018/10/01~2019/01/31PI MOE, Taiwan Teaching Practice Grant: Through the training of this Advanced Statistics course, you can analyze the data with less anxiety: Integrating the innovative instruction technology and social media to enhance the active and smart learning of analytics literacy, 2018/08/01~2019/07/31 Co-PI MOST, Taiwan Research on the Theory of Meta-Attention within the Personal Learning Environment Premised on Social Media
基於社交媒體之個人學習環境後設注意力理論研究, 105-2511-S-009 -009 -MY3, 2016/08/01~2019/07/31PI MOST, Taiwan Multilevel Higher-Order Latent Mediation Effect Modeling: A Methodological-Substantial Synergy Using Developmental Theory to Explore the Possibility of Higher-Order Interaction between Teacher-Student Relationship Quality and Related Constructs in Taiwan 多階層高階潛在調節效果建模法 : 理論與實務方法融合之應用發展理論建構本土師生關係構念與高階交互作用項之可能性探索, 104-2628-H-009 -001 -SS3, 2015/08/01~2018/07/31 PI MOST&MOE,
TaiwanTaiwan PISA 2015, 2012/09/01~2017/07/31 Co-PI MOST, Taiwan Establishing the theoretical, developmental, and evaluative foundation on the theory of Meta-Attention through online learning and online social activities
後設注意力於線上學習與社交活動之理論性、發展性、評量性論證研究, 103-2511-S-009 -007, 2014/08/01~ 2015/07/31PI MOST, Taiwan Issues of Conditioned Multilevel Latent Growth Curve Modeling: Examining the Effect of Ignoring Dependency in Complex Survey Longitudinal Data and Exploring the Possibility of Cross-Level Interaction Term, 受限制多階層潛在成長曲線模型議題探討: 忽略多階層長期資料相關性之影響評估與跨階層交互作用之可能性探索, NSC-101-2628-H-009-003-MY3, 2012/08/01~2015/07/31 PI MOST, Taiwan Examining the risk factors for low-achieving junior high school students: a prospective study to address the issue of students at risk of academic failure 檢視造成學業低成就國中生之危險因子: 一前瞻性研究用以解決學生瀕臨學業成就失敗的議題(I), NSC-100-2410-H-009-057, 2011/08/01~2012/07/31 PI MOST, Taiwan Testing the Effectiveness of Three Modeling Approaches in Addressing Data Dependency with Empirical Data under Structural Equation Modeling Framework
在結構方程模式的範疇下以實際資料探究三種解決數據相關性方法的有效性, NSC-100-2410-H-009-002, 2011/1/1 ~ 2011/9/30PI
發表 Publication |
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (Google Scholar *Correspondent †Advisee)
Liao, C.-H. †, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2023). Learning analytics on video-viewing engagement in a flipped statistics course: Relating external video-viewing patterns to internal motivational dynamics and performance. Computers & Education, 197, 104754.(SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182, Q1) (Open Access)
Lin, H.-M., Wu, J.-Y., Liang, J.-C., Lee, Y.-H., Huang, P.-C., Kwok, O.-M., & Tsai, C.-C. (2023). A review of using multilevel modeling in e-learning research. Computers & Education, 198, 104762. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104762(SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182, Q1)(Open Access)
Weng, M.-C.†, Liao, C.-H.†, Kwok, O., & Wu, J.-Y.* (2023). What is the best model of grit among junior high students: Model selection, measurement invariance, and group difference. Social Development, 1–17. (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.462, Q3)
Liao, C.-H.†, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2022). Deploying multimodal learning analytics models to explore the impact of digital distraction and peer learning on student performance. Computers & Education, 104599. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104599. (SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182, Q1)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Tsai, C. C.* (2022). Harnessing the power of promising technologies to transform science education: prospects and challenges to promote adaptive epistemic beliefs in science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 44(2), 346-353. (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.241, Q3)
粘美玟†、程姿螢†、吳俊育*(2021)。以學習者為中心之應用統計翻轉課程設計與成效評估 。教學實踐研究 , 1 (2) ,53-79 。doi:10.7007/JSoTL.202106_1(2).0003
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Nain, M.-W.† (2021). The dynamics of an online learning community in a hybrid statistics classroom over time: Implications for the question-oriented problem-solving course design with the social network analysis approach. Computers & Education, 166, 104120. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104120 (SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Liao, C.-H.†, Nain, M.-W.†, & Cheng, T.† (2021). Using data analytics to investigate attendees’ behaviors and psychological states in a virtual academic conference. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1). (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.633)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Yang, C.C.Y., Liao, C.-H.†, & Nian, M.-W.† (2021). Learning Analytics 2.0 for precision education: An integrative theoretical framework of the human and machine symbiotic learning. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1).(SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.633)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y. (2021). Learning analytics on structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources: Perspectives from procrastination, help-seeking, and machine-learning defined cognitive engagement. Computers & Education, 163, 104066. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104066 (SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y. (2020). The predictive validities of individual working-memory capacity profiles and note-taking strategies on online search performance. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(6), 876-889. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12441 (SSCI: 2020 IF: 3.862)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Hsiao, Y.-C.†, & Nian, M.-W.† (2020). Using supervised machine learning on large-scale online forums to classify course-related facebook messages in predicting learning achievement within the personal learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(1), 65-80. (SSCI: 2020 IF: 3.928)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Cheng, T.† (2019). Who is better adapted in learning online within the personal learning environment? Relating gender differences in cognitive attention networks to digital distraction. Computers & Education,128, 312-329. (SSCI: 2019 IF: 5.296)(Open Access)
Wu, J. Y.*, & Xie, C.† (2018). Using time pressure and note-taking to prevent digital distraction behavior and enhance online search performance: Perspectives from the load theory of attention and cognitive control. Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 244-254. (SSCI: 2018 IF: 4.306)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Lee, Y.-H., & Lin, J. J. H.† (2018). Using iMCFA to perform the CFA, multilevel CFA, and maximum model for analyzing complex survey data. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00251 (SSCI: 2018 IF: 2.129)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y. (2017). The indirect relationship of media multitasking self-efficacy on learning performance within the personal learning environment: Implications from the mechanism of perceived attention problems and self-regulation strategies. Computers & Education, 106, 56–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2016.10.010 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 4.538)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Lin, J. J. H.†, Nian, M.-W.†, & Hsiao, Y.-C.† (2017). A solution to modeling multilevel confirmatory factor analysis with data obtained from complex survey sampling to avoid conflated parameter estimates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01464 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 2.089)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Peng, Y.-C.† (2017). The modality effect on reading literacy: Perspectives from students’ online reading habits, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and web navigation skills across regions. Interactive Learning Environments, 25(7), 859-876. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2016.1224251 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 1.604)
Clemens, N. H.*, Lai, M. H. C., Burke, M., & Wu, J.-Y. (2017). Interrelations of growth in letter naming and sound fluency in kindergarten and implications for subsequent reading fluency. School Psychology Review, 46(3), 272–287. https://doi.org/10.17105/SPR-2017-0032.V46-3 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 1.521)
Wu, J.-Y. (2015). University students’ motivated attention and use of regulation strategies on social media. Computers & Education, 89, 75-90. 10.1016/j.compedu.2015.08.016. (SSCI, 2015 IF: 2.881)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Hughes, J. N. (2015). Teacher network of relationships inventory: Measurement invariance of academically at-risk students across ages 6 to 15. School Psychology Quarterly, 30(1), 23-36. doi: 10.1037/spq0000063 (SSCI, 2015 IF: 2.750)
Liu, L. –F.*, Weng, R. –H, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2014). Exploring factors influencing residents’ health outcomes in long-term care facilities: one year follow-up using latent growth curve model. Quality of Life Research, 23(9), 2613-2627. doi 10.1007/s11136-014-0710-z (as one of corresponding authors with equal contributions) (SSCI, 2014 IF: 2.486)
Chen, C. T.†, She, H. C., Chuang M. H., Wu, J.-Y., Tsai, J. L. & Jung, T.P. (2014). Eye movements predict students’ computer-based assessment performance of physics concepts in different presentation modalities. Computers & Education, 74, 61-72. (SSCI, 2014 IF: 2.556)
Wu, J.-Y. (2014). Gender differences in online reading engagement, metacognitive strategies, navigation skills and reading literacy. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(3), 252-271. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12054 (SSCI, 2014 IF: 1.360)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Kwok, O. & Wilson, V. (2014). Using design-based latent growth curve modeling with cluster-level predictors to address dependency. Journal of Experimental Education, 82(4), 431–454. doi:10.1080/00220973.2013.876226 (SSCI, 2014 IF: 1.087)
Clemens, N. H., Shapiro, E. S., Wu, J.-Y., Taylor, A., & Caskie, G. L. (2014). Monitoring early first-grade reading progress: A comparison of two measures. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 47(3), 254-270. doi: 10.1177/0022219412454455 (SSCI, 2014 IF: 1.901)
Lee, Y. & Wu, J.-Y.* (2013). The indirect effects of online social entertainment and information seeking activities on knowledge of metacognitive strategies and reading literacy. Computers & Education, 67, 168-177. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.03.001 (SSCI&SCIE, 2013 IF: 2.630)
Lee, Y., Waxman, H. C., Wu, J., Michko, G. M., & Lin, G. (2013). Revisit the effect of teaching and learning with technology. Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 133-146. (SSCI, 2013 IF: 0.824)
Spilt, J., Hughes, J. N., Wu, J., & Kwok, O. (2012). Dynamics of teacher-student relationships: Stability and change across elementary school and the influence on children’s academic success. Child Development, 83(4), 1180–1195. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01761.x.(SSCI, 2012 IF: 4.915)
Lee, Y., & Wu, J.*(2012). The effect of individual differences in the inner and outer states of ICT on engagement in online reading activities and PISA 2009 reading literacy: Exploring the relationship between the old and new reading literacy. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(3), 336-342. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2012.01.007. (SSCI, 2012 IF: 1.507)
Hughes, J. N.*, Wu, J., Kwok, O., Villarreal, V. & Johnson, A. Y. (2012). Indirect effects of child reports of teacher-student relationship on achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(2), 350-365. doi:10.1037/a0026339 (SSCI, 2012 IF: 3.158)
Wu, J.*, & Kwok, O.* (2012). Using structural equation modeling to analyze complex survey data: A comparison between design-based single-level and model-based multi-level approaches. Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19(1), 16–35. doi:10.1080/10705511.2012.634703. (SCI/SSCI, 2012 IF: 4.242)
Wu, J.*, Hughes, J. N., & Kwok, O. (2010). Teacher-student relationship quality type in elementary grades: Effects on trajectories for achievement and engagement. Journal of School Psychology, 48(5), 357-387. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2010.06.004. (SSCI, 2010 IF: 2.680)
Zhang, D.*, Willson, V., Katsiyannis, A., Barrett, D. E., Ju, S., & Wu, J.(2010). Truancy offenders in the juvenile justice system: A multi-cohort replication study. Behavioral Disorders, 35(3), 229-242.(SSCI, 2010 IF: 0.684)
Books/Book Chapters
吳俊育, 粘美玟†, & 程姿螢†. (2020). 百川學子引領自學新潮流. In 王蒞君 & 劉奕蘭 (Eds.), 化鏡為窗:大數據分析強化大學競爭力 (1st ed.). 國立交通大學出版社. https://www.books.com.tw/products/001085707
Kwok, O., Cheung, M. W.-L., Jak, S., Ryu, E., & Wu, J.-Y. (2019) Recent advancements in structural equation modeling (SEM): From both methodological and application perspectives. Quantitative Psychology and Measurement. Frontiers in Psychology.
Wu, J. Y. (2017). Findings and implications of students’ ICT questionnaire. In H.-C. She & H. Lin (Eds.), Taiwan Student Performance on PISA 2015 (1st ed., pp. 287–332).
Wu, J. Y., & Willson, V. (2010). Expected value. In N. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of research design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Prof. Jiun-Yu Wu
jiunyuwu@nycu.edu.tw / jiunyu.rms@gmail.com
OIffice Tel: 03-5712121#31843
Educational Technology & Society’s Special issue on “The Application and Research of Generative AI in Education”
(Submission due date: Dec. 12, 2023)
Jerry, Jiun-Yu Wu is currently a Professor at IED/CTE, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan. He is a quantitative methodologist specializing in a range of advanced statistical and computational modeling, including Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling (MSEM) and Machine Learning techniques on the analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal structured/unstructured data. His research interests focus on the cognitive, metacognitive, and behavioral processes of how people learn, adapt, and succeed in a technology-enhanced environment.
Wu models the interrelationship of learners’ psychological and behavioral processes with their performance and adjustment outcomes. He is interested in students’ online behavior, and factors that motivate or hinder their learning performance within the personal learning environment (PLE) premised on social media (Digital Distraction). Specifically, he integrates different domains of analytical techniques, such as machine learning, statistical modeling, behavioral analysis, and cognitive and psychological assessments, to probe into students’ attention state and regulatory strategies in PLE (Learning Analytics). Positive intervention strategies were suggested to prevent digital distraction and enhance achievement and psychological well-being based on a series of theoretical and empirical investigations. He has been awarded 2019 Ta-You Wu Memorial Award, MOST, Taiwan.
Using large-scale data from Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), he studied students’ electronic reading literacy and printed reading literacy and how they interact with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), considering the interplay of individual differences in engagement in online activities, metacognitive knowledge, gender differences, and web navigation skills. Suggestions to close the gender gap in reading literacy and the digital divide have been provided for policy-making based on his study results on international comparison and his service as the co-PI in the international project of PISA 2015.
He teaches introductory and advanced applied statistics at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including applied multivariate analysis, structural equation modeling, hierarchical linear modeling, and multilevel modeling in both English and Mandarin. He is committed to diversity and equity in education. He served as the supervisor for the Schweitzer Volunteer Teacher Program at NCTU for four years (2014-2017), guiding university students to devote their pedagogic competence to the underprivileged junior high students in rural areas of Hsinchu. He also partners with junior high school teachers in rural areas in integrating ICT through serious simulation games in a STEM financial literacy course. He has been awarded the Outstanding Teaching Award (The highest teaching honor at NCTU, 2018) and Teaching Excellence Award (2016), at NCTU, Taiwan.
He is the PI in several government-funded research projects. He is the Co-PI of the Educational Big-data Analytics Project for the Ministry of Education, Co-PI of Taiwan ICILS 2023, and PISA 2022 and 2025 consultant. He was the Co-PI of Taiwan PISA 2015. He is an associate editor for Educational Psychology and served as the guest editor for a special issue of Educational Technology & Society (ET&S) titled ‘The Application and Research of Generative AI in Education. He served as the guest editor for Frontiers in Psychology of the special issue about the recent advancement of SEM. He is on the editorial board for Journal of Clinical Psychology (SSCI), Journal of School Psychology (SSCI), International Journal of STEM Education (SSCI) and Journal of Psychological Testing (TSSCI). He has been awarded Outstanding Reviewer for Computers & Education (2017), School Psychology (2017) and Computers in Human Behavior (2015). His scholarly works have been published in high-impact flagship journals, such as Computers & Education, Computers in Human Behavior, Child Development, Journal of Educational Psychology, Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of School Psychology, Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning, Interactive Learning Environment, Learning and Individual Differences, Journal of Experimental Education, School Psychology Quarterly…etc.
WOS Research ID: D-6668-2013
ORCID: 0000-0002-3160-9658
Google Scholar: page
ResearchGate: page
Scopus: 36174675900
My citation metrics by Oct., 2023
- Google Scholar: h-index=24, i10=31 (total citations = 2775)
- ResearchGate: Research Interest Score =1050 (higher than 93% of RG members)
- 2022, 2021, 2020 World’s Top 2% Scientists
2007-2010 | Ph.D. | in Dept. of Educational Psychology with the concentration in Learning Sciences (major in Research, Measurement& Statistics), Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station, TX, USA |
2009 | Certificate in Statistics, Dept. of Statistics, TAMU | |
2001-2003 | M.S. | in Dept. of Electrical Engineering with the concentration in Telecommunication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan |
1997-2001 | B.S. | in Dept. of Electrical Engineering with the concentration in Telecommunication Engineering, National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan |
- Professor, IED&CTE, NYCU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2021.2 – present)
- Professor, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2020.8 – 2021.1)
- Associate Professor, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2014.8- 2020.7)
- Associate Director, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2016.8-2018.7)
- Assistant Professor, IED&CTE, NCTU, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (2010.8-2014.7)
- Research Assistant for Project Achieve (NICHD funded) , Dept. EPSY, TAMU
- Statistical Consultant and Website developer, Dept. EPSY, TAMU
- Applied Multivariate Analysis & Machine Learning (Graduate-level, English-taught course)
- Multilevel Modeling (Graduate-level, English-taught course)
- Structural Equation Modeling (Graduate-level, English-taught course)
- Applied Multivariate Analysis (Graduate-level, English-taught course)
- Advanced Statistics / General Linear Model (Graduate-level)
- Educational Psychology (Undergraduate-level & Teacher education)
Research Services
- Peer-reviewed Journal: Editor
- Associate Editor, Educational Psychology: An International Journal of Experimental Educational Psychology (SSCI, IF 2022: 3.20)
- Guest Editor, Educational Technology & Society (ET&S, SSCI, IF 2022: 4.000).
- Special issue on “The application and research of generative AI in education” (Submission due date: Dec. 12, 2023)
- Guest Editor, Frontiers in Psychology(SSCI, IF 2017: 2.089).
- Peer-reviewed Journal: Editorial Board Member
- Journal of Clinical Psychology (SSCI, 2010-)
- Journal of School Psychology (SSCI, 2015-)
- International Journal of STEM Education (SSCI, 2017-)
- Psychological Testing (測驗學刊, TSSCI, 2015-)
- Research of Educational Communications and Technology (教育傳播與科技研究期刊, 2022-)
- Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (教學實踐研究, 2023-)
- Outgoing Journal of Educational Theory and Practice (教育理論與實踐期刊, 2021-2022)
- Outgoing Journal of Personality Assessment (SSCI, 2016-2017)
- National Grant
- Co-PI, MOE, Educational Big Data Analytics Project, 教育部「教育大數據分析計畫辦公室」-分析計畫 (2022-)
- Co-PI, International Computer and Information Literacy Study 2023 Taiwan National Project. (ICILS 2023, 2022-2024)
- Co-PI, Programme for International Student Assessment Taiwan National Project. (PISA 2015, OECD, 2012-2017
Research Interests
- Quantitative Methodologies:
Machine Learning, Multilevel Analysis, Structural Equation Modeling, Text Mining, Feature Engineering, Mediation and Moderation Analysis, Power Analysis, Generalized Linear Models, Longitudinal Data Analysis, and Multiple Group Comparison. - Substantive Research Fields:
Artificial Intelligence in Education, Learning Analytics, Serious Simulation Game-based Learning, Cognitive Analysis and Emotion Detection via Voice Signal Processing
Attention & Meta-Attention, Strategic Intervention, Cognitive Abilities,
Electronic Reading literacy, PISA database analysis, Teacher Student Relationship Quality.
Computer and Analytical Skills
Statistics | R, Mplus, SAS, SPSS, STATA, HLM |
Data Crawling | R, Python |
Text Mining | R, Python |
Machine Learning | R, Python, Matlab |
Voice and Signal Processing | Python, Matlab |
Data Visualization | R, Python, Matlab |
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (Google Scholar *Correspondent †Advisee)
Liao, C.-H. †, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2023). Learning analytics on video-viewing engagement in a flipped statistics course: Relating external video-viewing patterns to internal motivational dynamics and performance. Computers & Education, 197, 104754.(SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182, Q1) (Open Access)
Lin, H.-M., Wu, J.-Y., Liang, J.-C., Lee, Y.-H., Huang, P.-C., Kwok, O.-M., & Tsai, C.-C. (2023). A review of using multilevel modeling in e-learning research. Computers & Education, 198, 104762. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2023.104762(SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182, Q1)(Open Access)
Weng, M.-C.†, Liao, C.-H.†, Kwok, O., & Wu, J.-Y.* (2023). What is the best model of grit among junior high students: Model selection, measurement invariance, and group difference. Social Development, 1–17. (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.462, Q3)
Liao, C.-H.†, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2022). Deploying multimodal learning analytics models to explore the impact of digital distraction and peer learning on student performance. Computers & Education, 104599. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2022.104599. (SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182, Q1)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Tsai, C. C.* (2022). Harnessing the power of promising technologies to transform science education: prospects and challenges to promote adaptive epistemic beliefs in science learning. International Journal of Science Education, 44(2), 346-353. (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.241, Q3)
粘美玟†、程姿螢†、吳俊育*(2021)。以學習者為中心之應用統計翻轉課程設計與成效評估 。教學實踐研究 , 1 (2) ,53-79 。doi:10.7007/JSoTL.202106_1(2).0003
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Nain, M.-W.† (2021). The dynamics of an online learning community in a hybrid statistics classroom over time: Implications for the question-oriented problem-solving course design with the social network analysis approach. Computers & Education, 166, 104120. doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104120 (SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Liao, C.-H.†, Nain, M.-W.†, & Cheng, T.† (2021). Using data analytics to investigate attendees’ behaviors and psychological states in a virtual academic conference. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1). (SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.633)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Yang, C.C.Y., Liao, C.-H.†, & Nian, M.-W.† (2021). Learning Analytics 2.0 for precision education: An integrative theoretical framework of the human and machine symbiotic learning. Educational Technology & Society, 24(1).(SSCI: 2021 IF: 2.633)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y. (2021). Learning analytics on structured and unstructured heterogeneous data sources: Perspectives from procrastination, help-seeking, and machine-learning defined cognitive engagement. Computers & Education, 163, 104066. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2020.104066 (SSCI/SCIE: 2021 IF: 11.182)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y. (2020). The predictive validities of individual working-memory capacity profiles and note-taking strategies on online search performance. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 36(6), 876-889. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcal.12441 (SSCI: 2020 IF: 3.862)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Hsiao, Y.-C.†, & Nian, M.-W.† (2020). Using supervised machine learning on large-scale online forums to classify course-related facebook messages in predicting learning achievement within the personal learning environment. Interactive Learning Environments, 28(1), 65-80. (SSCI: 2020 IF: 3.928)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Cheng, T.† (2019). Who is better adapted in learning online within the personal learning environment? Relating gender differences in cognitive attention networks to digital distraction. Computers & Education,128, 312-329. (SSCI: 2019 IF: 5.296)(Open Access)
Wu, J. Y.*, & Xie, C.† (2018). Using time pressure and note-taking to prevent digital distraction behavior and enhance online search performance: Perspectives from the load theory of attention and cognitive control. Computers in Human Behavior, 88, 244-254. (SSCI: 2018 IF: 4.306)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Lee, Y.-H., & Lin, J. J. H.† (2018). Using iMCFA to perform the CFA, multilevel CFA, and maximum model for analyzing complex survey data. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00251 (SSCI: 2018 IF: 2.129)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y. (2017). The indirect relationship of media multitasking self-efficacy on learning performance within the personal learning environment: Implications from the mechanism of perceived attention problems and self-regulation strategies. Computers & Education, 106, 56–72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compedu.2016.10.010 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 4.538)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Lin, J. J. H.†, Nian, M.-W.†, & Hsiao, Y.-C.† (2017). A solution to modeling multilevel confirmatory factor analysis with data obtained from complex survey sampling to avoid conflated parameter estimates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01464 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 2.089)(Open Access)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Peng, Y.-C.† (2017). The modality effect on reading literacy: Perspectives from students’ online reading habits, cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and web navigation skills across regions. Interactive Learning Environments, 25(7), 859-876. https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2016.1224251 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 1.604)
Clemens, N. H.*, Lai, M. H. C., Burke, M., & Wu, J.-Y. (2017). Interrelations of growth in letter naming and sound fluency in kindergarten and implications for subsequent reading fluency. School Psychology Review, 46(3), 272–287. https://doi.org/10.17105/SPR-2017-0032.V46-3 (SSCI: 2017 IF: 1.521)
Wu, J.-Y. (2015). University students’ motivated attention and use of regulation strategies on social media. Computers & Education, 89, 75-90. 10.1016/j.compedu.2015.08.016. (SSCI, 2015 IF: 2.881)
Wu, J.-Y.*, & Hughes, J. N. (2015). Teacher network of relationships inventory: Measurement invariance of academically at-risk students across ages 6 to 15. School Psychology Quarterly, 30(1), 23-36. doi: 10.1037/spq0000063 (SSCI, 2015 IF: 2.750)
Liu, L. –F.*, Weng, R. –H, & Wu, J.-Y.* (2014). Exploring factors influencing residents’ health outcomes in long-term care facilities: one year follow-up using latent growth curve model. Quality of Life Research, 23(9), 2613-2627. doi 10.1007/s11136-014-0710-z (as one of corresponding authors with equal contributions) (SSCI, 2014 IF: 2.486)
Chen, C. T.†, She, H. C., Chuang M. H., Wu, J.-Y., Tsai, J. L. & Jung, T.P. (2014). Eye movements predict students’ computer-based assessment performance of physics concepts in different presentation modalities. Computers & Education, 74, 61-72. (SSCI, 2014 IF: 2.556)
Wu, J.-Y. (2014). Gender differences in online reading engagement, metacognitive strategies, navigation skills and reading literacy. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 30(3), 252-271. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12054 (SSCI, 2014 IF: 1.360)
Wu, J.-Y.*, Kwok, O. & Wilson, V. (2014). Using design-based latent growth curve modeling with cluster-level predictors to address dependency. Journal of Experimental Education, 82(4), 431–454. doi:10.1080/00220973.2013.876226 (SSCI, 2014 IF: 1.087)
Clemens, N. H., Shapiro, E. S., Wu, J.-Y., Taylor, A., & Caskie, G. L. (2014). Monitoring early first-grade reading progress: A comparison of two measures. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 47(3), 254-270. doi: 10.1177/0022219412454455 (SSCI, 2014 IF: 1.901)
Lee, Y. & Wu, J.-Y.* (2013). The indirect effects of online social entertainment and information seeking activities on knowledge of metacognitive strategies and reading literacy. Computers & Education, 67, 168-177. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2013.03.001 (SSCI&SCIE, 2013 IF: 2.630)
Lee, Y., Waxman, H. C., Wu, J., Michko, G. M., & Lin, G. (2013). Revisit the effect of teaching and learning with technology. Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 133-146. (SSCI, 2013 IF: 0.824)
Spilt, J., Hughes, J. N., Wu, J., & Kwok, O. (2012). Dynamics of teacher-student relationships: Stability and change across elementary school and the influence on children’s academic success. Child Development, 83(4), 1180–1195. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2012.01761.x.(SSCI, 2012 IF: 4.915)
Lee, Y., & Wu, J.*(2012). The effect of individual differences in the inner and outer states of ICT on engagement in online reading activities and PISA 2009 reading literacy: Exploring the relationship between the old and new reading literacy. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(3), 336-342. doi:10.1016/j.lindif.2012.01.007. (SSCI, 2012 IF: 1.507)
Hughes, J. N.*, Wu, J., Kwok, O., Villarreal, V. & Johnson, A. Y. (2012). Indirect effects of child reports of teacher-student relationship on achievement. Journal of Educational Psychology, 104(2), 350-365. doi:10.1037/a0026339 (SSCI, 2012 IF: 3.158)
Wu, J.*, & Kwok, O.* (2012). Using structural equation modeling to analyze complex survey data: A comparison between design-based single-level and model-based multi-level approaches. Structural Equation Modeling-A Multidisciplinary Journal, 19(1), 16–35. doi:10.1080/10705511.2012.634703. (SCI/SSCI, 2012 IF: 4.242)
Wu, J.*, Hughes, J. N., & Kwok, O. (2010). Teacher-student relationship quality type in elementary grades: Effects on trajectories for achievement and engagement. Journal of School Psychology, 48(5), 357-387. doi: 10.1016/j.jsp.2010.06.004. (SSCI, 2010 IF: 2.680)
Zhang, D.*, Willson, V., Katsiyannis, A., Barrett, D. E., Ju, S., & Wu, J.(2010). Truancy offenders in the juvenile justice system: A multi-cohort replication study. Behavioral Disorders, 35(3), 229-242.(SSCI, 2010 IF: 0.684)
Books/Book Chapters
吳俊育, 粘美玟†, & 程姿螢†. (2020). 百川學子引領自學新潮流. In 王蒞君 & 劉奕蘭 (Eds.), 化鏡為窗:大數據分析強化大學競爭力 (1st ed.). 國立交通大學出版社. https://www.books.com.tw/products/001085707
Kwok, O., Cheung, M. W.-L., Jak, S., Ryu, E., & Wu, J.-Y. (2019) Recent advancements in structural equation modeling (SEM): From both methodological and application perspectives. Quantitative Psychology and Measurement. Frontiers in Psychology.
Wu, J. Y. (2017). Findings and implications of students’ ICT questionnaire. In H.-C. She & H. Lin (Eds.), Taiwan Student Performance on PISA 2015 (1st ed., pp. 287–332).
Wu, J. Y., & Willson, V. (2010). Expected value. In N. Salkind (Ed.), Encyclopedia of research design. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
NCTU, Taiwan | Evaluation of the Baichuan bachelor entrance program: learning effectiveness, course satisfaction, life adjustment and teacher-student relationship quality – the first phase. 百川學位學程之實施評鑑:學習成效、學程滿意度、生活適應與師生關係統合分析-第一期計畫 2018/10/01~2019/01/31 |
PI |
MOE. Taiwan | Teaching Practice Grant: Through the training of this Advanced Statistics course, you can analyze the data with less anxiety: Integrating the innovative instruction technology and social media to enhance the active and smart learning of analytics literacy, 教學實踐計畫:修完這門高等統計,讓您分析資料不再焦慮破表:整合創新科技與社群媒體之混合互動教學以增進研究生之主動與智慧學習分析素養 2018/08/01~2019/07/31 |
PI |
MOST, Taiwan |
Research on the Theory of Meta-Attention within the Personal Learning Environment Premised on Social Media 105-2511-S-009 -009 -MY3 2016/08/01~2019/07/31 |
PI |
MOST, Taiwan |
Multilevel Higher-Order Latent Mediation Effect Modeling: A Methodological-Substantial Synergy Using Developmental Theory to Explore the Possibility of Higher-Order Interaction between Teacher-Student Relationship Quality and Related Constructs in Taiwan 104-2628-H-009 -001 -SS3 2015/08/01~2018/07/31 |
PI |
MOST &MOE, Taiwan |
Taiwan PISA 2015 2012/09/01~2017/07/31 |
Co-PI |
MOST, Taiwan |
Establishing the theoretical, developmental, and evaluative foundation on the theory of Meta-Attention through online learning and online social activities 103-2511-S-009 -007 2014/08/01~ 2015/07/31 |
PI |
MOST, Taiwan |
Issues of Conditioned Multilevel Latent Growth Curve Modeling: Examining the Effect of Ignoring Dependency in Complex Survey Longitudinal Data and Exploring the Possibility of Cross-Level Interaction Term NSC-101-2628-H-009-003-MY3 2012/08/01~2015/07/31 |
PI |
MOST, Taiwan |
Examining the risk factors for low-achieving junior high school students: a prospective study to address the issue of students at risk of academic failure NSC-100-2410-H-009-057 2011/08/01~2012/07/31 |
PI |
MOST, Taiwan |
Testing the Effectiveness of Three Modeling Approaches in Addressing Data Dependency with Empirical Data under Structural Equation Modeling Framework NSC-100-2410-H-009-002 2011/1/1 ~ 2011/9/30 |
PI |
Honors & Awards
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
2016 |
2015 |
2014 |
2013 |
2012 |
2011 |
- Ph. D. in Progress as Chair
- Weng, Min-Chieh (翁敏傑) (Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2017 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Yan-Ling Lai (賴彥伶)(Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2022 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Yi-Chen Juan (阮以箴)(Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2023 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Sunny Shi(史安晴)(Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2023 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- Ph. D. Completed as Chair
- Liao, Chen-Hsuan(廖晨瑄) (Ph.D. in EPSY, 08/2019 ~02/2023), NYCU, Taiwan
- M.S. in Progress as Chair
- (林婉暄) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2019 ~), NCTU, Taiwan
- (鍾欣蓉) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2019 ~), NCTU, Taiwan
- (許員韶) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2020 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (毛泑棠) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2020 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (賴品君) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2020 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (阮以箴) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2021 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- (王鈞亞) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2021 ~), NYCU, Taiwan
- M.S. Completed as Chair
- Peng, Ya-Chun (彭雅君) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2010 ~ 08/2012), NCTU, Taiwan
– Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society - Wu, Suei-Ching (吳穗晴) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2011 ~ 08/2012), NCTU, Taiwan
- Cheng, Tzu-Ying (程姿螢) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2011 ~ 06/2013), NCTU, Taiwan
- Huang, Li-Chen (黃麗蓁) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~06/2014), NCTU, Taiwan
- Li, Shin (李欣) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~08/2014), NCTU, Taiwan
- Chung, Pei-Chih (鍾佩芝) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~08/2014), NCTU, Taiwan
- Tseng, Hsiang-Chun (曾湘淳) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2012 ~01/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Wang, Ling-Ling (王羚綾) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2013 ~08/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Xie, Chen (謝 忱)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2013 ~09/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Kao, Shih-Hui (高詩惠)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2013 ~09/2015), NCTU, Taiwan
- Chiou, Hao-En (邱浩恩)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2014 ~04/2017), NCTU, Taiwan
- Hsiao, Yi-Cheng (蕭義橙)(M.S. in EPSY, 08/2015 ~12/2017), NCTU, Taiwan
- Nian, Mei-Wen (粘美玟) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2016~08/2018), NCTU, Taiwan
– Academic Excellence Award (top 5% in the class of 30 classmates)
– Member of The Phi Tau Phi Scholastic Honor Society - Hsu, Yu-Ching (徐于晴) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2017 ~07/2019), NCTU, Taiwan
- Hung, Hsiao- Ching (洪筱晴) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2016~08/2020), NCTU, Taiwan
- (皇甫承佑) (M.S. in EPSY, 02/2019 ~12/2020), NCTU, Taiwan
- Yang, Chang-Hsuan (楊昌軒) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2017 ~01/2021), NCTU, Taiwan
– Academic Excellence Award (top 5% in the class of 30 classmates) - Su, Hong-Kai (蘇弘愷) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2017 ~02/2022), NYCU, Taiwan
- Peng, Ya-Chun (彭雅君) (M.S. in EPSY, 08/2010 ~ 08/2012), NCTU, Taiwan