為避免影響未來課程進行,請尚未取得相關證明的同學,尤其是113學年度修讀進階科學課程與探究教學,或 修習教育所科教組丙組課程或研究,因而需要借用HA218進行實驗者),詳見以下研習時間說明,並盡早安排參加研習。
各位承辦 大家好
3.證書發放:各項教育訓練於課程結束後舉辦測驗,合格成績為 70 分即發予合格證書,未達合格者在請重新補上課程後再補考。考試成績將於課後 1 個月內完成(將公告系統最新消息),請學員自行上實驗室環安管理系統(https://lms.cesh.nycu.edu.tw/)查看成績與列印證書(路徑:首頁/教育訓練/我的學習課程/列印)。
項次 Item | 課程名稱 Courses | 主要受訓對象
Main training object |
受訓時數(小時) hour | 開課
日期/時間 Date/ time |
Location |
報名時間起迄 Registration time |
A | 一般安全衛生教育訓練 Laboratory Safety and Health Education and Training | 本校實驗室新進人員及受訓已滿三年之實驗室人員(含研究助理、碩博士生、博士後研究人員及大學部專題生)。 New staff in the laboratory and laboratory personnel who have been trained for three years (including research assistant, master doctors, postdoctoral researchers, and university students). | 3 | 中文:
113.8.21(三) 09:00-12:00 英文: 113.08.27(二) 09:00-12:00 Chinese: August 21, 113 (Wed) 09:00-12:00 English: August 27, 113 (Tue) 09:00-12:00 |
ChineseVenue: Grand Auditorium 英文場:田家炳光電大樓 103階梯教室 English Venue: Tin Ka-Ping Photonics Building 103 amphitheatre |
上課前三天止 From July 15, 113 onwards Registration deadline: Three days before the class starts |
B | 危害通識教育訓練 Chemical Hazards General Education Training | 第1項受訓對象中,如需使用化學品(含毒化物)者,除一般安全衛生教育訓練,務必再參加危害通識課程。
In the first training object, if you need to use chemicals (toxic substances), in addition to general safety and health education and training, you must participate in Chemical Hazards general education course. |
3 | 中文:
113.8.21(三) 13:30-16:30 英文: 113.08.27(二) 13:30-16:30
Chinese: August 21, 113 (Wed) 13:30-16:30 English: August 27, 113 (Tue) 13:30-16:30 |
Chinese Venue: Grand Auditorium
英文場:田家炳光電大樓 103階梯教室 English Venue: Tin Ka-Ping Photonics Building 103 amphitheatre |
上課前三天止 From July 15, 113 onwards Registration deadline: Three days before the class starts |
C | 游離輻射防護教育訓練 Radiation Protection Safety Training Course | 1. 預使用(操作)校內各項游離輻射物質(如kr-85)或設備(X光機、電子束曝光機)之人員,新生或未取得校內外輻射操作訓練證明者(有效期間為5年)需參訓。
2. 領有18小時操作人員或36小時輻安證書者需參訓。 1.Personnel who are expected to handle various ionizing radiation materials (such as kr-85) or equipment (X-ray machines, electron beam exposure machines) on campus, including new staff or individuals who have not obtained valid proof of radiation operation training (valid for 5 years), must attend the training. 2.Those who possess an 18-hour operator certificate or a 36-hour radiation safety certificate must also attend the training. |
3 | 中文一:
113.09.10(二) 13:30-16:30 中文二: 113.09.13(五) 13:30-16:30 英文: 113.09.12(四) 13:30-16:30 Chinese 1: September 10, 113 (Tue) 13:30-16:30 Chinese 2: September 13, 113 (Fri) 13:30-16:30 English: September 12, 113 (Thu) 13:30-16:30
Chinese Venue: Hao-Ran International Conference Hall A (Library B1) 英文場:浩然圖書資訊中心B1國際會議廳 English Venue: Hao-Ran International Conference Hall A (Library B1) |
上課前一天12:00止 From July 15, 113 onwards Until one day before the class starts at 12:00 PM. |
D | 實驗室生物安全與生物保全教育訓練 Biosafety & Biosecurity Training Course | 校內進行各項生物實驗之人員,新進人員與現職人員皆需受訓(新生與舊生受訓時數不同)。
All personnel involved in various biological experiments on campus, including new and current staff, must undergo training (with different training hours for new and current staff). |
New staff:8 hours Current staff:4 hours |
113.08.19~20(一、二) 13:00-17:00 Chinese Venue (New Staff): 2 days required August 19~20, 113 (Mon、Tue) 13:00-17:00 中文場(現職): 113.08.26(一) 13:00-17:00 Chinese Venue (Current Staff): August 26, 113 (Mon) 13:00-17:00 英文場(新進):需上兩日 113.11.28~29(四、五) 13:00-17:00 English Venue (New Staff): 2 days required November 28~29, 113 (Thu、Fri) 13:00-17:00 英文場(現職): 113.11.29(五) 13:00-17:00 English Venue (Current Staff): November 29, 113 (Fri) 13:00-17:00 |
中文場(新進) 113.08.19~20:電子與資訊研究中心1樓國際會議廳
Chinese Venue (New Staff) on August 19 and 20: International Conference Center, Microelectronics and Information Research Center 中文場(現職) 113.08.26:浩然圖書資訊中心B1國際會議廳 Chinese Venue (Current Staff) on August 26: Hao-Ran International Conference Hall A (Library B1) 英文場:113.11.28~29:浩然圖書資訊中心B1國際會議廳 English Venue on November 28 and 29: Hao-Ran International Conference Hall A (Library B1) |
上課前一天12:00止 From July 15, 113 onwards Until one day before the class starts at 12:00 PM. |
備註:課程分類 A 的為必修課程,所有人員都需要受訓,課程分類 B、C 及 D 為選修課程,可依據本身的工作性質或實驗場所選擇課程,但一定要搭配 A 必修課程。Note: Category A courses are mandatory for all personnel, and everyone needs to undergo training. Category B, C, and D courses are elective, and participants can choose based on their job nature or experimental settings, but they must be accompanied by the mandatory Category A course.
敬祝 順心 ^^
National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
Center of Environmental Protection & Safety & Health